Questions tagged [azure-application-gateway]

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terraform 0.12 application gateway ssl certificate issue

We are trying to upgrade terraform 0.11 to 0.12, and there is an application gateway ssl certificate issue. It works fine when use like below by terraform 0.11: ssl_certificate { name = &...
Autumn's user avatar
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Azure application gateway - create path based rule to homepage

I need to create a path based rule that would redirect homepage to another backend pool than default one, but I can't find a workaround to do so. In other words, my homepage doesn't belong to the ...
GregOs's user avatar
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How do you reference a certificate stored in a keyvault from an application gateway ARM Template?

This may be relatively new stuff, but I am looking for a way to reference a certificate already stored in the keyvault certificates. The application gateway needs a managed identity to do so. At the ...
user13696433's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway SSL Certificate: Data must be specified for Certificat

I want to use Azure Application gateway for TLS termination. When trying to upload my PFX certificate to an Application Gateway Listener I receive the following, non-informative, error message: Failed ...
thomasuebi's user avatar
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Azure B2C with Azure Application Gateway and Path Based Backend Pools

I am unable to understand how to configure Azure AD B2C auth on a .Net Core 3.1 MVC application that has been configured behind an Azure Application Gateway using Back End Pool and Path Based URL ...
Uday Thakur's user avatar
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Remove property from ARM Template when it's not needed

I'm deploying an application gateway with ARM Template and wants to loop through the creation of listeners. This is how far I got: "copy": [ { "name&...
Santa's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway slash termination uri path

I'm using Azure Application Gateway, I've a strange trouble. The Gateway works for URL similar to: It doesn't work for URL similar to:
Michel Foucault's user avatar
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Application Gateway Rules need recreating after private DNS is updated

I have an application gateway which has a routing rule. The routing from application gateway to the VM is based up FQDN (I use Azure private DNS to internally map the VM IP to the FQDN). To switch ...
iasksillyquestions's user avatar
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Azure application gateway back-end pool load-balancer

We have configured application gateway with a backend pool which has multiple targets. We see that by default does load balancing. Is backend pools are load balanced by default with round robin? Is ...
satish's user avatar
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IdentityServer 4 on Azure Can we secure its endpoints using Azure API gateway

We have created our own IdentityServer4 and deployed it on App Services in azure. I also have few apis that are protected by API gateway for me. Can i PUT IdentityServer4 endpoints secured by API ...
JemHah's user avatar
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Route traffic to container using Azure Application Gateway Path-based

I'm currently working with Azure Application Gateway and Docker containers(AKS); and would like to route traffic to my backend pool using path-based rules. I heard that path-based rules and ...
bassamhbj's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway not pulling through SSL Cert purchased via Azure App Service Certificates

Background I am trying to implement a WAF in font of a web app hosted in azure app service. This app is configured to force https so the WAF needs to pass through https traffic (end to end SSL as ...
Font_writing_code's user avatar
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AAD authentification in AKS

I am using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAD.UI package. And simple authentication in Startup.cs: services.AddAuthentication(AzureADDefaults.AuthenticationScheme) .AddAzureAD(options =&...
Alexej Sommer's user avatar
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Application Gateway ARM Template - Parameter for Enabling Firewall

I have a working ARM Template to deploy an Application Gateway with WAF Enabled, this is currently always enabling the Firewall and setting the Firewall Mode based on parameters. We want to ...
Clackers's user avatar
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Azure App Gateway v2 - Nginx headers or cookies too large

Azure Application Gateway v2 use nginx and is limited to a header/cookie size of 8kb. I'm using an oauth provider that send claims, such as the user profile, making the headers above 8kb. Is there a ...
Hipny's user avatar
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Azure Application gateway with web apps

I have setup an Azure Application Gateway in front of an Azure Web Application. I have added IP restriction on Web app to allow access only from the Application gateway's public IP address. This works ...
mangun's user avatar
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AspNet Core on Azure App Service peaks to 100% CPU and app gateway load balancer not working

We have few of our internal business services hosted on an isolated ASE in Azure. These services run on a medium app service plan with 2 instances. This environment has been in production and use for ...
Vignesh.N's user avatar
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Suddenly started getting 403 mod security action, WAF- azure

We have application (OHDSI Atlas- http) deployed on Azure Cloud (ISAS). We have set up of WAF in prevention mode. The application is working since last 8 months. Suddenly since last 2 weeks we are ...
Sunil Ajagekar's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway locked down route to app service

I have setup an azure application gateway with web application firewall to route traffic to an azure app service. This requires setting up a VPN. I have followed instructions similar to this: https://...
johnstaveley's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateways and response compression?

