Questions tagged [azure-traffic-manager]

Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS-based global traffic-routing service. It can be used to route traffic between application endpoints around the world, both in Azure and externally to Azure. Routing is based on a number of traffic-routing methods. Endpoints are monitored, so that traffic can be automatically re-directed in case of endpoint failure.

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11 votes
1 answer

Assign Static Public Address to Azure Container Instance deployment

Context Working on a project to deploy a restful API application and seperate TCP service to an Azure Container Instance. The TCP service requires a static Ipv4 address due to legacy reasons. ...
scott_lotus's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Azure Traffic Manager SSL Setup (not classic)

I have an Azure API App Service that I want to configure "priority" traffic management for (this is the new Traffic Manager, not classic). I have deployed the service to two separate Azure regions ...
JTW's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Traffic Manager shows "Stopped" for Web App at Basic plan

Today I was doing some experiments with the new Traffic Manager (new azure portal). I configured a new Azure Traffic Manager and added an Azure Website endpoint. But the Traffic Manager endpoint ...
user3701750's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to add an Azure Traffic Manager endpoint using ARM templates?

I am attempting to add an endpoint to an existing Azure Traffic Manager. When deploying the template below with New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment it erases previous endpoint configurations. Is it ...
ksiomelo's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Is Azure Traffic manager is reliable for failover? what are other problems I should be worried about?

I am planning to use Azure Traffic manager to do a failover of my app running on one Azure zone to Azure zone. I need some suggestion, if that is the correct approach to do a failover ? We have seen ...
user2768967's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Azure Traffic Manager Browser Caching Issue

In Azure's traffic manager, I am doing some testing with TWO failover URLs: Two different endpoints are configured for the traffic manager (,, however, my ...
Rohan's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Error 404 when accessing website by traffic manager URL

Hi, I am trying to configure a basic traffic manager on my azure account. But I always got 404 not found when I using the traffic manager URL. I have two app service for the TM endpoints: 1. xxxus....
Peiqinn's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Azure traffic manager and https endpoint

I have a Website running on Azure. I added a custom domain and an SSL to enable https access to it. All is fine. Few days ago Azure had a network issue in a datacenter where my website is hosted( ...
Oumar Diarra's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Azure Traffic Manager not working for Web Apps at Standard S1: Small plan

I was doing some experiments with the Traffic Manager (new azure portal). I configured a new Azure Traffic Manager and added two Azure WebApp endpoints. But when trying to browse Traffic Manager ...
Nikhil Goud's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

traffic manager + azure website : how do I configure custom dns ssl

I have a custom dns entry mapped to my traffic manager setup via CNAME record. I also have traffic manager pointing to my azure website endpoint and I have a wildcard cert matching my custom dns ...
user1086391's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why can't Azure Traffic Manager be used with Service Bus?

I am trying to use Traffic Manager to front 2 Service Buses in different regions to provide resiliency without having to send duplicate messages to both regions, as described at https://learn....
r590's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

AKS Ingress endpoint on Azure Traffic Manager

I have deployed multiple microservices on an AKS cluster and exposed it on nginx ingress controller. The ingress pointing to a static ip with dns as Application is exposed on ...
Sam's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Ignore Endpoints from Azure Application Insights

I have enabled Traffic Manager and the Monitoring Settings on my web role, now my Application Insights usage is completely unusable (11K impressions in a 24 hour period from Internet Explorer or ...
System Namespace's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Browser failing to renegotiate DNS on persistent connection

I’m investigating a scenario with a live dashboard (Angular web app) that is refreshed every 5 seconds (polling). The API is sitting behind Azure Traffic Manager which will fail over to a second ...
Eric Marunde's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I use an Azure WordPress instance to geo-load balance with Traffic Manager and CDN

PROBLEM: I have a scalable instance of WordPress (not a VM but Microsoft Azure's preconfigured WordPress web application instance) setup on Azure using ClearDB for the MySQL database. I have Tested ...
TeleRiddler's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to use CORS with azure traffic manager

