Questions tagged [azure-log-analytics]

Use for Azure Monitor Log Analytics questions (was: OMS)

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45 votes
4 answers

Azure application insights or log analytics

What is the use case for Azure application insights or log analytics? I am using APIM and Azure Functions and want to perform logging for requests. Which one is the best fit, application insights or ...
Pingpong's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to query my Application Insights Logs (Analytics) from Kusto.Explorer?

Update July 13, 2021 The links used below are now partially obsolete. Here is the new section on language differences. Original post On Azure Portal, in my App Insights / Logs view, I can query the ...
Konrad Jamrozik's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How many Log Analytics workspaces to use for multiple Application Insights instances?

We have multiple different apps, each deployed in multiple environments, each monitored by a separate Application Insight instance. For example 2 web applications, each deployed in dev, test, prod ...
jimmyj's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Azure log analytics timechart with multiple dimensions

In the Azure new log analytics query platform you can query for performance counters and summarize them to finally create a nice graph. Following the multiple dimensions documentation example it says ...
guillem's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How do I write a Kusto query that uses a regex to filter on a where clause

In Azure Log Analytics I'm trying to use Kusto to query requests with a where condition that uses a regex. The query I'm trying is requests | where customDimensions.["API Name"] matches regex "\w*-v\...
Nick Graham's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to create comments in Azure Log Analytics

I'm trying to create comments in my Azure Log Analytics queries and I'm stumped. Part of my challenge I think is treating this system as if it were SQL, which it is clearly not. using "--" for ...
Matthew Thurston's user avatar
9 votes
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Azure Gateway WAF - Diagnostics Issue

I'm trying to setup Azure WAF (v2) on my App Gateway (currently in detection mode first to handle false positive cases), however, I'm seeing this warning: To view your detection logs, you must have ...
ShP's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Cost calculation of Azure Log analytics workspace

Is there any way to get the details how the cost of Azure Log analytics service is metered? How do I know why my analytics log service is so expensive? Do you have any tips? I just wish log the ...
Cauê Prado's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Kusto Query, selecting an interval of 5 minutes and calculate the average

I'm fairly new to the Kusto Query language so perhaps this is something very common, but I really can't find my answer. So here goes. I've enabled performance gathering with Azure Log Analytics on ...
Michael Waterman's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to transform a JSON array of objects to a Kusto table?

I have a JSON schema that I get from the server and I need to transform this JSON into a log analytics query language table and use that table to make a join with another table. The JSON has the ...
user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Query multiple tables in Azure Log Analytics

I am looking at Azure log analytics for a web app, and I have multiple out-of-the-box "tables" containing data: traces, requests, exceptions, etc. Can I construct a query that runs on data from ...
Peter's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to use OMS for Azure web app

I want to explore OMS (especially Service Map) for Azure webApps, but it shows following error, "In order to on-board a server to Service Map, the Microsoft Dependency Agent needs to be installed on a ...
Pragmatic's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why does Azure create the 'DefaultResourceGroup-WEU' resource group and the log analytics workspace within?

I am setting up the production environment/resource group for a project. Azure constantly creates a resource group called DefaultResourceGroup-WEU and places a DefaultWorkspace-bfcb05a5-938f-4336-9e3c-...
christianslothouber's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Export ARM Template for Azure Log analytics Alerts created from Portal

I have created Azure Log Analytics (Monitor) Alert to monitor the Logic App Failures and I have done this using Azure portal. I would like to know how can we export the Alert created from Azure Portal ...
user42012's user avatar
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Azure Log Analytics query if property exists

I am trying to check if my customDimensions object has a property and then only count the queries that have the property set to something. It is counting queries that don't have the SupportedLanguage ...
user10140546's user avatar
7 votes
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any way to find & change which Log Analytics workspace being used by Application Insights

Trying to find any way to change Log Analytics workspace being used by Application Insights. As of now, all the data being written to the default workspace from all the subscriptions(have more than 1 ...
Diwakar's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Convert UTC 'TimeGenerated' to local time in Azure monitor/log/analytics, when using "summarize by"

I have this simple query MyLog | summarize avg(executionTimeInMS_d) by bin(TimeGenerated, 5min) I'd like the summary to be in my local time zone, not UTC. This does not work : MyLog | summarize ...
Greg Bala's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to parse json array in kusto query language

How to parse json array in kusto query language. I have an output column which is having value in JSON array format as shown below. I Need to parse it to get values in form of two columns. {"...
Neha's user avatar
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7 votes
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Kusto Custom Sort Order?

