Questions tagged [azure-application-gateway]

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Application gateway request_routing_rules does not exist

I am trying to deploy a azure application gateway. I set the configuration as follow: resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "demo-app-gateway" { location = var.location ...
Nayden Van's user avatar
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Azure AppGateway redirection to another host?

I want to implement the below redirection in Azure AppGateway v1 => is this doable? If so, how do I do it?
One Developer's user avatar
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How to configure SSL in Azure Application GateWay with intermediate certificate and pfx file?

I have an Azure Application GateWay listening to 443 and redirecting traffic to 3 VM (ubuntu) listening to port 80 with nginx has reverse proxy, which redirect to pm2 node server, this is for Server ...
Luis Lopez's user avatar
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Azure application gateway with AKS Kube-Proxy

I have a AKS Cluster and some microservice with Nodeport available in it. User -> Application Gateway -> Backend Pool -> Nodeport of microservice -> service However, i have idea to use ...
3-commerce's user avatar
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Is it possible to provision backend address pool separately from application gateway

I want to provision my infrastructure with terraform and to have some shared infrastructure. For example, to have 1 shared application gateway and multiple application specific webapps sitting behind ...
JleruOHeP's user avatar
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Listeners and SSL certs are getting deleted while redeploying Application gateway with ARM template

I am using below ARM template to create Application Gateway. When I deploy it for the first time everything works. When I redeploy it (as a part of continuous deployment in the same env) it fails and ...
Aatif Akhter's user avatar
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What is the best approach to host multiple (lets say 5) sub domains on Azure Application Gateway?

How many rules, http settings, health probes and backend pools are needed to host subdomains of the same parent domain on the same application gateway deployment. Examples of using subdomains could ...
Coppernicus's user avatar
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How to configure 【Azure】Application Gateway to support multiple App services?

I have 3 app services on Azure, like And I have created an Application gateway in front of them, with WAF enabled. And I'm ...
user9687's user avatar
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Application gateway URL path-based routing always redirect to default backend pool

I have configured 4 webapps behind Application gateway (ARM template):
minimuz's user avatar
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Distributed App Services in Azure - API Management, Service Fabric, ASE, Application Gateway?

I plan to have a number of Azure App Service API Apps, some of which should be accessible publicly (two client apps), through a single root URL and these are to connect to internal services that are ...
Mark Chidlow's user avatar
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How to get "HTTPS" / SSL Working - Azure WAF (application gateway) with 2 Websites on Linux

I am having trouble with getting SSL/HTTPS working on a Azure WAF (ApplicationGateway) (http / port:80 is working fine) I will explain the scenario as basic as possible: The developer has made two ...
Awsming's user avatar
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Azure WAF adds unwanted server http header

The WAF appears to add a http header to each request with the following value: server:Microsoft-IIS/10.0 This is a big problem for us as it causes us to fail penetration tests performed by 3rd ...
Cormac O'Brien's user avatar
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Client certificate with Azure Application Gateway

I have two VMs with IIS that host my application with Azure Application Gateway distributing the traffic. The gateway is configured to offload SSL and everything is working fine. However, I'd like to ...
mik9999's user avatar
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Does the Azure Application Gateway support websockets

I've setup an azure application gateway with two backend machines. The gateway has cookie affinity enabled and sockjs is used. The browser initiates a websocket connection for which it receives an '...
Tom Deseyn's user avatar
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Does Azure Application Gateway support conditional mTLS

Currently we're running a Azure App Service hosted application providing different API endpoints like /public/xyz & /secured/xyz where all APIs under /secured/... are protected on application ...
misterx7509's user avatar
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InternalServerError for Application Gateway and API Management - Azure/Terraform

I'm trying to deploy an infrastructure in Azure via Terraform, the infrastructure is made of an Application Gateway (tier WAF_v2) and an API Management in the backend. The error that I get after ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Azure App gateway ingress controller with private AKS cluster not working

I am new to kubernetes, so please bear with me. I have created a azure kubernetes private cluster, i have deployed the pods for a basic webapplication & CLusterIP service , I have enabled App ...
inspired_sup's user avatar
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AKS with LetsEncrypt and multiple certs for different containers

I'm looking for any working samples of applying different certificates on AKS with Application Gateway as Ingress Controller. I have Key Vault with a certificate that is used imported in ApGw/Ingress ...
Alex Langer's user avatar
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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Istio Gateway: How to configure the Application Gateway in front of the Istio Gateway?

