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3 answers

AKS AGIC Application Gateway Ingress Controller Not Deploying

I created a new cluster, created an application gateway and then installed AGIC per the tutorial. I then configured the ingress controller with the following config: # This file contains the essential ...
James's user avatar
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Application Gateway Ingress Controller only works with root path /

I have deployed the standard aspnet app from Microsoft, from the following YAML: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: microservicesapp annotations:
Mike Hawkins's user avatar
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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) uses Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) : How to implement HSTS header in ASP.Net Core 6.0?

An action item from the security scan is to implement HSTS header in ASP.Net Core 6.0 WebAPI. A WebAPI application is deployed on AKS using Application Gateway Ingress Controller. SSL termination ...
One Developer's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller - The number of BackendHttpSettings exceeds the maximum allowed value 100

We are using Azure Application Gateway as the ingress controller to our AKS cluster and we have been hitting this issue occasionally. "The number of BackendHttpSettings exceeds the maximum ...
Jithin Zachariah's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway error when using NestJS app with AKS and AGIC

I'm trying to deploy a backend application made with nestjs to AKS and have it exposed to the internet using Application Gateway Ingress Controller, the deployment of the application works with all ...
zoluxero's user avatar
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Ingress rewrite rule in aks agic gives 502

I'm trying to create HTTPS ingress for my node.js authentication (auth) REST service in AKS, but I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway response. Here's my deployment and service definitions: --- apiVersion: ...
Software Engineer's user avatar
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AKS with LetsEncrypt and multiple certs for different containers

I'm looking for any working samples of applying different certificates on AKS with Application Gateway as Ingress Controller. I have Key Vault with a certificate that is used imported in ApGw/Ingress ...
Alex Langer's user avatar
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Azure Traffic manager gives SSL error while App gateway URL works while using Azure App gateway ingress controller on AKS

We are going multi-region for our project and there is a need for us to use an Azure traffic manager to route traffic to each region. Our setup looks like below where our app gateway is exposed via a ...
nirag tibdewal's user avatar
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How to configure Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) yaml

I need help in AGIC configuration. I am using Loadbalancer service for my existing AKS cluster and below is the sample yaml file that works and I can access application using LB public IP : apiVersion:...
Susheel Bhatt's user avatar
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Why cert-manager overrides manually created certificate?

I'm creating a manual certificate in Kubernetes using akv2k8s( This gets a certificate from Azure Key Vault and creates a certificate in k8s. Below you can find the akv2k8s YAML ...
Ramazan Kilimci's user avatar
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AGIC with App gateway together with azure load balancer

i want to understand the concept and the traffic flow in case of using AGIC. I'm using azure advanced networking in AKS. What i see that azure automatically creates an Azure load balancer once the ...
aly khaled's user avatar
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Allow Azure Application Gateway to route all sub paths in AKS

I have AKS configured with Azure Application Gateway as my ingress. I am trying to deploy a .net core Angular app to a path within the cluster. I would like to access the app on http://<cluster ip&...
ADringer's user avatar
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How to send Azure Application Gateway Request Host headers to istio ingress gateway(Azure Internal LB)

I have configured Azure Application Gateway with WAF2 as Edge Gateway! The requests are sent to backendpool within same Vnet. The backendpool is the IP of Istio Ingress Gateway! The Ingress Gateway is ...
chaosguru's user avatar
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AGIC using HELM is overwriting listeners, rules etc to second AKS using a shared APP Gateway

I have two AKS (Dev and QA) that I want to share with one APP Gateway in Azure. I deployed AGIC using HELM and enabled shared on both clusters. Using YAML files to deploy the ingress to DEV it works ...
arctech7's user avatar
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Ingress controller not picking changes to new/existing Ingress resources

Im usings AKS AGIC Describe the bug The deployed ingress control does not pick existing or newly created Ingress resources. The Ingress resources are properly annotated. On killing controller pod, the ...
Levi Cezane's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Rule Priority Configuration in Azure Application Gateway Ingress for Kubernetes

Is there a method to define rule priority within the Azure Application Gateway? I've defined an ingress object in my Kubernetes cluster as follows: apiVersion: kind: Ingress ...
Metro's user avatar
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Azure AKS with Application Gateway: An internal service that is only callable by other services within the cluster