How do I perform a custom sort order in Kusto? Example query: //==================================================// // Assign variables //==================================================// let ...
ericOnline's user avatar
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7 votes
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Add a row with total in Log Analytics Kusto query

I query a request log for a summary of status codes. However I would like to add a row at the end of the results, showing the total number of requests. How do I add such a row? Current query (...
Brandhout's user avatar
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6 votes
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Kusto\KQL - Render timechart for simple count value

I have a kql-query which calculates number of uploaded BLOBS in Azure storage since last 24 hours. The query blow returns a number as expected when run in Azure log analytics. StorageBlobLogs | where ...
user878980's user avatar
6 votes
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What's the difference between transfer-response and forward-request errors in API management?

A large number requests over our Azure API Management result in the ClientConnectionFailure exception. By querying the logs I see two variants of the error: exceptions | where cloud_RoleName == "......
Pål Rønning's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

KQL group by with same result as the drag and drop group feature

When using the Monitor, Log feature in Azure Portal you can group rows by dragging and dropping a column header into a certain box, the problem is that this is not saved when pressing the save button. ...
DarkWizard96582's user avatar
6 votes
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Show Kusto query plan like EXPLAIN

I find myself using the Kusto query language (KQL) via Azure Log Analytics, and I'm struggling to find a way to get any sort of detailed execution report or query plan. In PostgreSQL I'd use EXPLAIN ...
Craig Ringer's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to do percentiles on custom metrics in Azure AppInsights?

I've used Prometheus to store performance metrics and query the results as percentiles (ex. 95th percentile response timing). I used prometheus-net to emit them. What is the equivalent in Azure ...
AndyV's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to make an Application Insights kusto query sort correctly on performanceBucket?

Is there a way to make an Application Insights kusto query sort on performanceBucket 'correctly', i.e. on bucket duration? When I summarize or sort using performanceBucket and don't specify a sort I ...
Rory's user avatar
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5 votes
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Should Azure Log Analytics and Application Insights be used per app or per environment?

We have a Azure based system which is growing in complexity, and we need to monitor chains of events and ensure they arrive where we expect them to arrive. We have a on-prem Java application, which ...
jokarl's user avatar
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3 answers

Method to put alerts on long running azure data factory pipeline

I have some data factory pipelines which may sometimes run beyond 2 hours when copying data from blob into SQL. The time period is variable, but I'd like to be notified/alerted when any pipeline runs ...
DhruvJoshi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Access dashboard's time range and granularity from KQL

I've added a chart using KQL and logs from Azure Log Analytics to a dashboard. I'm using make-series which works great but the catch is the following: The logs I'm getting might not extend to the ...
krontogiannis's user avatar
5 votes
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Unable to authorize Azure LogAnalytics Workspace

I am trying to connect to my workspace in the Azure Portal. I am getting the error as Operation returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized'. The creds object has fetched the Authentication ...
Harshith Reddy's user avatar
5 votes
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OMS Logical disk performance counters not existing disk instancename

We use Azure OMS to monitor many of our on premise servers. When using the LogicalDisk(*)\% Free Space performance counter there are some non existing instanceNames for example HarddiskVolume170, ...
Fluffymittens's user avatar
4 votes
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Check if a table exists in Kusto language?

Is there a way to programmatically check if a table is existent in log analytics using the kusto language? For example, let's suppose I want to check if a workspace contains the VMConnection table ...
Zack ISSOIR's user avatar
4 votes
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How to write a Kusto query to select only the rows that have unique values in one field

Having this input: let t1 = datatable(id:string, col1:string, col2:string) [ '1', 'col1_1', 'col2_1', '2', 'col1_2', 'col2_2', '3', 'col1_3', 'col2_3', '4', 'col1_4', 'col2_4', '1'...
Nicolae Daian's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to get sum() by Column by Date in Kusto

I want to have a report with a metrics of sum by count by some column by date in LogAnalytics. So far I could use - Perf | summarize sum(CounterValue) by TimeGenerated, Computer which gives me ...
Anirban Nag 'tintinmj''s user avatar
4 votes
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In azure how to concatenate strings in a summarize statement?

