Questions tagged [beagleboneblack]

BeagleBone Black is a community-supported development platform for developers and hobbyists.

668 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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50 votes
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Qt5 VideoOverview example does not work. Any solution?

I am stuck for a month with a video example given in Qt Video Overview. I tried that code, but I only got a blank square (QWidget). I am using GStreamer0.10 for media playback over Qt5. I also played ...
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12 votes
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Building gcc on BeagleBone Black fails

Problem I am trying to build a cross compiler on a BeagleBone Black to compile from ARM to x86. The intent of this is to use the low power consuming BeagleBone Black that I had on hand as a build ...
Jason Smith's user avatar
10 votes
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QBackingStore::endPaint() called with active painter on backingstore paint device

I'm following this tutorial for deploy qml to yocto. I'm using beaglebone black not raspberry but i think it is not important. When i ran cmd "./QmlProject" on beaglebone black , I had an error: ...
Đại Ngoc's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Change hearbeat led on beaglebone black with device tree overlay

I am using the Debian wheezy filesystem with Robert Nelson's latest kernel. I want to disable the heartbeat led using a device tree overlay. I understand there are easier ways of doing this but I am ...
Ray's user avatar
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How to remove a CAN message filter from a CAN_RAW socket?

SocketCAN's description says about adding some filters to a socket: struct can_filter rfilter[2]; rfilter[0].can_id = 0x123; rfilter[0].can_mask = CAN_SFF_MASK; rfilter[1].can_id = 0x200; ...
Greenberet's user avatar
4 votes
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Crossbar says 'no callee registered for procedure'

Despite having two nodes connected to a crossbar router on my local network, they aren't seeing each other and the browser console is saying: Browser console: Potentially unhandled rejection [1] {"...
sscirrus's user avatar
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libphy: PHY 4a101000.mdio:01 not found in Beagleboneblack

I am connecting a LCD cap to the beagleboneblack,it was working fine but suddenly I start to have this message [34.197758] libphy: PHY 4a101000.mdio:01 not found [34....
user5324426's user avatar
4 votes
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Writing custom CAN protocol with SocketCAN

I'm trying to write a slightly modified CAN protocol for SocketCAN. The SocketCAN documentation has a short section about this: 5.3 writing own CAN protocol modules To implement a new protocol in ...
RuthSB's user avatar
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Named-pipe/ FIFO on USB Mass Storage Gadget to Stream Audio for Car, Docks etc.

Many devices (cars, TVs, iPod Docks, AVR receivers etc) have the facility to access class compliant USB Mass Storage Devices and play wav files etc. stored upon them. I understand I can use a small ...
Thomas Hood's user avatar
4 votes
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Does beaglebone black support gpu hardware acceleration?

thanks in advance. I'm trying to play video on beaglebone black (BBB) made by Texas Instrument. Since there are a lot of good tutorials about using ffmpeg and SDL, I've decided to use it. Get ...
jopyeable's user avatar
3 votes
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pwm-backlight driver not being probed in u-boot

I'm trying to get my PWM working on a custom am33x board (same beagle-bone black target). For some reason I don't see the pwm-backlight driver being probed and thus no PWM as indicated on my scope. ...
newuser9370479's user avatar
3 votes
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HDMI Splash via Uboot?

HW: BeagleBoneBlack OS: Debian Jessie Kernel: 4.4.30-ti-r64 U-Boot: U-Boot 2016.11-rc3-00002-g73df7f7 (Nov 04 2016 - 15:20:36 -0500) arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Linaro GCC 6.1-2016.08) 6.1.1 20160711 ...
While-E's user avatar
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Unable to export UART channel on Beaglebone

I am trying to program the BeagleBone to communicate with an Arduino over UART. I have my code working flawlessly when I connect via USB, but I need to use the Adafruit BBIO library to access the UART ...
Jordan Lewallen's user avatar
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Understanding Context Switches in Xenomai-Linux POSIX skin

I'm running a RT program on BeagleBone Black with Xenomai and trying to figure how to monitor/understand context switches (I know the concept of context switches) so that I can determine when my ...
am3's user avatar
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Uboot : mount can't find root partition in /etc/fstab

I am on a BeagleBone Black with Debian Jessie 8.5 , so the BBB boots from the eMMc. My goal is to use SPI, but the cape manager was not available so according to RobertCNelson , I have set the ...
RebeCca's user avatar
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D-BUS in BeagleBone Black

My goal: Is to monitor the state of my network interface (mainly wireless) from my firmware (in C) by monitoring the wpa_supplicant through the D-Bus interfaces. I would like to stick with C and low-...
am3's user avatar
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Accurate timer interrupt on the Beagle Bone Black?

