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11 votes
2 answers

Find euclidean distance from a point to rows in pandas dataframe

i have a dataframe id lat long 1 12.654 15.50 2 14.364 25.51 3 17.636 32.53 5 12.334 25.84 9 32.224 15.74 I want to find the euclidean distance of these ...
Shubham R's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Calculating pairwise Euclidean distance between all the rows of a dataframe

How can I calculate the Euclidean distance between all the rows of a dataframe? I am trying this code, but it is not working: zero_data = data distance = lambda column1, column2:
Quicklearner.gk's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Distance matrix from two separate data frames

I'd like to create a matrix which contains the euclidean distances of the rows from one data frame versus the rows from another. For example, say I have the following data frames: a <- c(1,2,3,4,5)...
h7681's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

calculating average distance of nearest neighbours in pandas dataframe

I have a set of objects and their positions over time. I would like to get the distance between each car and their nearest neighbour, and calculate an average of this for each time point. An example ...
UserR6's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How to apply euclidean distance function to a groupby object in pandas dataframe?

I have a set of objects and their positions over time. I would like to get the average distance between objects for each time point. An example dataframe is as follows: time = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2] x ...
UserR6's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Distance between two sets of points [duplicate]

So after looking at various Questions asked here on stackoverflow I'm still not able to wrap my head around the dist function in R or maybe even a distance matrix in general. So I have two dataframes ...
the_man_in_black's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Calculate euclidean distance between groups in a data frame

I have weekly data for various stores in the following form: pd.DataFrame({'Store':['S1', 'S1', 'S1', 'S2','S2','S2','S3','S3','S3'], 'Week':[1, 2, 3,1,2,3,1,2,3], 'Sales' :...
bakas's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Pairwise Euclidean distance with pandas ignoring NaNs

I start with a dictionary, which is the way my data was already formatted: import pandas as pd dict2 = {'A': {'a':1.0, 'b':2.0, 'd':4.0}, 'B':{'a':2.0, 'c':2.0, 'd':5.0}, 'C':{'b':1.0,'c':2.0, 'd':4....
Jabernet's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Loop on a data frame with considering the types of the values

I have a large data set of coordinates and I want to calculate the Euclidean distance among them. The sample of that would be like this: df <- data.frame("name" = c("a","b","c","a","e"), "type" = ...
minoo's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to get minimum values in dataframe below a certain threshold?

I have 2 dataframes in pandas containing locational information of cars and trees. df1 x y car 3 216 13 4 218 12 ...
UserR6's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to calculate sum of Euclidean distances from one datapoint to all other datapoints from pandas dataframe?

I have the following pandas dataframe: import pandas as pd import math df = pd.DataFrame() df['x'] = [2, 1, 3] df['y'] = [2, 5, 6] df['weight'] = [11, 12, 13] print(df) x y weight 0 ...
arizamoona's user avatar
2 votes
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pyspark multidimensional scaling

I would like to perform a multidimensional scaling on pyspark DataFrame. I know how to solve my problem using pandas + sklearn, but I am struggling with spark dataframe. Here is the pandas based ...
user1877600's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Compute Euclidian distance in 100 dimensions between many points: how to be fast?

I have a Pandas DataFrame of 2 million entries Each entry is a point in a 100 dimensional space I want to compute the Euclidian distance between the N last points and all the others to find the ...
Vincent's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Finding pairs of latitude and longitude within a certain radius in Python

Given a dataframe df as follows: id location lon lat 0 1 Onyx Spire 116.35425 39.87760 1 2 Unison Lookout 116.44333 39.93237 2 3 ...
ah bon's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Calculate euclidean distance with R

I have data where rows are points and columns are coordinates x,y,z. I'd like to calculate euclidean distance between points in couple, as 3-4, 11-12, 18-19 and so on... for example, I dont' need ...
Nancy's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Calculate mean euclidean distance of multiple columns dataframe r

I have a dataframe that looks like this: df <- data.frame(text = c("text1", "text2", "text3"), a = c(1,2,3), b = c(2,4,6), c = c(3,6,9)) df For each row I ...
Adriaan Nering Bögel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Allocating clusters to data points stored in spark DataFrame

I have two spark DataFrames. schema DataFrame A (stores cluster centroids): cluster_id, dim1_pos, dim2_pos, dim3_pos, ..., dimN_pos schema of DataFrame B (data points): entity_id, dim1_pos, ...
Ayush Soni's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Calculating euclidean distance from a dataframe with several column features

I have a dataframe like below and I need to calculate the euclidean distance. a,b,c,d,e 10,11,13,14,9 11,12,14,15,10 12,13,15,16,11 13,14,16,17,12 14,15,17,18,13 15,16,18,19,14 16,17,19,20,15 17,18,20,...
GKC's user avatar
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1 answer