I have a statement where I try to concatenate logs (strings) together to a single string. Something like this ContainerLog | where conditions | summarize strcat(LogEntry) However I cant figure out ...
Bomaz's user avatar
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How to write a Kusto query to find two consecutive rows that have the same value in a field

I need to write a Kusto query for Azure Log Analysis that finds consecutive events that have the same value in a field (same error code). We basically need to find if the requests fail twice in a row. ...
Nicolae Daian's user avatar
4 votes
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Azure Log Analytics switch statement / pattern matching

I'm trying to process my Application Insights data using Application Insights Analytics and Log Analytics Query Language. What I'd like to have is something like switch statement in C# or pattern ...
mickl's user avatar
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4 votes
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Show a value only in a dashboard in azure?

I have following query: AppMetrics | where Name=="ReportImported"| summarize Value=count() I would like to show the value in a dashboard, and it looks like this: Is there anyway to only ...
Thomas Segato's user avatar
4 votes
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logs not appearing in Application Insights for Azure Functions v4 with .NET 8

I have functions being called, and I do logging as such: _logger.LogInformation(...); These do show in the live Log Stream on the portal. However, when querying the logs in Application Insights (...
Donny Kwitty's user avatar
4 votes
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Stop ingesting AppDependencies data into Log Analytics Workspace

I have an application that ingests lot of data into Log Analytics Workspace in Azure. I tried to run below Kusto query to figure out which piece is generating and ingesting more data in Log Analytics ...
Aks_M's user avatar
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Reference external data source from AI/Kusto query?

tl;dr: I want to reference an external data source from a Kusto query in Application Insights. My application is writing logs to Application Insights, and we're querying it using Kusto in the Azure ...
ThomasC's user avatar
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2 answers

How to set color for Columnchart in Azure Data Explorer

I want to render specific requests from my Application Insights as a columnchart using Log Analytics query language: My Query: requests | where operation_Name == "MyOperationName" | render ...
Marc's user avatar
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Difference between Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) and OMS Agent

There are two types of monitoring agents used for Azure virtual machine: Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) and Operation Management Suite (OMS). These can be used to connect to Azure Log Analytics ...
EagleDev's user avatar
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Creating Azure Monitor Log Search Alert Rules via Powershell

I'm trying to create some azure monitor rules for the output of log searches, doing this through the web UI is simple enough but I want to automate this through the CLI. Looking through the ...
APowell's user avatar
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Azure Application Insights with Azure Function. Log Debug not showing up

My Azure function is currently logging to Application Insights. While Logs generated by logger.logInformation line is showing up on Application Insights, logs generated by logger.logDebug line is not ...
Evan Park's user avatar
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Getting logs for Azure Container Instance that freezes

We have an Azure Container instance that seems to be freezing under heavy load. And we are able to cause this through a load test. I am not looking for the exact solution to that right now, but what I ...
chuckw87's user avatar
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How to determine cause of Azure EventGrid message delivery failure?

How do I determine the cause of an EventGrid message delivery failure? Tried so far: Set a Diagnostic Setting on the EventGrid System Topic Open Log Analytics and query the AEGDeliveryFailureLogs ...
ericOnline's user avatar
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How to monitor Application Event Logs in Azure App Service?

We'd like to monitor the Application Event Logs (the Event Viewer - Application Log in a traditional Windows machine) in Azure App Service. The reason is if our app throws an unhandled exception and ...
Hengyi's user avatar
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Is Azure Log Analytics and App Insights Resilient to DataCenter Failure within an Azure Region

Is app insights and log analytics redundant within a given Azure region (i.e. East US)? In other words, if a single DC within East US goes down, will App Insights and Log Analytics continue to ...
Steve L.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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Azure AKS application logs for the application running in Pod from Azure Portal?

We can access pod related logs from Log Analytics Workspace but there are no app logs (similar to what we see in kubectl get events). I was referring the Azure documentation but I am still unable to ...
Srinivas Bandaru's user avatar

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