I'm going to be running a set of PID control loops on a BBB running a customized Ubuntu image. PID control works best when it is called fairly accurately over the same time period because of the ...
froggy's user avatar
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How to blink two led simultaneously using Beaglebone black PWM pins in python

I am writing a program in python to blink two led simutaneously. For this I am using beaglebone black pwm pins. Earlier I wrote to blink 5 led's one by one which worked fine. Now I am trying to blink ...
Archana Roy's user avatar
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how to cross compile node-gyp for ARM

I create a node application wich need to create from a C program a node module.I used SWIG (Simple wrapper Interface Generator) to do that and I got the node module.The application run successefuly on ...
binding binding's user avatar
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PyBBIO Analog Input: Failure to Load ADC File

While running the PyBBIO examples and I received the following error (I believe 'could' is a typo meant to be 'could not'): Traceback (most recent call last): ...
skrulcik's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to connect to beaglebone black

I've bought beaglebone black last day and tried to connect with it using USB. As i have read it comes with preinstalled Linux Distro which runs at and we can access it using ssh. But i'm ...
Kumar Gaurav's user avatar
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Can't connect to OBD-II device from node-bluetooth-obd

I'm attempting to connect via node.js to an ELM327 Bluetooth OBD-II adapter using Eric Smekens node-bluetooth-obd package, but I'm getting an error I'm not sure how to debug. I am doing this on a ...
tomgersic's user avatar
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2 answers

Image Capture with OpenCV - Select Timeout Error

I would like to save a captured image from my webcam attached BeagleBone Black, however when I run the following code, I get the error: select timeout. #include <iostream> #include <opencv2/...
Amadeus's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I getting an IOError when running this i2c example code on my Beaglebone Black?

Below is the example in the Adafruit SSD1306 Library, for driving OLED display through i2c on a BeagleBone Black. It is giving me an IOError, but I am confused as to what it means. Is the ...
user391339's user avatar
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Low level /Register programming of Ethernet Peripheral on TI's Sitara AM64x

I am using TI's SK AM64x, which has an AM6442 SoC. People who have worked on the Beaglebone family or just TI's Sitara in general, please help. I need help programming the Ethernet Peripheral (CPSW3G) ...
Bubu's user avatar
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sending data to UART driver on BeagleBone from PC via USB serial adapter

I am trying to send data from PC using minicom program to BeagleBone driver via USB serial adapter cp2102. I am using the driver whose code is here. I connect the adapter to bbg this way : serial ...
RaM's user avatar
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Can't find default configuration "arch/arm/configs/bb.org_defconfig"

I am facing issue in creating the configuring file for Linux Kernel source code. I used this command to create configuration file. sudo make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- bb....
Niketan Patil's user avatar
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Providing internet access to Beaglebone black through USB host

Currently I am using beaglebone black device for one of my IOT Projects. The application written over it reads data through the BACnet IP based BMS system (using ethernet port of beaglebone) and ...
Prasanna Sahasrabudhe's user avatar
2 votes
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No /dev/uio* devices available on BBB with Yocto-Linux (dunfell) on Kernel linux-ti-staging-5.10

I followed this guide to get the PRUs of my BBB up and running using UIO. I recently updated the my Yocto project from "rocko" branch to "dunfell" and use now TI kernel linux-ti-...
x'mpl''s user avatar
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Beaglebone Black Rev C PRU Shared Memory

Currently working with the Beaglebone Black Rev C and the PRU has the following arrangement: I have successfully been able to have one PRU access its own 8K, the other PRU's 8K, and the shared 12K. ...
Bruce Chidester's user avatar
2 votes
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How to create custom u-boot overlay for GPIO pin configuration on beaglebone black?

I am running ubuntu 18.04, kernel 4.19.94-ti-r36, on a a beaglebone black. I am connected to ssh, and am trying to adjust the boot configuration of the GPIO pins. After boot, I am able to change and ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Enormous setup time for PWM on BeagleBone Green Wireless

Note: the only BeagleBone tag I could find was for the Black, this is a Green Wifi, but I have no reason to believe the Green and Black behave differently in this matter. Alternate tagging ...
Steve Friedl's user avatar
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ffmpeg erorr as "video4linux2 Dequeued v4l2 buffer contains corrupted data (0 bytes). " when captured image,in beaglebone black,

when i'm capturing a image using ffmpeg 4.2.1 in debian 9.5 of Beaglebone black its not showing this error as [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x2e0f1e0] Dequeued v4l2 buffer contains corrupted data (0 ...
Deepak Poul's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to login with root user on yocto build image for beagle bone black

I am unable to login as root user on beagle bone black image build with yocto. I am getting fallowing errors. beaglebone login: root login: can't set groups: Operation not permitted Poky (Yocto ...
Siva Subrahmanyam's user avatar
2 votes
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u-boot booting. appear warning message. this must be solved?

