Application Gateway v2 SKU supports the static VIP type exclusively, whereas the V1 SKU can be configured to support static or dynamic internal IP address and dynamic public IP address.
Refer: Application Gateway frontend-ip-addresses
Application Gateway V2 currently does not support only private IP mode. The Azure Application Gateway V2 SKU can be configured to support either both static internal IP address and static public IP address, or only static public IP address. It cannot be configured to support only static internal IP address.
Refer: Application gateway v2 with only private-ip
While deploying using terraform, we should define two frontend_ip_configuration blocks, one is used for public IP configuration, another is used for private IP configuration.
Scenario 1: When trying to create a new application gateway with dynamic private IP and dynamic public IP using terraform it gets created for Standard or V1 SKU only.
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "~> 2.65"
required_version = ">= 0.14.9"
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "test" {
name = "Terraformtest"
location = "West Europe"
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "test" {
name = "terraformvnet"
resource_group_name =
location = azurerm_resource_group.test.location
address_space = [""]
resource "azurerm_subnet" "frontend" {
name = "frontend"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefixes = [""]
resource "azurerm_subnet" "backend" {
name = "backend"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefixes = [""]
resource "azurerm_public_ip" "test" {
name = "test-pip"
resource_group_name =
location = azurerm_resource_group.test.location
allocation_method = "Dynamic"
locals {
backend_address_pool_name = "${}-beap"
frontend_port_name = "${}-feport"
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "${}-feip"
http_setting_name = "${}-be-htst"
listener_name = "${}-httplstn"
request_routing_rule_name = "${}-rqrt"
redirect_configuration_name = "${}-rdrcfg"
resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "network" {
name = "test-appgateway"
resource_group_name = "${}"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.test.location}"
sku {
name = "Standard_Small"
tier = "Standard"
capacity = 2
gateway_ip_configuration {
name = "my-gateway-ip-configuration"
subnet_id = "${}"
frontend_port {
name = "${local.frontend_port_name}"
port = 80
frontend_ip_configuration {
name = "${local.frontend_ip_configuration_name}"
public_ip_address_id = "${}"
frontend_ip_configuration {
name = "${local.frontend_ip_configuration_name}-private"
subnet_id = "${}"
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
backend_address_pool {
name = "${local.backend_address_pool_name}"
backend_http_settings {
name = "${local.http_setting_name}"
cookie_based_affinity = "Disabled"
path = "/path1/"
port = 80
protocol = "Http"
request_timeout = 1
http_listener {
name = "${local.listener_name}"
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "${local.frontend_ip_configuration_name}-private"
frontend_port_name = "${local.frontend_port_name}"
protocol = "Http"
request_routing_rule {
name = "${local.request_routing_rule_name}"
rule_type = "Basic"
http_listener_name = "${local.listener_name}"
backend_address_pool_name = "${local.backend_address_pool_name}"
backend_http_settings_name = "${local.http_setting_name}"
Scenario 2: While creating a Standard V2 we can create a private IP but it doesn’t support dynamic allocation yet so it must be static, and you must mention the IP address you want to use. and to use that you must select standard sku for public IP and static IP address allocation for public as well.

So, after updating private_ip_address_allocation = "Static"
and private_ip_address = ""
it will get created successfully.
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "~> 2.65"
required_version = ">= 0.14.9"
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "test" {
name = "Terraformtest"
location = "West Europe"
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "test" {
name = "terraformvnet"
resource_group_name =
location = azurerm_resource_group.test.location
address_space = [""]
resource "azurerm_subnet" "frontend" {
name = "frontend"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefixes = [""]
resource "azurerm_subnet" "backend" {
name = "backend"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefixes = [""]
resource "azurerm_public_ip" "test" {
name = "test-pip"
resource_group_name =
location = azurerm_resource_group.test.location
allocation_method = "Static"
sku = "Standard"
locals {
backend_address_pool_name = "${}-beap"
frontend_port_name = "${}-feport"
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "${}-feip"
http_setting_name = "${}-be-htst"
listener_name = "${}-httplstn"
request_routing_rule_name = "${}-rqrt"
redirect_configuration_name = "${}-rdrcfg"
resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "network" {
name = "test-appgateway"
resource_group_name = "${}"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.test.location}"
sku {
name = "Standard_v2"
tier = "Standard_v2"
capacity = 2
gateway_ip_configuration {
name = "my-gateway-ip-configuration"
subnet_id = "${}"
frontend_port {
name = "${local.frontend_port_name}"
port = 80
frontend_ip_configuration {
name = "${local.frontend_ip_configuration_name}"
public_ip_address_id = "${}"
frontend_ip_configuration {
name = "${local.frontend_ip_configuration_name}-private"
subnet_id = "${}"
private_ip_address_allocation = "Static"
private_ip_address = ""
backend_address_pool {
name = "${local.backend_address_pool_name}"
backend_http_settings {
name = "${local.http_setting_name}"
cookie_based_affinity = "Disabled"
path = "/path1/"
port = 80
protocol = "Http"
request_timeout = 1
http_listener {
name = "${local.listener_name}"
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "${local.frontend_ip_configuration_name}"
frontend_port_name = "${local.frontend_port_name}"
protocol = "Http"
request_routing_rule {
name = "${local.request_routing_rule_name}"
rule_type = "Basic"
http_listener_name = "${local.listener_name}"
backend_address_pool_name = "${local.backend_address_pool_name}"
backend_http_settings_name = "${local.http_setting_name}"
Note : 2 application gateway cannot use same subnet . So if you are creating a new appgw then you have to create a new subnet.