I'm attempting to configure AKS, and I've installed Istio Gateway, which interns created an Azure Load Balancer, to make the overall traffic flow to be as shown below. In my opinion, Azure Load ...
One Developer's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway modifications take a considerable amount time to update

Previously I built an application gateway using Terraform in Azure using HTTP only, this worked absolutely fine and I was able to update the application gateway further down the pipeline with cert-...
Callum Hester's user avatar
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How to scale Azure Application Gateway beyond the 125 instances limit?

I want to know if there's a way commonly used for prod environments where if I reach the 125 instances limit for SKU v2, I can keep scaling, or at least I can keep the performance. I tried looking at ...
warlockmel's user avatar
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Digital Certificate CN Name and Hostname in App Service Listener

I am using a Digital Certificate and storing it in a KV. I have a front end web app behind a private endpoint. I want to associate a friendly name to the web app and use that name with an App Gateway, ...
Pallab's user avatar
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Using AAD B2C with an Application Gateway (/with Kubernetes) not working => 404

Architecture Our web-applications are being deployed to our kubernetes cluster which are being integrated in our application gateway via the ingress extension (Azure Gateway ingress). If you navigate ...
Insight's user avatar
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Terraform application gateway Data for certificate is invalid

I am deploying a azure application gateway using terraform. In the resource setting, I have this configuration: ssl_certificate { data = filebase64(var.ssl_certificate_path) name = &...
Nayden Van's user avatar
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Trigger Azure Function based on incoming request to Azure Application Gateway

I have a web app deployed across two Azure Virtual Machines along with Azure Application Gateway. Now I want to shutdown both the Azure VMs and look for any incoming request and based on that incoming ...
santosh kumar patro's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway Custom Header Rules

We have an Azure Application Gateway setup and working. We want to add a rule that matches the following criteria for a header named X. If X is not present at all in the incoming request - then let ...
Varun Sharma's user avatar
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How to set a custom error page for azure application gateway 403 page

I want to display custom error page when app service is down. I am using error page setting in app gateway's Listener. Setting a public html file path in both 502 and 403 errors. Still gateway is ...
Shridhar Gowda's user avatar
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Basic access Auth Enable in Azure Application gateway for URL

In Nginx, we can set up basic auth by adding annotation in the ingress. Authentication Required basic-auth nginx....
Jerin Joy's user avatar
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Unable to update SSL cert while using multiple basic listener using WAFV2 Azure App Gateway

I am having trouble uploading a new SSL pfx certificate onto my WAF V2 application gateway. I currently have 3 basic wildcard listeners setup (* * and * for example)...
mjkoskinen's user avatar
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Azure App Gateway with Internal API Management 503 backend server error

I am following up this doc series to set up an internal API management instance integrated with APP Gateway in azure. I followed everything to the detail: Created a new resource group Setup a Vnet ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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client certificate validation on APIM

I want to implement client certificate validation in Azure API Management policy to check if the client has a valid certificate as per the below documentation.
Ujjwal Devarapalli's user avatar
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How to use Terraform dynamic block

I am trying to create a azure app gateway using terraform and my code looks like below: # Create Application Gateway resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "app_gateway" { ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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Can I add Microsoft Azure WAF as an standalone resource rather than using Application Gateway or Front Door?