I am using Azure AKS and Application Gateway. (And get new to Kubernetes) Is it possible to have a deployment/service that can only be called from other services within that cluster? But have a single ...
user3067684's user avatar
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Ingress Routing to different k8s service for sub domains

I am trying to create an ingress that routes to service1 when is entered & service2 when is entered. My ingress file looks like this below. I am on Azure ...
Shubzumt's user avatar
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AKS azure/application-gateway health annotations doesn't update the health probe in Application Gateway

I have an Azure Application Gateway with AKS, where I have created the ingress object with following annotations. apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: "myingress" ...
Nitin Singh's user avatar
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How to assign an hostname to an Azure Application Gateway with AGIC

I'm using the Azure Kubernetes Service to deploy a web application on k8s and I'm using the Application Gateway Ingress Controller to forward the requests from the outside of the k8s cluster. I ...
gvdm's user avatar
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How to set AzureIngressProhibitedTarget without hostname?

I have 2 AKS clusters with different endpoints hosted on each one. After connecting them to the same gateway via helm chart and setting up prohibited targets, it is still overwriting the gateway with ...
Jeff's user avatar
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AGIC issues without any changes to Infra

I have AGIC as Ingress for my AKS and without any changes. Seeing below errors: E0109 08:27:56.481514 1 reflector.go:138] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed ...
Vikram's user avatar
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AGIC deployment with multiple AKS clusters and single App Gateway

AGIC brownfield deployment, 2 AKS clusters and common (shared) App Gateway. Both clusters having the exact same Ingress and Service definitions. This resulted in a single rule and a single backend ...
Kirill's user avatar
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Azure application gateway redirect browser

We have recent shifted from nginx ingress to azure application gateway. When using nginx we had a redirect in place as per the following; | ...
Glenn Sampson's user avatar
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Application Gateway is not able to route backend traffic to host provided in ingress file with AKS internal load balancer

I am facing an issue with App Gateway + Internal Load Balancer where path based routing is works perfectly but hostname base routing is not working which is define in ingress. Both the resources are ...
Walmikk's user avatar
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App Gateway(AGIC) not pointing to service instead pointing to pods in the AKS

I am trying out AGIC, Previously, we have APIM premium with services deployed in AKS with internal loadbalancer and APIM can communicate with it directly because of VNet integration. My current setup ...
prakashrajansakthivel's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway Ingress Configuration - retain same URL post moving to root level

My ingress configuration is set up like below and the expected URL to access the site is It is a Tomcat-based application which used to be extracted from product.war. Now that I ...
Chethan S.'s user avatar
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How to redirect a user from the root path to a specific base path in Azure Application Gateway

I have an AKS cluster with an internal load balancer (NGINX) with a private IP address. For public access, the cluster is fronted by an Azure Application Gateway that routes traffic to the internal ...
Ranul's user avatar
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AZURE AKS: why network Policy not working?

I have an kubernetes cluster (AKS) within azure, With Application Gateway Ingress Controller. I deployed on it, wordpress helm release. I Would like to enable ingress traffic only from Application ...
Mohamed's user avatar
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AKS service exposed using ingress through application gateway returns 403, but not always

I have an AKS cluster running a python dash application. This application works fine, I can access it by forwarding the port (kubectl port-forward etc... I want to expose it on a public IP. I tried to ...
Rob Teeuwen's user avatar
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Application Gateway Ingress Controller I am not able to access the application throgh Ingress controller but was able to access throgh LB External IP

I have created Ingress Controller for my deployment and I am able to access for some time and when i tried the same sometime later i was not able to access the application. But, I was able to access ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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Random 502 Bad gateway error using Azure application Gateway with Traefik Ingress for MultiSite

I have created an Azure application gateway WAF V2 tier, which is connected to Traefik ingress controller in AKS and the ingress forward traffic to the applications in AKS. The backend-pool point to ...
Matrix's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress - Pass only sub path to backend and not full path

I want a Ingress, that routes to service/xyz. I have the following configuration but its routing to service/abc/xyz. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress ...
Jerald Baker's user avatar
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Can an AGIC contact an App GW in a different Azure subscription?

An Ingress controller that would contact an Application Gateway in another Azure Subscription. Is this even possible?
vasil001's user avatar
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