I create a linux booting image using TI SDK (am335x) and booting Beaglebone black. and u-boot boot message is.. U-Boot SPL 2019.01-gf95c3e0297-dirty (Oct 15 2019 - 08:45:45 +0900) Trying to boot ...
shkim's user avatar
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How to fix "RuntimeError: Unable to setup ADC system. Possible..." when calling ADC.setup()

I am trying to read the voltage from one of the analog input ports and my code is throwing an error. The error happens when calling ADC.setup() (Adafruit_BBIO). The error is as follows: Traceback (...
BJH's user avatar
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How to use timer interrupt from GPIO to control sampling period of ADC in BeagleBone Black by c++ code?

I'm a university student, who need to study about making adc capturing in BeagleBone Black. Everything goes really well. I can sampling the data from adc and even print the time stamp in each sample ...
Peeranut Noonurak's user avatar
2 votes
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How is the default LED blinking implemented on the beaglebone black

Are there any beaglebone or embedded linux experts here? A general question on something I can't understand regarding the board when it is powered-on initially. The LEDs have a default blinking ...
Engineer999's user avatar
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Beagle bone cross compilation dynamic linking confusion

i'm not on here asking to solve a bug or problem , but just to get an understanding about something from those who have more experience. I bought a BeagleBone Black (Debian installed). I am cross ...
Engineer999's user avatar
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how to access to Beaglebone black Led using specific virtual address, in a bare metal code?

I am working on bare metal code. I am trying to access led in beaglebone black (ARMv7) using a virtual address, by configuring the mmu. After going through any documents. I found , ttbr0 will contain ...
sourav punoriyar's user avatar
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Beaglebone black with DLP2000EVM

I am trying to play video using Beaglebone black and DLP2000EVM. manually I can play a video by enabling I2c. But when I try to play using a python script I am getting an error like this debian@...
Raja sekar's user avatar
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bitbake: cannot link against usbserial for module cp210x

I worked through following tutorial with my BBB (rev c) and everything worked fine. My next step was migrate a usb kernel module ...
x'mpl''s user avatar
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BeagleBone Black, Ubuntu freeze when try to echo to /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots

When i try to echo something to /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots console freeze, and CTRL+C, CTRL+Z has no action. Ubuntu distributive from:
Злой Вишня's user avatar
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Device Tree Overlays and Ubuntu

I recently downloaded and began using an Ubuntu 16.04 image built by Robert Nelson for the Beagle Bone Black on a microSD card. All is well and the BBB is up and running. But, it appears the cap ...
cirrusio's user avatar
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Access GPIO on beaglebone as non root user?

I asked all around and any udev rules i tried simply didn't work. What i need is to be able to access gpio pins as some other use than root. For example, executing python script from Adafruit which ...
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TPS65217 control and proper power cycle of BeagleBone Black

We spotted situation with BeagleBone where by some strange situation Ethernet PHY freezes and warm power cycle won't bring that back. It happens usually when you switch the board on which Ethernet ...
Marcin Gajewski's user avatar
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Beaglebone Green SPI Communication

I've got a little trouble getting the SPI to work on the Beagle Bone green. First, I'm running version 4.4.9 of the kernel. xgate@beaglebone:~/spitest$ uname -a Linux beaglebone 4.4.9-ti-r25 #1 SMP ...
Jan Roorda's user avatar
2 votes
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Beaglebone Black Enabling PRU Issues

I have spent a solid 12 hours trying to get the PRU's on the beaglebone to work. So far I seem to be completely stuck at the getting the device overlay to work as well as enabling the remoteproc. I ...
Wired365's user avatar
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How to implement google mock to mock the C fopen function

I am writing a unit test for embedded C codes using google test/mock. The C function code looks like this. int readGPIOSysfs(int ioport){ ... FILE *f = fopen("/sys/class/gpio/export", "w"); .. ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Can't activate a USB HID Device on BeagleBoneBlack

Background: I'm trying to figure out how to use ConfigFS to set up an HID device on BeagleBoneBlack. I found the following example ( on the web and tried it. The sample ...
David Glaser's user avatar

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