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35 votes
5 answers

python numpy euclidean distance calculation between matrices of row vectors

I am new to Numpy and I would like to ask you how to calculate euclidean distance between points stored in a vector. Let's assume that we have a numpy.array each row is a vector and a single numpy....
pacodelumberg's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

Multidimensional Euclidean Distance in Python

I want to calculate the Euclidean distance in multiple dimensions (24 dimensions) between 2 arrays. I'm using numpy-Scipy. Here is my code: import numpy,scipy; A=numpy.array([116.629, 7192.6, 4535....
garak's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Compute Euclidean distance between rows of two pandas dataframes

I have two pandas dataframes d1 and d2 that look like these: d1 looks like: output value1 value2 value2 1 100 103 87 1 201 97.5 88.9 1 ...
j1897's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Minimize total distance between two sets of points in Python

Given two sets of points in n-dimensional space, how can one map points from one set to the other, such that each point is only used once and the total euclidean distance between the pairs of points ...
Keith Hughitt's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Euclidean distance with weights

I am currently using SciPy to calculate the euclidean distance dis = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(A,B) where; A, B are 5-dimension bit vectors. It works fine now, but if I add weights for each ...
Maggie's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Find minimum distances between groups of points in 2D (fast and not too memory consuming)

I have two sets of points in 2D A and B and I need to find the minimum distance for each point in A, to a point in B. So far I've been using SciPy's cdist with the code below import numpy as np from ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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8 votes
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Clustering in python(scipy) with space and time variables

The format of my dataset: [x-coordinate, y-coordinate, hour] with hour an integer value from 0 to 23. My question now is how can I cluster this data when I need an euclidean distance metric for the ...
user2768102's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Calculating euclidean distance between consecutive points of an array with numpy

I have an array which describes a polyline (ordered list of connected straight segments) as follows: points = ((0,0), (1,2), (3,4), (6,5), (10,3), (...
heltonbiker's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Euclidean distance, different results between Scipy, pure Python, and Java

I was playing around with different implementations of the Euclidean distance metric and I noticed that I get different results for Scipy, pure Python, and Java. Here's how I compute the distance ...
Silas Berger's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Sum of distances from a point to all other points

I have two lists available_points = [[2,3], [4,5], [1,2], [6,8], [5,9], [51,35]] and solution = [[3,5], [2,1]] I'm trying to pop a point in available_points and append it to solution for which ...
jfran's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Vectorize mask of squared euclidean distance in Python

I'm running code to generate a mask of locations in B closer than some distance D to locations in A. N = [[0 for j in range(length_B)] for i in range(length_A)] dSquared = D*D for i in range(...
ToneDaBass's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to implement callable distance metric in scikit-learn?

I'm using the clustering module in python's scikit learn, and I'd like to use a Normalized Euclidean Distance. There is no built-in distance for this (that i know of) Here's a list. So, I want to ...
makansij's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Fastest way to Calculate the Euclidian distance between 2 sets of vectors using numpy or scipy

OK I have recently discovered that the the scipy.spatial.distance.cdist command is very quick for solving a COMPLETE distance matrix between two vector arrays for source and destination. see: How can ...
SoulNibbler's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

In Numpy, find Euclidean distance between each pair from two arrays

I have two arrays of 2D coordinate points (x,y) a = [ (x1,y1), (x2,y2), ... (xN,yN) ] b = [ (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), ... (XN,YN) ] How can I find the Euclidean distances between each aligned pairs (xi,yi) ...
LWZ's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Find distance to nearest neighbor in 2d array

I have a 2D array and I want to find for each (x, y) point the distance to its nearest neighbor as fast as possible. I can do this using scipy.spatial.distance.cdist: import numpy as np from scipy....
Gabriel's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Calculate euclidean distance between groups in a data frame

I have weekly data for various stores in the following form: pd.DataFrame({'Store':['S1', 'S1', 'S1', 'S2','S2','S2','S3','S3','S3'], 'Week':[1, 2, 3,1,2,3,1,2,3], 'Sales' :...
bakas's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Minimal edge-to-edge euclidean distance between labeled components in numpy array

I have a number of distinct forms in large numpy arrays and I want to calculate the edge-to-edge euclidean distance between them using numpy and scipy. Note: I did a search and this is different ...
Curlew's user avatar
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fastest way to find euclidean distance in python

I have 2 sets of 2D points (A and B), each set have about 540 points. I need to find the points in set B that are farther than a defined distance alpha from all the points in A. I have a solution, ...
api55's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Creating a 2-dimensional Numpy array with the euclidean distance from the center

I'm trying to create a 2-dimensional array in Scipy/Numpy where each value represents the euclidean distance from the center. It's supposed to have the same shape as the first two dimensions of a 3-...
j.koch's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the most efficient way to compute the square euclidean distance between N samples and clusters centroids?

