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OutOfMemory on custom extractor

I have stitched a lot of small XML files into one file, and then made a custom extractor to return rows with one byte array that corresponds to each file. Run on remote/master Run it for one file (...
Anders's user avatar
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How to extract a file having varbinary column in u-sql script using default Extractor?

I have to Extract the varbinary column in a file. When I tried to extract it with byte[]. It show the error "Conversion Error. Column having invalid characters". U-SQL Script: EXTRACT Id int?,...
Arron's user avatar
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U-SQL extracting files complete contents (extracting full source code from html files)

I've got a bunch of HTML files in my Data Lake Store and would like to get their full source code into a table (just one column with the code from all the files, the output format is not relevant to ...
Friedrich Staufenbiel's user avatar