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12 votes
3 answers

OpenCV euclidean distance between two vectors

I want to calculate the euclidean distance between two vectors (or two Matrx rows, doesn't matter). Is there a good function for that in OpenCV?
farahm's user avatar
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2 answers

How to find the euclidian distance between the centroid of an object in one frame and the adjacent frame

We are doing a project in vehicle counting (using OpenCV). Now we have to find the euclidian distance from the centroid of the object in one frame to the adjacent frame? In our project we have done up ...
user1244643's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Pass coordinates of 2D Numpy pixel array to distance function

I'm working on an image processing program with OpenCV and numpy. For most pixel operations, I'm able to avoid nested for loops by using np.vectorize(), but one of the functions I need to implement ...
xShirase's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Similarity Measurement between Color Image (OpenCV)

I'm working with a CBIR (Content-based Image Retrieval) project which will draw RGB histogram of images and also calculate the distance between other images with query image. I'm using VS 2008 - MFC ...
iry's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Calculate distance between two descriptors

I'm trying to calculate the distance (Euclidean or hamming) between two descriptors already calculated. The problem is I don't want to use a matcher, I just want to calculate the distance between two ...
zedv's user avatar
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Substitute function of bwdist in C++

I am implementing a code of Matlab in C++. In Matlab they have used bwdist to calculate the euclidean distance. I am using the function distanceTransform to get the same result as in Matlab, but the ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calculate distance between two person using python opencv?

I am working on a project where I have to calculate the distance between the detected persons in live video feed. To do this I am following the below pipeline: 1. Detect person using MobilenetSSD ...
S Andrew's user avatar
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0 answers

Find top five similar image using cosine similarity

I have a feature list of images with length n. feature_list -> [array[img1], array[img2]....n] I can find top 5 using sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors. by following neighbors = NearestNeighbors(...
siam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

comparing two Binary images in opencv

I have two binary images of hand which are almost same.How should I compare them to know whether they represent almost same shape or not.I have tried finding euclidean distance between two images but ...
madhu chary's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

image retrieval from its values(euclidean distance) in python opencv

I'm looking for a bit of assistance. I have calculated the euclidean distance and sorted too. Now I have to fetch the images having least euclidean distance! And I have no idea how it can be done. ...
varsha_holla's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

The distance from center of the binary image to the furthest point of the contour [closed]

The main idea is to find the furthest point coordinates of the contour from the center of the image in Python. Normally it is possible to find the extreme points of the contour using findcontours and ...
Miro's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Finding distance between skeleton and boundary using openCV python

I am trying to find maximum width of a curve using openCV in python. I used canny edge detector to get the boundaries of the curve. I have then managed to create a skeleton between them as shown by ...
Eshant 's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Distance chessboard / camera

I'm estimating the distance using a chessboard and solvePnP function from openCV. I heard that to have the more accurate distance, I shouldn't have the chessboard parallel to the image plan because ...
Ja_cpp's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue with OpenCV Warp perspective and euclidean distance

My program uses a C# port of OpenCV to find the largest rectangle in the scene and warps the perspective. It almost works, but has one very annoying bug that I just can't figure out. Using it on a ...
Trench Warfare's user avatar
1 vote
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calculating euclidean distance for Luv values between 2 pixels

In opencv c++ I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the euclidean distance between point i,j and all points within a 3x3 kernel. This is to create a contrast map of saliency from the Luv color ...
Zypps987's user avatar
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2 answers

How to calculate the Euclidean distance in a canny image

I have a black line and purple lines. I want to calculate the distance between each purple pixel points in the canny image and the closest black line in the most efficient and fastest way. How can I ...
mehmetgenc's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to find the distance(physical in m and pixels) between two object(points) in image in OpenCV and C+++?

Im using OpenCV and C++. I have already done the code where can find the center of the object. I also have the prior information about the distance between the camera and object(s) in the image. I ...
bob's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calculate euclidean distance between two ndarrays in Python OpenCV

I am trying to calculate the euclidean distance between two images. For this I am first getting the 128d array of the image and then using cv2.norm() to get the distance. Below is the code: embedder =...
S Andrew's user avatar
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1 answer

How to do face recognition using euclidean distance in python

I have a project where I need to include face recognition in it. I am referring to this article. This article is using open-face to get the face embeddings and its saving all the embeddings in a ...
S Andrew's user avatar
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why 'module' object is not callable in python opencv?

I have two modules, and I'm importing 1 elements/objects from each module(program), and i am assigning it to some other variables, but still i am getting this error. my code is: from CBIR import ...
varsha_holla's user avatar
0 votes
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finding distance between two object of an image with euclidean distance and opencv

here i have a code from pyimagesearch with result like the question is, how to finding the distance from only one countur point to other tl,tr,bl,br in other objects i'm try to edit from the code to ...
Dewa Nyoman Suartama Ariawan's user avatar
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0 answers

i want to calculate euclidean distance to generate the seedmaps for watershed of neural cells but got ValueError: XA must be a 2-dimensional array

while finding the euclidean distance to generate the seeds for watershed, I got an error XA must be a two dimensional array. I applied many things suggested on stack overflow but couldn't solved this ...
bahadur ali's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to calculate real-time distance of an object in a image w/o reference objects?

I have a picture of human eye taken roughly 10cm away using a mobile phone(no specifications regarding the camera). After some detection and contouring, I got 113px as the Euclidean distance between ...
Sivadithiyan's user avatar
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Normalize euclidean distance eigenfaces recognition method

I'm training a model with the following function and the following recognition method resized_test_img = 'a.jpg' label, confidence = eigenfaces_recognizer.predict(resized_test_img) the output of the ...
mtpog093's user avatar
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0 answers

how to find the nearest coordinate between two lines on canny image

come from this post How to calculate the Euclidean distance in a canny image I wonder how to find coordinate of the nearest black pixel?
UAT's user avatar
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Estimate displacement of the template in an image

Basically I'm trying to measure the displacemtent of the template along of the next image. I extract the roi of the image at t0, then I apply matchTemplate function on the image at t1 and finally use ...
Chacho Fuva's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Measuring color difference from an ROI within the image using DeltaE color difference?

I have to read one RGB image then I need to select an ROI After that, I need to measure the colour difference of the ROI from the entire image using simple colour segmentation ( not using HSV image, ...
Shrouti Gangopadhyay's user avatar
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0 answers

Question about SURF descriptor euclid distance

I use c++ opencv(3.4.1) SURF(xfeatures2d) to get keypoints and descriptor. Ptr<SURF> detector1 = SURF::create(800.0); detector1->detect(img1, keypoints_1); detector1->detect(img2, ...
SongDoHou's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Calculating distance between SURF features in OpenCV

I want to be able to get a distance between SURF features in OpenCV. I'm using HDBSCAN to match multiple instance of an object in the image by clustering the features which requires calculating ...
Onalenna Junior Makhura's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Detecting a black/blank frame in video using OpenCV

I'm using OpenCV 2.4.2 VideoCapture class to grab frames from multiple videos and my aim is to compare the frames between videos to retrieve similar videos (visually similar). I'm facing two issues. ...
Uni's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Python - Find the first white pixel and last one in each column

how can i find first and last white pixel in a column of binary image . To i calculate distance between points in image I did but everything is still not resolved , please help me . I have consulted ...
Fianlto's user avatar