I am looking for an efficient way (no for loops) to compute the euclidean distance between a set of samples and a set of clusters centroids. Example: import numpy as np X = np.array([[1,2,3],[1, 1, ...
Knowledge is power's user avatar
3 votes
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Finding distance between elements of two different list

The code below finds the Euclidean distance between each element of list a and each element of list b. from scipy.spatial import distance a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] b = [[10, 20]] Final_distance = []...
An student's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to calculate the euclidean distance in Python without fixed-dimension?

I intend to calculate the euclidean distance between two sets of big data. I've googled that the module called SciPy will do the work, whose mechanism is via k-d tree. But I don't have fixed ...
Judking's user avatar
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Calculating pairwise spatial distances in periodic 2D lattice

I've been searching in vain for a solution to compute spatial distances between discrete, equidistant square sites on a lattice of periodic/wrapped edges. For example, setting adjacent sites to be 2 ...
neither-nor's user avatar
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Calculate average weighted euclidean distance between values in numpy

I searched a bit around and found comparable questions/answers, but none of them returned the correct results for me. Situation: I have an array with a number of clumps of values == 1, while the rest ...
Curlew's user avatar
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Euclidean Distance between Scipy Sparse Matrix and Sparse Vector

I am working on a KNN algorithm for a university assignment and at the moment I'm working on finding the Euclidean distance between each of the training vectors stored as a Scipy lil_matrix (due to ...
Lincoln's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Efficiently updating distance between points

I have a data set that has n rows (observations) and p columns (features): import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform p = 3 n = 5 xOld = np.random.rand(n * p).reshape([n, ...
ahoosh's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Euclidean distances (python3, sklearn): efficiently compute closest pairs and their corresponding distances

I'm given a 2-D numpy array X consisting of floating values and need to compute the euclidean distances between all pairs of rows, then compute the top k row indices with the smallest distances and ...
user3280193's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Vectorizing euclidean distance computation - NumPy

my question regards the vectorization of my code. I have one array that holds 3D-coordinates and one array that holds the information of edges that connect the coordinates: In [8]:coords Out[8]: ...
Ozzycalifornia's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a better and faster way to convert from Scipy condensed distance matrix to a Scipy sparse distance matrix under a threshold

I'm trying to calculate the euclidean distance between n-dimensional points, and then get a sparse distance matrix of all points where the distance is under a set threshold. I've already got a ...
Ewan Gilligan's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Numpy distance calculations of different shaped arrays

Not sure I titled this well, but basically I have a reference coordinate, in the format of (x,y,z), and a large list/array of coordinates also in that format. I need to get the euclidean distance ...
Will's user avatar
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3 answers

Find all shortest Euclidean distances between two groups of point coordinates

I have a Pandas DataFrame, where columns X1, Y1 have point coordinates for the first group of coordinates and columns X2, Y2 have point coordinates for the second group of coordinates. Both groups are ...
Dimon's user avatar
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1 answer

numpy.linalg.norm VS scipy cdist for L2 norm

Very in advance apologies for my basic question! Given: a = np.random.rand(6, 3) b = np.random.rand(6, 3) Using scipy.spatial.distance.cdist and d = cdist(a, b, 'euclidean'), results in: [[0....
doplano's user avatar
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2 answers

Get indices of results from scipy.pdist(myArray,metric="jaccard") to map back to original array?

