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Application Gateway Ingress Controller only works with root path /

I have deployed the standard aspnet app from Microsoft, from the following YAML: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: microservicesapp annotations:
Mike Hawkins's user avatar
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Client IP is not preserved using Azure Application Gateway and Nginx ingress controller

I have an app which runs on AKS, using nginx ingress and is exposed through Azure Application Gateway. When I access the app through the gateway, the client IP is replaced with the Application Gateway ...
Romain Wilbert's user avatar
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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) uses Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) : How to implement HSTS header in ASP.Net Core 6.0?

An action item from the security scan is to implement HSTS header in ASP.Net Core 6.0 WebAPI. A WebAPI application is deployed on AKS using Application Gateway Ingress Controller. SSL termination ...
One Developer's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller - The number of BackendHttpSettings exceeds the maximum allowed value 100

We are using Azure Application Gateway as the ingress controller to our AKS cluster and we have been hitting this issue occasionally. "The number of BackendHttpSettings exceeds the maximum ...
Jithin Zachariah's user avatar
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How does Application Gateway prevent requests being sent to recently terminated pods?

I'm currently researching and experimenting with Kubernetes in Azure. I'm playing with AKS and the Application Gateway ingress. As I understand it, when a pod is added to a service, the endpoints are ...
MrPanucci's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway error when using NestJS app with AKS and AGIC

I'm trying to deploy a backend application made with nestjs to AKS and have it exposed to the internet using Application Gateway Ingress Controller, the deployment of the application works with all ...
zoluxero's user avatar
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Azure application gateway how to connect with kubernetes ingress controller (nginx)

I have a kubernetes cluster created. According to security policies in the company, I need to have first an application gateway WAF in front that hits the cluster (which has a public IP). And as an ...
Chanafot's user avatar
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How to configure Azure App Gateway in Istio

I have an application setup on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) and I’m currently using Azure Application gateway as ingress resource for my application running on AKS. Now after setting up ISTIO for ...
vishal's user avatar
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Enable App Gateway ingress for Azure Kubernetes on 443 (https)

I am new to AKS and trying to set up the cluster and expose it via an app gateway ingress controller. While I was able to set up the cluster using az commands and was able to deploy and hit it using ...
nirag tibdewal's user avatar
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Azure App gateway ingress controller with private AKS cluster not working

I am new to kubernetes, so please bear with me. I have created a azure kubernetes private cluster, i have deployed the pods for a basic webapplication & CLusterIP service , I have enabled App ...
inspired_sup's user avatar
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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Istio Gateway: How to configure the Application Gateway in front of the Istio Gateway?

I'm attempting to configure AKS, and I've installed Istio Gateway, which interns created an Azure Load Balancer, to make the overall traffic flow to be as shown below. In my opinion, Azure Load ...
One Developer's user avatar
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Using AAD B2C with an Application Gateway (/with Kubernetes) not working => 404

Architecture Our web-applications are being deployed to our kubernetes cluster which are being integrated in our application gateway via the ingress extension (Azure Gateway ingress). If you navigate ...
Insight's user avatar
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Basic access Auth Enable in Azure Application gateway for URL

In Nginx, we can set up basic auth by adding annotation in the ingress. Authentication Required basic-auth nginx....
Jerin Joy's user avatar
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AGIC deletes a working backend when a different pod fails to start

Deployment overview We are using the Azure Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) to automatically create listeners and back-ends on an app gateway for ingresses in our AKS cluster ArgoCD is deployed to ...
Joon's user avatar
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Azure AKS and Application Gateway returning 404

I have a AKS cluster deployed with an Application Gateway. These are all docker images running on the AKS cluster with a simple ingress. They all run on the same default namespace. One is a Vue ...
creating_styles's user avatar
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Shiny proxy on AKS behind an Azure Application Gateway

I’ve been using shiny proxy on AKS for the past couple of months and it’s been fantastic, no problems at all, however, the need for a more secure setup has arised, and I have to use it behind an Azure ...
Claudio Palmeira's user avatar
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How to configure Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) yaml

I need help in AGIC configuration. I am using Loadbalancer service for my existing AKS cluster and below is the sample yaml file that works and I can access application using LB public IP : apiVersion:...
Susheel Bhatt's user avatar
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Can't expose HTTPS in Application Gateway for EKS after following tutorial for using Lets Encrypt

I followed and that all seems to be working, but I don't see how to add a ...
Stephen Brown's user avatar
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Can SSL offloading be configured when using the Application Gateway Ingress Controller?

I am using the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller for Kubernetes. I was able to successfully configure the controller to expose my Kubernetes Services over http. However, I would like the ...
ilooner's user avatar
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How to scale Websocket Connections with Azure Application Gateway and AKS

We want to dynamically scale our AKS Cluster based on the number of Websocket connections. We use Application Gateway V2 along with Application Gateway Ingress Controller on AKS as Ingress. I ...
Markus S.'s user avatar
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Can you have both a HTTP port and a TCP port exposed in AKS using Application Gateway?