I am using azure traffic manager for load balancing of my virtual machines. But it is giving CORS blocked error when calling from ajax. I have CORS enabled for my machines url. can any one provide ...
Ramashanker Tripathi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Traffic manager configuration is not valid because one or more domains on subscription <XXX> are not enabled for Traffic Manager

I have two web apps deployed in Azure in two regions, East US and East US 2. Both apps are on the F1 Free service plan, and each have their ...
adam's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

ARM template deployment of Microsoft.Web/sites/hostNameBindings resources using copy

I use a copy operation over an array of Azure data center locations in order to deploy an app service plan and a website per location. I am able to create a traffic manager profile and use the copy ...
Paul's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

It is Azure Traffic Manager or Azure front Door in-front for multi region system architecture?

We have web API application and its related supporting background services hosted on Azure service fabric cluster on 2 different geographical regions (Japan East and West) to over Azure region outage. ...
ecma-402's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to move a hostname between two Azure Front Door resources without downtime?

TL;DR: Can I move hostnames between Azure Front Door resources within the same subscription without an outage? Context I have four Frontdoor resources - each with a set of hostnames. My organisation ...
Oscar Hermoso's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it safe not bind CERT to azure traffic manager (in front of HTTPS only app service) host name?

Say, I have two app service (HTTPS only is enabled): I can call both app service endpoints using HTTPS successfully. Then I created ...
Youxu's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I dynamically generate Traffic Manager endpoints in an ARM template?

I have an ARM template that creates an arbitrary number of Azure webapps using the copy construct, like so (non-relevant portions removed): { "parameters": { "numWebsites": { "type": "...
Brant Bobby's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Azure Traffic Manager - API Management service degraded?

I have configured the Azure API Management Service - Premium as shown below added two regions/locations and I could access it as shown below When I try to setup the Azure Traffic Manager as shown ...
One Developer's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Azure Traffic Manager with Application Gateway backends

We have an architecture whereby we have a traffic manager in front of two Azure application gateways and configured based on Priority (closer proximity has higher priority). We are using Application ...
Azure Ninja's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Azure Traffic Manager monitoring status is 'degraded' for Azure Application Gateway

Azure Traffic Manager monitoring status for Endpoints(Azure Application Gateway/WAF)is degraded. Web app behind the Application gateway is healthy and able to access through Traffic Manager. Any help ...
Sakaldeep Yadav's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to set up SSL with custom domains with several App Service behind a Traffic Manager?

I am trying to experiment a little bit the different configuration possibilities in Azure and I am stuck trying to correctly configure SSL custom domains when using more than one Web Site (App Service)...
Thibault D.'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can an Azure website determine which region it is running in?

I will be placing an Azure website, in several regions. Then configuring the Azure Traffic Manager to distribute requests to each region. The website needs to know which region it is running in. ...
JNT's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Azure Traffic Manager Configuration

I have two web apps deployed on cloud services in two regions. I created Azure Traffic Manager with Performance Load Balancing WebApp.trafficmanager....
Srinivas's user avatar
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1 answer

Failed to create Free App Service Managed Cert

Free managed app service cert creation/generation failing with below CNAME error: Error:Failed to create App Service Managed Certificate for hostname Click here for more ...
Niha's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Improve CPU Utilization by Restructuring Nodes

We have a database located in North Europe region with 2 nodes of AppServices on Azure (West Europe & North Europe). We use traffic manager to route traffic. Our SQL database and storage are ...
Techy's user avatar
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Diverting web traffic from one Azure Web app to another without downtime

I have two Azure web apps: webapp1 is my live website, which is configured with a custom domain, I want to divert all incoming ...
Simon's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Azure Load Balancing Solutions. Direct Traffic to Specific VMs

We are having difficulties choosing a load balancing solution (Load Balancer, Application Gateway, Traffic Manager, Front Door) for IIS websites on Azure VMs. The simple use case when there are 2 ...
WinBoss's user avatar
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Blue/Green Deployment using VSTS Release Definitions

I haven't seen any information how to do a Blue/Green deployment on VSTS Release Definitions. I have a VSTS Release Definition that deploys new changes automatically into our Prod environment as new ...
user3587624's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Azure Traffic Manager shows endpoints degraded but they return 200