Find distance between rows in pandas dataframe but with reference to 1 row

In this pandas dataframe: y_train feat1 feat2 0 9.596113 -7.900107 1 -1.384157 2.685313 2 -8.211954 5.214797 How do I go about adding a "distance from Class 0" column at ...
Joe's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

euclidian distance calculation from multiple tables with categorical variables

I have two data frames that looks like this: df1 <- data.frame(geneID=c("gene1","gene2","gene3","gene4", "gene5","...
Olha Kholod's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

euclidean distance between two dataframes

I have two dataframes. For simplicity assume, they each have only one entry +--------------------+ | entry | +----------------...
A.M.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Minimum Euclidean Distance

I have two dataframes (attached image). For each of the given row in Table-1 - Part1 - I need to find the row in Table-2 which gives the minimum Euclidian distance. Output-1 is the expected answer. ...
RPyML's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculate n-dimensional euclidean distance from group centroids for each sample and select the lowest 3 for each group in R

This is two-part question and is pretty complex. First. I want to calculate the 'n'-dimensional euclidean distance between each individual sample in dataframe "ind_scores" and it's respective group ...
Deon Bakkes's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how to calculate Euclidean distance between all rows of a data frame and the last row in r

I have a data frame and would like to calculate the Euclidean distance between all rows and the last row and add the distance value as a new column to data frame using distance function. Do you have ...
say.ff's user avatar
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2 answers

Running the same function multiple times and saving results with different names in workspace

So, I built a function called My goal with this function is to randomly sample the rows of a data.frame (DATA) and then filter it out (DATA.NEW) to analyse it. I want to do it multiple ...
Mohr's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to change how distance is calculated in a scipy distance matrix?

I have the following dataframe (df): x y 0 50 50 1 18 83 2 6 21 3 30 13 4 44 29 5 81 68 which corresponds to the x and y coordinates of 6 points. I am using scipy's distance_matrix ...
Yannis_Tr's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

euclidean distance between two big pandas dataframes

I have three dataframes df1 with 1 160 164 rows and 4 variables,df2 with 11241 rows and 4 variables, and df3 with 1 630 644 rows and 6 variables df1 looks like : df2 looks like : The observations in ...
Cocogne's user avatar
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1 answer

Euclidean distance and indicator from a large dataframe

I have a large Dataframe (189090, 8), I need to calculate Euclidean distance and the similarity. My approach: from scipy.spatial import KDTree from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist scaler = ...
Murilo Barbosa's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Replace a 2D point in one dataframe with a 2D point in another dataframe if the Euclidean between them is the lowest

I have a data frame df1 with two columns V1 and V2 representing two coordinates of a point. df1 V1 V2 1.30344679 0.060199021 1.256628917 0.095897457 0.954959945 0.237514922 1.240081297 0....
vp_050's user avatar
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1 answer

How to apply KMeans to get the centroid using dataframe with multiple features

I am following this detailed KMeans tutorial: which uses dataset with 2 features. But I have a dataframe with 5 ...
GKC's user avatar
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1 answer

Computing values for a column in pandas using other columns

I have a data-frame containing 3 columns: 'longitude', 'latitude', and 'country'. For some longitude and latitudes, the value in the country columns is 'unknown'. Here is an overview of the data-frame:...
Rifly's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to Calculate Euclidean distance from sf data frame points in R

How do I calculate Euclidean distance in km from a spatial point that has been converted from a geometry column into a data frame. (The points are points which were derived from a spatial join of ...
William.G.K's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Pandas: concatenate dataframe with distance matrix

I tried to concatenate two Pandas DataFrames, but it concatenates wrong. Initial dataset looks like: df >>> well qoil cum_oil wct top_perf bot_perf st x ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to apply euclidean distance to dataframe. Calculate each row

Please help me, I have the problem. It's been about 2 weeks but I don't get it yet. So, I want to use "apply" in dataframe, which I got from Alphavantage API. I want to apply euclidean distance to ...
Julius Tanuwijaya's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Given specific lat/lon calculate closest point from csv list of lat/lon

Need help with efficient python code(using pandas) to find which vehicle at what time passed closest to incident_sw =(35.7158, -120.7640). I'm having trouble formulating a Euclidean distance to sort ...
CatLady's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to clustering based on the distance in Python pandas?

I have two dataframes with two groups of stations information. One for the 15 small stations and another for the 5 main stations. Small Station Information(15*3): SmallStation_ID longitude ...
Jiayu Zhang's user avatar