We're using an Application Gateway at the moment for our application. It serves two purposes: provide an HTTPS endpoint for public access to our app, and using a Path Rule to redirect incoming ...
EdH's user avatar
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WAF Rule to block all http/https traffic using Azure Application gateway

When configuring WAFs I'm used to configuring the lowest priority rule to block all inbound http/https traffic. I then add higher priority allow rules to open up the access I require. I cant see how ...
iasksillyquestions's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway, how to link to SSL Cert on a different Azure Subscription?

I have an Azure Application Gateway in subscription A and a wildcard ssl cert in a Keyvault in subscription B, both under the same tenant. Is it possible to link this certificate to this application ...
Raymond Grumney's user avatar
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what is the Azure CLI command to add https listener in application gateway from key-vault (Cert)?

I am trying to add listener to application gateway using Azure CLI command (type as HTTPs) and cert is available in Key-vault. I tried from documentation but ended up with confusion. Can anyone let me ...
Pand005's user avatar
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AKS create with App gateway ingress control fails with IngressAppGwAddonConfigInvalidSubnetCIDRNotContainedWithinVirtualNetwork error

When i try to create aks using azure cli using the following command : "az aks create -n myCluster -g myResourceGroup --network-plugin azure --enable-managed-identity -a ingress-appgw --appgw-...
Arun Surya's user avatar
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Update existing Application Gateway via ARM

G'day all, I'm currently building out some bicep templates for standing up new environments for a project, and everything has gone well until I got to the Application Gateway. We have an existing ...
Wokket's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway and Key Vault - GW doesn't see renewed SSL Certificate

My understanding is that updating/renewing a certificate that is stored in Azure Keyvault would be automatically refreshed though it might take a couple days. As a learned today, that's not the case. ...
AndrewZ's user avatar
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Azure - Application Gateway without public IP

I'm trying to deploy my application on Azure. Currently, I have an application gateway deployed in one subnet s1, and in the backend pool I have Linux VMs. As per the requirement, I cannot use any ...
azure_geek's user avatar
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How should I link a backend solution to an IoT Hub

So, I am working on an IoT solution on Azure, we have been using a partner solution where we had the partner's devices linked to his cloud solution that exposes the data to us Via REST services. Right ...
Mohamed Kamel Bouzekria's user avatar
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WAF - 200003 Multipart Request Body Strict Validation

I have an application that was doing call to Azure Application Gateway and it was failing when the following rule was enforced: RuleId: 200003 Description: Multipart Request Body Strict Validation ...
Bonomi's user avatar
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How to configure Azure App Gateway in Istio

I have an application setup on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) and I’m currently using Azure Application gateway as ingress resource for my application running on AKS. Now after setting up ISTIO for ...
vishal's user avatar
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How to redirect traffic hosted on an azure endpoint (DNS/static IP) to different external IP address

Question: How do I host an endpoint in azure which allows me to redirect internet traffic at will between azure and aws services? I am hosting two kubernetes clusters - one in Azure and the other in ...
Banoona's user avatar
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How to create a root certificate for application gateway?

