On My Addroid app I'm trying to add some extra data when I try to start ble advertising, and as I've read, advertise data must be <= 31 bytes.

That's how I do it:

var testData = "abcdefghij"
var data = AdvertiseData.Builder().apply {

In this way everything works well. Now if testData fields become

var testData = "abcdefghijk"

advertising starts to fail due to exceeded advertise data size limit.

If a single char occupies 2 bytes, why if I had a string of 11 characters did I exceed the limit of 30 bytes?

1 Answer 1


Three flag bytes are automatically added first.

A service data packet contains first one byte that tells how long it is, followed by a one byte packet identifier that says that here comes a service data packet. Then you have the payload of the service uuid (16 bytes) followed by your UTF-8-encoded string of 10 bytes.

That sums up to 31 bytes. If you add a 'k' you get 32 bytes and hence the data becomes too long.

  • thank you, i was missing default bytes added automatically.
    – giozh
    Sep 2, 2019 at 15:28

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