Similar to this question, but I don't think it applies in my case. I have two total endpoints that are both showing a status of "Degraded." I read that this usually indicates that the monitor ...
Elliot Starks's user avatar
3 votes
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Setting up Duplicate VM's in Azure for an Availability Set

We're setting up VM's on azure in an availability set to ensure maximum uptime and perf. We just want to have multiple identical VM's so that traffic can be distributed using Azure load balancer and ...
Matt's user avatar
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2 answers

Azure Traffic Manager, Priority Mode: Browser refresh won't go to secondary node when primary goes down

We are testing out Traffic Manager to see if it is a viable solution for failover. If our primary Azure region becomes unavailable for any reason, we want end users to be directed to a secondary ...
JCM's user avatar
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0 answers

Problems with traffic management on Multi Region Azure Website

I have a Webapplication which is running in multiple Regions in the Azure Cloud (4 right now). Now i have the following problem: The traffic manager is configured for speed so he chooses the Region ...
metabolic's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Assign Custom Domain A Record to Traffic Manager DNS Name

I have two Cloud Services each cloud service is having 1 VM with their own Public IP each VM is running a website. VM1 IP is VM2 IP is ...
Mohammed Kamran Azam's user avatar
3 votes
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Azure Traffic Manager - DNS TTL being ignored

I've just configured Traffic Manager for two endpoints and have noticed the TTL is being set to 3600 (1 hour) even though on the configuration page for the Traffic Manager profile it has been set to ...
Grant Trevor's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Azure traffic manager ARM template wouldn't take resourceTargetId

I am trying to deploy Traffic manager profile using ARM template but when deploying I am getting the following error . I am referring the resourceid to "resourceTargetId". Also when I create ...
Fenomatik's user avatar
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DNS: High Availability with Azure Web Apps + Traffic Manager

I have a client with the following setup: DNS is NetworkSolutions. Their minimum TTL for a DNS entry is an hour. An Azure Web App hosting a standard MVC site. Azure Traffic Manager set to priority. ...
Rob Reagan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Azure Traffic Manager, custom domain and 404

I got lost with Traffic Manager setup and custom domain name. First I had two mobile apps in 2 regions ( and as endpoints of Traffic Manager ...
François's user avatar
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Why won't root domains in Azure Traffic Manager load balance or fail over?

Simply put: I have a domain called, two azure websites (east and west), and one traffic manager that is setup to manage the two azure websites. When I take east offline (by throwing a non-2*...
Erik5388's user avatar
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Unable to reach services via Azure Traffic Manager and Nginx Ingress on AKS

I have two AKS clusters as primary and secondary in two different regions. I want to use Azure traffic manager for the the Priority based endpoint monitoring and fail-over mechanism on the primary and ...
Rahul Mohan's user avatar
2 votes
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Configuring custom domain on traffic manager and web app

I refferred this microsoft doc, but it's confusing as mad. First they explain will be ...
John's user avatar
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Azure Functions Traffic Manager

I'm trying to set up some sort of traffic managing so I can have zero downtime while updating my Azure functions. I'd like to have a West US and a East US that I can divert traffic while I publish. I ...
Dakota Kincer's user avatar
2 votes
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Can Azure Traffic Manager redirect clients based on SSL version?

I want all clients to be able to access my server regardless of how old or unpatched they are. This means I need to support ancient versions of SSL. I want these users to access sales and marketing ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
2 votes
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Add Azure Traffic Manager endpoints in main bicep template as child resource

I'm trying to add a new Traffic Manager Profile via a Network/trafficManagerProfiles.bicep module which I invoke in my main.bicep file. This works well. The main.bicep file is creating multiple ...
Jan_V's user avatar
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2 votes
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HTTPS not working for Azure Traffic Manager for Azure Function at

I'm trying to use that should resolve to without adding my own SSL cert or domain. When I go directly to https://myfunction....
Rusty Divine's user avatar
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Azure Frontdoor or traffic manager

Just wanted the recommendations in using azure frontdoor or azure traffic manager for my 2 different web apps hosted on different regions? Can we use both together?
Rajesh's user avatar
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