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3 answers

Create azure application gateway with static private ip address via terraform

I can't find a way to create an application gateway via terraform with private IP without manually inserting hard coded IP private address. I tried: Create a private IP in the application gateway ...
Or Gaizer's user avatar
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Terraform Removes Configurations/Resources Created by the Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC)

I have some Terraform code which deploys AKS behind an Application Gateway along with other infrastructure unrelated to the issue. The code is based on
leeman24's user avatar
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two frontend ports of application gateway are using the same port 443 - Azure application gateway in terraform

I am configuring azure application gateway using terraform. Following is the module that i wrote: locals { backend_address_pool_name = format("appgwbeap-%[1]s-%[2]s%[3]sweb-gw",var....
Prasanna Nandakumar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to avoid updating backend pool of application gateway by terraform script

I am trying to deploy AKS with application gateway ingress controller via terraform. For which I have created application gateway , AKS (also enabled ingress controller setting) and then deployed YAML ...
SK001's user avatar
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Terraform-Azure-Unable to create Private IP configuration for application Gateway StandardV2

I'm trying to create an application gateway (Standard V2) with both public IP and private IP configuration, but upon creation only public IP is being created and private IP configuration is nowhere to ...
vishal's user avatar
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Terraform state sync with external changes

I have terraform managing my infrastructure in Azure. However, there are cases where the state can get out of sync when other services are changing the infrastructure as well. For example, I have ...
cavemandaveman's user avatar
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terraform 0.12 application gateway ssl certificate issue

We are trying to upgrade terraform 0.11 to 0.12, and there is an application gateway ssl certificate issue. It works fine when use like below by terraform 0.11: ssl_certificate { name = &...
Autumn's user avatar
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1 answer

InternalServerError for Application Gateway and API Management - Azure/Terraform

I'm trying to deploy an infrastructure in Azure via Terraform, the infrastructure is made of an Application Gateway (tier WAF_v2) and an API Management in the backend. The error that I get after ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Terraform application gateway Data for certificate is invalid

I am deploying a azure application gateway using terraform. In the resource setting, I have this configuration: ssl_certificate { data = filebase64(var.ssl_certificate_path) name = &...
Nayden Van's user avatar
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How to use Terraform dynamic block

I am trying to create a azure app gateway using terraform and my code looks like below: # Create Application Gateway resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "app_gateway" { ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to attach SSL certificate on application gateway using azure terraform

I am trying to pass PFX certificate from local machine to code azure terraform but when i am applying this method in terraform its showing one error certificate or password invalid. i have tested ...
terraform-ninja's user avatar
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2 answers

Terraform - App Gateway - Duplicate SSL Certificate Issue

I have a Wildcard SSL Certificate in my KeyVault. I've got multiple hostnames that needs to use the Wildcard SSL Certificate for. I want to create 3x HTTPS Listerners in my Application Gateway, each ...
Kalin-the-Builder's user avatar
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Error Key Vault object_id is an invalid UUID - Terraform/Azure

I'm deploying an Azure Application Gateway in Terraform and I want to store my SSL private certificate for the https between Internet and my App-gtw in an Azure Key Vault. The code, omitting useless ...
Gregory's user avatar
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2 answers

Terraform - Create Azure Application Targeting Two Web-Apps

I am using Terraform 1.5.5 to create an Azure Application Gateway (SKU-2) targeting two Azure web-apps under a custom domain. I need to use https in communication but am struggling around "app-gw&...
Ian Carrick's user avatar
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Terraform Error: Failed to query available provider packages

I'm trying to deploy a simple infrastructure in Azure through Terraform, the infrastructure is made of an Application Gateway (with Web Application Firewall, so the WAF_v2 version) with two virtual ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Error: LinkedAuthorizationFailed on configurating AppGW

I deployed infrastructure using this repo. The logs of my application gateway pod looks like : Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Pod", Namespace:"kube-system", Name:"ingress-...
Mohamed's user avatar
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1 answer

Terraform Create Ingress Application Gateway in AKS Node Resource Group

The AKS node resource group cannot already exist before creating the AKS cluster, so to create an application gateway in the same node resource group means that the application gateway needs to be ...
victoria55's user avatar
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Terraform Apply Throws Error with Azure RM 3.0 and Trying to Provision an App Gateway with User Assigned Managed Identity

I am stuck here with a cyclical issue. I had an Application Gateway which i provisioned using Azure RM 2.0 provider in Terraform. But i wanted to upgrade to AzureRm Version 3.0 and Terraform ...
Pallab's user avatar
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Issue with User Assigned Identity with Azure Application Gateway while using with Terraform

I am trying to assign a "User Assigned Identity" to my Azure Application Gateway so that the App Gateway can read SSL certs from a particular Azure Key Vault. I am following the link --> ...
Pallab's user avatar
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Cannot create an Azure Application gateway using Terraform

I'm trying to create an instance of Application Gateway. While doing so, I get the following error: Error: creating Application Gateway: (Name "name-gateway-wgrkecswbk" / Resource Group &...
Ezequiel Moreno's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

not able to deploy application gateway using terraform as resource is taking too long to deploy

Hi I am trying to deploy the application gateway and it's taking lot of time to deploy. Its taking more than 28mins. Still creating... [28m38s ...
so9868's user avatar
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Destroying Rancher2_Cluster with terraform is failing due to aks resources in "deleting" state

We're facing an issue in terraform in combination with Rancher2 and AKS. We're using terraform to deploy a rancher2_cluster with an aks config also creating a new subnet. while trying to destroy ...
maes's user avatar
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pass a list of maps to Terraform from Azure DevOps variable group

When i want to pass a list of map to a Terraform variable(where i use dynamic block to iterate over this list) i get this error: │ Cannot use a string value in for_each. An iterable collection is ...
JSecurity's user avatar
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1 answer

Terraform Dynamic block for Application Gateway

I have the following list of objects defined as a local: agw_configs = [ { env = "dev" function = "events" ...
lordy10101's user avatar