I have an App Service (SSL and Custom domain configured at App Service level) for which I would like to add Azure WAF protection as a layer that sits in front of the App Service. I learned that I can ...
Chamil Chandrathilake's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway prompting for Credentials Multiple times (my app using Windows Auth)

I am wondering if someone can help me guide in the right direction. Since I put my App (hosted on IIS on a VM in Azure) behind the Azure Application Gateway (v2) I am being asked multiple times to put ...
Avais's user avatar
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Remove server header from Application Gateway V2

We were asked to remove the server header from the http response which gives details of Application gateway v2 for the GET/POST request against the URL. I have added the rewrites rule to remove the ...
usha chokka's user avatar
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Host static apps from multiple Azure blob storage accounts through one domain

I have got multiple projects, each has its own storage account (Needed for billing, data residency and various other admin and security reasons). Each project/account has multiple static websites. I ...
saf1's user avatar
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AGIC deletes a working backend when a different pod fails to start

Deployment overview We are using the Azure Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) to automatically create listeners and back-ends on an app gateway for ingresses in our AKS cluster ArgoCD is deployed to ...
Joon's user avatar
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Azure application gateway with app service - https listener using app service

In Azure I've an application gateway connected with a backend-pool with an Azure app service. This Azure app service accepts http and https traffic. I added an http listener and created a rule to ...
jos's user avatar
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Trying to attach SSL certificate on application gateway using azure terraform

I am trying to pass PFX certificate from local machine to code azure terraform but when i am applying this method in terraform its showing one error certificate or password invalid. i have tested ...
terraform-ninja's user avatar
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Webhook listener/receiver security

We are looking at using webhooks from various vendors outside our network. They would publish the event to us. We would be the webhook listener/receiver, not pushing the events. We have done proof of ...
SliderBlues's user avatar
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Azure internal load balancer in backend pool of application gateway

It may not be a good idea, but it is possible to configure internal load balancer in backend pool of application gateway. It looks like a two-level load balancing, the first level at application proxy ...
ccshih's user avatar
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How to use azure application gateway for outbound traffic of a vnet

I am looking for a way to expose a virtual networks (VNET) outbound IP in Azure to use a static outbound IP without attaching a public facing network interface directly to a specific Virtual Machine ...
jens's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway SSL Setup for private IP

I'm configuring Azure Application Gateway to serve internally on Azure Vnet private IP, I've assigned private DNS name like my-gateway.private, now I want to configure SSL to server https requests ...
Andriy Kopachevskyy's user avatar
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Azure NetworkSecurityGroup rule for WebApp

I want to enable traffic from my webapp (that sits inside the VNET and has its private IP) to Application Gateway (that is deployed to the same VNET and has NSG attached to its subnet). How can I do ...
JleruOHeP's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway HTTP Settings Backend Port Resets to 80

In the Azure Portal, I have created the following Application Gateway with the Backend Pools, Rules, Listeners, and HTTP Settings below. I want the HTTP Settings to be configured with the backend ...
Darrell Hobson's user avatar
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Whitelisting Application Gateway (WAFv2) Frontend IP results in 403 on App Service using access restrictions

My health probe fails with a 403 as soon as I apply whitelisting to the App Service configured in the backend pool (I whitelist the IP that's assigned to the application gateway. IP is a standard tier ...
xtrc's user avatar
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Fetching dynamic IP in ARM of Application gateway in Azure

Can we extract the dynamically allocated public IP address in output after Application Gateway has allocated it, Working fine for Static one. { "type": "Microsoft.Network/...
AUGgn's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway- Redirect traffic to an external site without the URL changing

In Azure, I have set up the Application Gateway to redirect traffic from to My DNS maps to the Application Gateway public IP. I have two listeners ...
Confounder's user avatar
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Questions about options in http settings "overide host name" and "pick host name from backend address"

I did some test for http settings options "overide host name" and "pick host name from backend address", but got a little confused as the result was different for different type of backend pools. ...
littlepark's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway - Prevent redirection

I've a AppService running with an endpoint I've deployed an Application Geteway and set up a backend pool to forward traffic from AG to I've then created DNS records ...
keitn's user avatar
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