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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) uses Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) : How to implement HSTS header in ASP.Net Core 6.0?

An action item from the security scan is to implement HSTS header in ASP.Net Core 6.0 WebAPI. A WebAPI application is deployed on AKS using Application Gateway Ingress Controller. SSL termination ...
One Developer's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway error when using NestJS app with AKS and AGIC

I'm trying to deploy a backend application made with nestjs to AKS and have it exposed to the internet using Application Gateway Ingress Controller, the deployment of the application works with all ...
zoluxero's user avatar
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How to avoid updating backend pool of application gateway by terraform script

I am trying to deploy AKS with application gateway ingress controller via terraform. For which I have created application gateway , AKS (also enabled ingress controller setting) and then deployed YAML ...
SK001's user avatar
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AKS with AGIC and Application Gateway

I have an AKS cluster with the add-on AGIC enabled (will try and convert it into Helm based AGIC in the near future). At the moment I have an application on this cluster with the Ingress set to the ...
JakeUT's user avatar
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Enable App Gateway ingress for Azure Kubernetes on 443 (https)

I am new to AKS and trying to set up the cluster and expose it via an app gateway ingress controller. While I was able to set up the cluster using az commands and was able to deploy and hit it using ...
nirag tibdewal's user avatar
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Azure App gateway ingress controller with private AKS cluster not working

I am new to kubernetes, so please bear with me. I have created a azure kubernetes private cluster, i have deployed the pods for a basic webapplication & CLusterIP service , I have enabled App ...
inspired_sup's user avatar
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AKS with LetsEncrypt and multiple certs for different containers

I'm looking for any working samples of applying different certificates on AKS with Application Gateway as Ingress Controller. I have Key Vault with a certificate that is used imported in ApGw/Ingress ...
Alex Langer's user avatar
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AGIC deployed with helm (shared:true) with customized prohibited targets deletes the manually added https listener, rules, pool etc

We have a cluster with AGIC that was installed by helm. We made sure to set shared: true to helm configs and to delete the default prohibited-target-all and introduce the custom prohibited target to ...
Coding_Cat's user avatar
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How to work with SSL when integrating AGIC with AKS using Terraform?

I am trying to integrate AGIC with AKS in the following method, but using Terraform: I have ...
AnjK's user avatar
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Error 502 after changing the application gateway in the AKS application gateway ingress controller

After the change of the application gateway in the agic we are no longer able to access our application from the internet. The application is divided into various microservices that still seem to ...
Nopesound's user avatar
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Terraform for AKS Application Gateway Ingress Controller 502 and its subnet peering issue

its works fine when: everything build on azure portal enable agic in kubernetes service networking import self signed ssl cert host table mapping When deploy by terrform: deploy a web page, using ...
wilssssssslam's user avatar
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2 answers

Specify custom backend pool name in Application Gateway via Application Gateway Ingress Controller for Service in AKS

We are having naming collision in the name of the Backend Pools generated in Azure Application Gateway by AGIC (Application Gateway Ingress Controller) running in two separate (independent) AKS ...
Paul K.'s user avatar
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AGIC deployment with multiple AKS clusters and single App Gateway

AGIC brownfield deployment, 2 AKS clusters and common (shared) App Gateway. Both clusters having the exact same Ingress and Service definitions. This resulted in a single rule and a single backend ...
Kirill's user avatar
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Access Prometheus and Grafana via Ingress in AKS

I have an AKS Cluster deployed and I have deployed Prometheus and Grafana in monitoring namespace. I have also created a Ingress rule to access both the application in default namespace. To access ...
Ankit Soni's user avatar