I am trying to calculate jaccard similarity y= 1 - scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(X,metric="jaccard") X is a m x n matrix and I get a 1-D array of size m choose 2 as a result of this function. How ...
anonuser0428's user avatar
1 vote
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Determining the average euclidean distance between neighbouring points in dataset

I would like to compute the average euclidean distance in a 2D dataset (xCoords , yCoords) but only between neighbouring points. As an example: xCoords = [[16.8742 10.7265 30.0538 10.4524 12.6483 15....
PhilE's user avatar
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Apply euclidean distance function with null values - Scipy

I've got this function from a separate question: How to apply euclidean distance function to a groupby object in pandas dataframe?. The following function measures the distance between objects grouped ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Get Index of data point in training set with shortest distance to input matrix with Numpy

I would like to build a function npbatch(U,X) which compares data points in an input matrix (U) with data points in a training matrix (X) and gets me the index of X with the shortest euclidean ...
Alex Müller's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there any difference of precision in python methods to calculate euclidean distance?

I am calculating euclidean distance array by array in a numpy array. I was using np.linalg.norm(v1-v2) to this. Since I was planning to use other distance measures I changed that to scipy.spatial....
Alessandro's user avatar
1 vote
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Find closest point to another point with NumPy and/or SciPy quickly [duplicate]

I want to know the fastest way in python to calculate the closest point in a list of points to my point. There is already this question, but it does not consider performance and there are the ...
noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ's user avatar
1 vote
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Python: Reshaping arrays and lists

I have a numpy ndarray object with the following shape: (3, 256, 170, 256). So, basically this represents an array of 3-dimensional vectors. The dimension of the vector is the first element as it ...
Luca's user avatar
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2 answers

Cluster Analysis: Problem finding Euclidean distances of centroids in a dataframe from origin

The 7 columns for each row in df_centroids show the coordinates in a 7 dimensional space. import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy df_centroids 0 1 2 ...
forever_learner's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Eucledian distance matrix between two matrices

I have the following function that calculates the eucledian distance between all combinations of the vectors in Matrix A and Matrix B def distance_matrix(A,B): n=A.shape[1] m=B.shape[1] C=...
jan-seins's user avatar
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Least Squares Linear Programming with inequalities

I am using Numpy np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=-1) to solve a system of equations with an approximate solution via the Least Squares method. However I realised the approximate solution contains negative ...
TPPZ's user avatar
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are numpy record/structure arrays restricted to containing numpy voids?

I have a complicated set of data that I have to do distance calculations on. Each record in the data set contains many different data types so a record array or structured array appears to be the way ...
b10hazard's user avatar
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How to change how distance is calculated in a scipy distance matrix?

I have the following dataframe (df): x y 0 50 50 1 18 83 2 6 21 3 30 13 4 44 29 5 81 68 which corresponds to the x and y coordinates of 6 points. I am using scipy's distance_matrix ...
Yannis_Tr's user avatar
0 votes
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Alternative (python) to calculate distance between all points at two different sets

I have two different bunches of points: set_1 and set_2. Using python, I want to calculate all distances from points at set_1 to points at set_2. Poins are 1dimension arrays: point_1=np.array([x1,y1,...
PabloG's user avatar
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2 answers

Argmin with the Euclidean distance condition

In Python, I have a vector v of 300 elements and an array arr of 20k 300-dimensional vectors. How do I get quickly the indices of the k closest elements to v from the array arr?
ksaapf's user avatar
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Euclidean distance and indicator from a large dataframe

I have a large Dataframe (189090, 8), I need to calculate Euclidean distance and the similarity. My approach: from scipy.spatial import KDTree from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist scaler = ...
Murilo Barbosa's user avatar
0 votes
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Scipy.spatial.distance does not work when imported as normal

I am trying to calculate the euclidean distance between two points in my Python code. However, when I import scipy.spatial in the following way: from scipy.spatial import distance and when I call: ...
Mario Garabetov's user avatar
0 votes
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scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean and scipy.spatial.- distance_matrix not returning the same result

I was using agglomerative clustering technique to cluster a vehicle dataset. I used two methods to calculate the distance matrix, one was using scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean and other using scipy....
Himanshu Poddar's user avatar
0 votes
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Python - Issue with the dimension of array in cdist function

I am trying to find the right number of cluster for k-means and using the cdist function for this. I can understand the argument for cdist should be of same dimension. I tried printing the size of ...
Shivam Agrawal's user avatar