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13 votes
2 answers

Terraform - How to attach SSL certificate stored in Azure KeyVault to an Application Gateway

I have a Terraform script that create an Azure Key Vault, imports my SSL certificate (3DES .pfx file with a password), and creates an Application Gateway with a HTTP listener. I'm trying to change ...
wertyq's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Azure Application Gateway : Backend server certificate expired. Please upload a valid certificate

We have an Azure Application Gateway V2 setup with WAF feature enabled. We ran into trouble when suddenly, the health of all our backend pools (3 in our case) started showing unhealthy and the error ...
Hammad Dar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Retrieve/recover cert pfx from Azure Application Gateway

I want to retrieve/download the original pfx certificate that was uploaded onto our Application Gateway. So far I have done the following in PowerShell: $appGw = Get-AzApplicationGateway -Name "...
AnimaSola's user avatar
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Azure App Gateway Never Picks up Renewed SSL Certs from Key Vault Automatically

I am seeing a peculiar problem whereby my Azure Application Gateway never picks up renewed certs from KV. I have KV as a reference in the listener. I upload new Certs in the KV and also change the ...
Pallab's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure Application Gateway SSL Certificate: Data must be specified for Certificat

I want to use Azure Application gateway for TLS termination. When trying to upload my PFX certificate to an Application Gateway Listener I receive the following, non-informative, error message: Failed ...
thomasuebi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Azure Application Gateway not pulling through SSL Cert purchased via Azure App Service Certificates

Background I am trying to implement a WAF in font of a web app hosted in azure app service. This app is configured to force https so the WAF needs to pass through https traffic (end to end SSL as ...
Font_writing_code's user avatar
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How to create a root certificate for application gateway?

I have a webapp hosted in Azure app service and has a certificate associated with its domain and the certificate is stored in the keyvault. I want to create one application gateway with web ...
Saurav Likhar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Azure Application gateway with lets encrypt

I have an AKS cluster running running Internal nginx ingress + cert-manager which generates lets encrypt for ssl terminations. I would like to include application gateway as an entry point, where I ...
Michele's user avatar
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1 answer

Enable App Gateway ingress for Azure Kubernetes on 443 (https)

I am new to AKS and trying to set up the cluster and expose it via an app gateway ingress controller. While I was able to set up the cluster using az commands and was able to deploy and hit it using ...
nirag tibdewal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

(Azure APGW / SSL certificate) Intermediate certificate is missing in Azure Application Gateway. Wrong certificate?

I have a Drupal web app hosted on a VM in Azure. We want to set up an end to end SSL connection between the Application Gateway and the web app. For some specific reasons, we have to use a company ...
hongphuc95's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to extract the root CA certificate from keyvault certificate using command?

I have a certificate in the azure key vault. I want to use the root certificate of this certificate in backend settings of application gateway. I already used the keyvault certificate in listener for ...
Saurav Likhar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Terraform - App Gateway - Duplicate SSL Certificate Issue

I have a Wildcard SSL Certificate in my KeyVault. I've got multiple hostnames that needs to use the Wildcard SSL Certificate for. I want to create 3x HTTPS Listerners in my Application Gateway, each ...
Kalin-the-Builder's user avatar
1 vote
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Error Key Vault object_id is an invalid UUID - Terraform/Azure

I'm deploying an Azure Application Gateway in Terraform and I want to store my SSL private certificate for the https between Internet and my App-gtw in an Azure Key Vault. The code, omitting useless ...
Gregory's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure Traffic manager gives SSL error while App gateway URL works while using Azure App gateway ingress controller on AKS

We are going multi-region for our project and there is a need for us to use an Azure traffic manager to route traffic to each region. Our setup looks like below where our app gateway is exposed via a ...
nirag tibdewal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Client Certificate Validation at APIM using Application Gateway Mutual authentication server variables

I want to implement client certificate validation in Azure API Management policy for certificate 1: Expiration 2: from specific Issuer 3: with specific Subject 4: Revocation ( I see Client ...
Vishal Mamidi's user avatar
0 votes
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Custom Domain and Certificates on AKS with App Gateway

I'm struggling to understand how all things need to be configured in the following scenario: custom domain registered by the client to be something like api.<appname> managed ...
Fabio M.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to make Azure Application Gateway return all certificates in the chain?

We're migrating a web app from AWS to Azure. Some users access the site through an app on embedded tablets that run Android 6. I'm getting certificates from LetsEncrypt using certbot and, inside a ...
Tim Burrough's user avatar
0 votes
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Issue with User Assigned Identity with Azure Application Gateway while using with Terraform

I am trying to assign a "User Assigned Identity" to my Azure Application Gateway so that the App Gateway can read SSL certs from a particular Azure Key Vault. I am following the link --> ...
Pallab's user avatar
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2 answers

Building an Azure Application Gateway with SSL termination using PowerShell - Can anyone get this to work? Listener SSL resource reference error

Trying to build an Azure Application Gateway using the following instructions and cannot get it to build without an exception stating that the certificate referenced by the listener cannot be found ...
Mike Autry's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Azure App Service and App gateway SSL certificates informations

in my company I have an Azure environment in which SSL certificates need to be renewed. But I was given no info about them. So I have app services that run in an ASE, with an app Gateway. The ...
Xav Sc's user avatar
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Application Gateway integration with Azure Key Vault issue

Hopefully someone can help there. I am trying to integrate Azure Application Gateway with Key Vault using ARM template and getting an issue: SecretIdSpecifiedIsInvalid: SecretId '==' specified in '/...
codeunit's user avatar
0 votes
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Multiple basic app gateway listeners using wrong SSL cert

I have 3 different wildcards domains setup on an app gateway (tier 2) all using a basic listener. So for instance. I have *, *, and * all as basic listeners on ...
mjkoskinen's user avatar
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Is there a way to confirm whether SSL/TSL termination is working or not , in Application Gateway in Azure

So , i added the SSL/TSL certificate in the listener part of the application gateway and i am curious to whether i get the encrypted/decrypted data or not.My main question is , can i physically see ...
Bhavesh Damor's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Azure application gateway front of azure web app end-to-end SSL gets 404

I am trying to put a WAF in front of an Azure web app (no ASE). The web app is running with HTTPS (SSL * I have followed the instructions from this MS document: https://learn....
Moim's user avatar
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