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12 votes
2 answers

Scala extractors - skip unused parameters

given following code: abstract class MyTuple ... case class MySeptet(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int, e: Int, f: Int, g: Int) extends MyTuple case class MyOctet(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int, e: ...
vucalur's user avatar
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Replacing case class inheritance with extractors preserving exhaustiveness checks in Scala

I have a simple class hierarchy that represents a graph-like structure with several distinct types of vertexes implemented using case classes: sealed trait Node sealed abstract case class Vertex ...
Ivan Poliakov's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Modeling with Scala case class

I'm attempting to model responses from REST APIs as case classes which I can use pattern matching on. I thought it would be a good fit assuming inheritance, but I see that this is deprecated. I know ...
7zark7's user avatar
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Difference between home made extractor and case class extractor

According to the scala specification, the extractor built by case classes is the following (scala specification §5.3.2): def unapply[tps](x: c[tps]) = if (x eq null) scala.None else scala.Some(x....
Nicolas's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I write a scala extractor for a case class with default parameters?

I have the following case class with a default parameter and I'm wondering how I can write an unapply method so that I can just extract the first two parameters. I hope the code below is clear. case ...
Jeff Wu's user avatar
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Why and how to migrate case class to extractor in Scala

In the Programming in Scala discussion on when to use case classes and when extractors, they say Extractors break [the] link between data representations and patterns ... This property is called ...
joel's user avatar
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How to match multiple case classes and extract same (-named) arguments?

Consider the following contrived example of implementing a unary & binary operations on real number expressions. abstract class DoubleE case class Negate(x: DoubleE) extends DoubleE case class ...
eold's user avatar
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Scala - restricting access to generic case classes

If I want a case class that cannot be manually constructed from outside a package, standard way would be something like this: case class Foo private[p](a:A,b:B) object Foo{ def apply(c:C) = { ...
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