I have a webapp hosted in Azure app service and has a certificate associated with its domain and the certificate is stored in the keyvault. I want to create one application gateway with web ...
Saurav Likhar's user avatar
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Azure Application gateway with lets encrypt

I have an AKS cluster running running Internal nginx ingress + cert-manager which generates lets encrypt for ssl terminations. I would like to include application gateway as an entry point, where I ...
Michele's user avatar
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Ingress rewrite rule in aks agic gives 502

I'm trying to create HTTPS ingress for my node.js authentication (auth) REST service in AKS, but I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway response. Here's my deployment and service definitions: --- apiVersion: ...
Software Engineer's user avatar
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Terraform Azure Application Gateway unable to associate with certificate in key vault

I'm trying to install a certificate into an Application Gateway. Following the documentation I have used key_vault_secret_id in the ssl_certificate block. Here is a simplified (all the code works its ...
user1451104's user avatar
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Azure Gateway ARM template to configure diagnostic setting (Log Analytics workspace)

I am looking for ARM template that will help to configure (Log Analytics) diagnostic setting. Have search few templates but no hope. Tried by export template and also with Resource Explorer didn't ...
Rajakumar Babu's user avatar
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Why does Chrome return 403 error from Azure App Gateway

I have an Azure App Service sitting behind an Azure App Gateway on the WAF v2 tier. We are experiencing an issue where we get the 403 Forbidden response from the gateway in Chrome browser, yet the ...
adam's user avatar
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Web App outbound response not going through application gateway

We have an Azure web app behind the Azure Application Gateway. Network restriction has enabled at web app level (only application gateway can access the web app). Incoming traffic comes through ...
Sakaldeep Yadav's user avatar
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Session value changes for multiple user login with same account + Azure Application Gateway

I have website running on VMs under Azure VMSS. Above that, there is public load balancer. Also, have an Application Gateway with Backend Pool of same public Load Balancer IP. And at last in Azure DNS,...
Himanshu Mohan's user avatar
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Secure cookies and TLS termination in Azure Application Gateway

A requirement for my application is that its cookies are served over HTTPS only (Secure attribute). It is also to be hosted behind Azure Application Gateway with TLS termination configured: the client-...
Simmetric's user avatar
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How to set up Azure Front Door (Standard/Premium) to forward HTTP requests to Static Web App

I want to be able to forward all request to an endpoint configured in Azure Front Door (e.g. to a Static Web App ( I need the request to be ...
SzybkiDanny's user avatar
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Creating VNet, subnets and Application Gateway in Bicep

I'm trying to create a VNet, subnets and an Application Gateway in a bicep file. When I run the file I get an error: New-AzResourceGroupDeployment: 11:23:37 - The deployment 'AppGateway' failed with ...
Mark's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway with dynamic private IP: how can I know its current IP?

I've created an Azure Application Gateway with the following frontend configurations: "frontendIPConfigurations": [ { "name": "...", ...
zerohedge's user avatar
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AKS with AGIC and Application Gateway

I have an AKS cluster with the add-on AGIC enabled (will try and convert it into Helm based AGIC in the near future). At the moment I have an application on this cluster with the Ingress set to the ...
JakeUT's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway zone redundant with instance count set to 1

Configuring an Azure Application Gateway (v2 standard) with zone redundancy (West Europe (Zone 1, 2, 3)) with instance count set to 1 is allowed. How is this possible? To my knowledge, you should have ...
r3verse's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway from Azure Application Gateway Connecting to Azure Container Instance

I am working on learning Terraform and Azure Web Services. After following a series of tutorials, I've been working on getting an Azure Container Instance setup that talks to a CosmosDB instance ...
Matti's user avatar
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Causes for Application Gateway Connection Timeout

Greeetings, I have the following setup Application Gateway -- Private Endpoints -- App Services The application gateway is in its own resource group along with the virtual network in the ...
Christopher C's user avatar
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Enable App Gateway ingress for Azure Kubernetes on 443 (https)

I am new to AKS and trying to set up the cluster and expose it via an app gateway ingress controller. While I was able to set up the cluster using az commands and was able to deploy and hit it using ...
nirag tibdewal's user avatar
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Error in adding subnet while creating WAFV2 application gateway in azure

While adding subnet for creating a WAFV2 application gateway in azure, I tried to use the subnet used in WAFV1 gateway. But it is showing an error "Subnet does not support application gateway ...
NVJ's user avatar
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Is there any way configure Application Gateway for Least Connection?

I use Azure Application Gateway. When I review the documents, I only see round-robin distribution of incoming traffic, cookie-based session affinity, URL path-based routing for Application Load ...
James001's user avatar
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