Setup: Azure Kubernetes Service Azure Application Gateway We have kubernetes cluster in Azure which uses Application Gateway for managing network trafic. We are using appgw over Load Balancer ...
Michael's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Rule Priority Configuration in Azure Application Gateway Ingress for Kubernetes

Is there a method to define rule priority within the Azure Application Gateway? I've defined an ingress object in my Kubernetes cluster as follows: apiVersion: kind: Ingress ...
Metro's user avatar
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Terraform - How to create Azure Kubernetes Cluster with AGIC that creates an App Gateway with Private IP

I am trying to create a AKS Kubernetes cluster with ingress_application_gateway add-on which will create an Application Gateway. I am using terraform to create this. Please refer to my terraform code ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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Kubernetes Health Probes with Wildcard Hosts and Certificates

Note: I do not believe the issue I am experiencing is specific to Azure AKS or Application Gateway (AGIC), but it is the environment we are currently working in on the off chance that it impacts ...
James Legan's user avatar
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Azure AKS with Application Gateway: An internal service that is only callable by other services within the cluster

I am using Azure AKS and Application Gateway. (And get new to Kubernetes) Is it possible to have a deployment/service that can only be called from other services within that cluster? But have a single ...
user3067684's user avatar
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Azure AKS Application Gateway 502 bad gateway

I have been following the tutorial here: MS Azure This is fine. However deploying a local config file I get a "502 Gate Way" error. This config has been fine and works as expected. Can ...
user3067684's user avatar
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Ingress Routing to different k8s service for sub domains

I am trying to create an ingress that routes to service1 when is entered & service2 when is entered. My ingress file looks like this below. I am on Azure ...
Shubzumt's user avatar
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How to assign an hostname to an Azure Application Gateway with AGIC

I'm using the Azure Kubernetes Service to deploy a web application on k8s and I'm using the Application Gateway Ingress Controller to forward the requests from the outside of the k8s cluster. I ...
gvdm's user avatar
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Is ISTIO internal traffic routing possible with custom gateway?

Is ISTIO internal traffic routing to different versions possible even when I use custom gateways? (Azure App gateway). Below is my use case. I have two different versions of deployments (Kubernetes) ...
vishal's user avatar
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How to setup ingress for Azure Kubernetes cluster using AGIC?

I have two applications that I want to deploy to my cluster, and thought that I could prefix them in the ingress with different paths to reach them. When I setup the first application using the below ...
KungWaz's user avatar
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nginx controller with sigle signon integration, page redirection doesnt work

I have an requirement to setup nginx ingres controller on AKS and make it act as LB for externally deployed service on Virtual Machine. Then enable SSO login with our internal SSO server. I have been ...
venkat's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway downtime while deploying in AKS

i have a problem with AKS and the implementation of AGIC, whenever i make an actualization to my deployment i experience 5 to 10 minutes of downtime with the error 502 bad gateway. this only happens ...
zoluxero's user avatar
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App Gateway(AGIC) not pointing to service instead pointing to pods in the AKS

I am trying out AGIC, Previously, we have APIM premium with services deployed in AKS with internal loadbalancer and APIM can communicate with it directly because of VNet integration. My current setup ...
prakashrajansakthivel's user avatar
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configuring a backend pool with internal FQDN of clusterIP service

Here my manifest of clusterIP Service apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: "true" name: myapp labels: ...
priyam's user avatar
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why nginx 405 not allowed in azure kubernetes service

I have an azure kubernestes cluster where I am using applcation gateway in the front. the pod is serving an static index.html page. but somehow when I click on our website to the service, it is ...
Vivek Jain's user avatar
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AKS with Application gateway ingress controller configuration

I configured application gateway ingress controller for my Kubernetes cluster, but I can't access my pod container app named myapp running on port 8080/TCP. I created a service that has the following ...
Razvan's user avatar
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AKS-AGIC setup getting 502 error after applying network policy

I have deployed two apps in the different namespaces and I don't want the pods deployed in one namespace to interact with the pods on the other namespace . I have applied the network policy, but after ...
so9868's user avatar
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Ingress is not working if AKS AGIC add-on is enabled with already created Application Gateway

I created Application Gateway & then AKS cluster using C# (Pulumi Azure Native). Resources are created successfully (code is given below). While creating AKS, I enabled AGIC add-on with ...
MD TAREQ HASSAN's user avatar
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Application gateway ingress controller in updating state

Deployed an Application gateway Ingress controller in uat environment. The Application gateway is continuously in the updating state. It shows unhealthy state with the Kubernetes service. The ...
Syed 's user avatar
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AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) and SQL

We have built an AKS cluster with various pods to suit our architecture. One of those pods is a SQL Server, the SQL provides the back end store for an API but we have a requirement to expose read only ...
Murray Foxcroft's user avatar
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Azure kubernetes - How to set up Azure App gateway and Azure API management for Azure kubernetes? [closed]

I have set up Azure API management in front of the Azure kubernetes application APIs and would like to place Azure App Gateway in front of the Azure API management, how would I do this?
One Developer's user avatar
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Ingress path not working with Azure App Gateway Ingress Controller, even though external IP of service works

I have deployed a service on AKS, with ingress supported by Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller. My issue is that the routing defined in the ingress returns 502 Bad Gateway, even though the ...
Mike Hawkins's user avatar
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Set kubernetes VM with nodeports as backend for application gateway

I have two VMs that are part of a kubernetes cluster. I have a single service that is exposed as NodePort (30001). I am able to reach this service on port 30001 through curl on each of these VMs. When ...
subbu's user avatar
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kubernetes azure app gateway ingress controller with external and internal pathing

We are trying to set up a replacement kube cluster that has a couple of micro services on it but the majority of code still lives in a cloud service. We are using the app-gateway ingress controller as ...
danatcofo's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress - Pass only sub path to backend and not full path

I want a Ingress, that routes to service/xyz. I have the following configuration but its routing to service/abc/xyz. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress ...
Jerald Baker's user avatar
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Can an AGIC contact an App GW in a different Azure subscription?

An Ingress controller that would contact an Application Gateway in another Azure Subscription. Is this even possible?
vasil001's user avatar
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