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11 votes
1 answer

Assign Static Public Address to Azure Container Instance deployment

Context Working on a project to deploy a restful API application and seperate TCP service to an Azure Container Instance. The TCP service requires a static Ipv4 address due to legacy reasons. ...
scott_lotus's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

Azure Traffic Manager with Application Gateway backends

We have an architecture whereby we have a traffic manager in front of two Azure application gateways and configured based on Priority (closer proximity has higher priority). We are using Application ...
Azure Ninja's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Azure Traffic Manager monitoring status is 'degraded' for Azure Application Gateway

Azure Traffic Manager monitoring status for Endpoints(Azure Application Gateway/WAF)is degraded. Web app behind the Application gateway is healthy and able to access through Traffic Manager. Any help ...
Sakaldeep Yadav's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Azure Load Balancing Solutions. Direct Traffic to Specific VMs

We are having difficulties choosing a load balancing solution (Load Balancer, Application Gateway, Traffic Manager, Front Door) for IIS websites on Azure VMs. The simple use case when there are 2 ...
WinBoss's user avatar
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2 answers

Can Azure Traffic Manager redirect clients based on SSL version?

I want all clients to be able to access my server regardless of how old or unpatched they are. This means I need to support ancient versions of SSL. I want these users to access sales and marketing ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Azure: Route subdomain traffic to different backend port

I have multiple sites hosted on the same machine in Azure on different ports: etc I would like to address these by subdomain using a reverse proxy; ...
SturmUndDrang's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure traffic manager route by URL pattern

We have web apps hosted on two data centers for high availability and we used traffic manager with round robin routing method to route traffic to either of the two data centers. Now per business ...
Youxu's user avatar
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2 answers

How to redirect traffic hosted on an azure endpoint (DNS/static IP) to different external IP address

Question: How do I host an endpoint in azure which allows me to redirect internet traffic at will between azure and aws services? I am hosting two kubernetes clusters - one in Azure and the other in ...
Banoona's user avatar
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1 answer

Using Traffic manager, how to mitigate the service unavailability issue caused by TTL

I am using traffic manager to load balance our traffic to services hosted on different data center. The problem is, when client request to traffic manager, traffic manger response with a IP with TTL ...
Youxu's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure Traffic manager gives SSL error while App gateway URL works while using Azure App gateway ingress controller on AKS

We are going multi-region for our project and there is a need for us to use an Azure traffic manager to route traffic to each region. Our setup looks like below where our app gateway is exposed via a ...
nirag tibdewal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Multi-site web apps with traffic manager and appllication gateway

I have this azure set up. 2 LOB App Service (web apps) on same region say, and I have 3 different regions gloabally with same apps. Traffic manager will manage these regions....
John's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Azure: Route traffic from different subdomains and URLs to different backend ports

I have multiple sites hosted on the same machine in Azure on different ports: and single sites hosted on separate machines: foo....
totalfreakingnoob's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to route specific port traffic on one domain to multiple Azure App Services?

How would one route a domain's port traffic to multiple AppServices (not VMs): (Website) --> AppService A (WebService) --> AppService B ...
jaybro's user avatar
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Is there a solution to load balance public ips but with the front end as private IP in azure?

The requirement is the customer is having 2 SAAS services for SMTP for which Microsoft has provided public IP. The customer wants to make those services available for users within the organization ...
Ghost rider's user avatar
0 votes
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How to send all traffic to a certain path with a application gateway (azure)

I'm struggling to find a way of sending all traffic into a app gw to a certain website path. Say my website is, I have a App Service backend with the domain stackoverflow....
KieranJamess's user avatar
0 votes
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Azure Traffic Manager Custom Header Settings for Application Gateway with Multiple Sites

I'm facing some issues getting the correct custom header in Traffic Manager to check health for multiple sites behind an Application Gateway. These applications are on a single listener in the ...
Morariu's user avatar
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2 answers

DNS configuration for Web App Custom Domains with Application Gateway + Traffic Manager for end to end SSL

I have to configure App Gtwy between Traffic Manager and Azure Web apps. I have a custom domain for my web app and uploaded certs (pfx and cer) in App gateway. Added App Gtwy endpoint in Traffic ...
rsch006's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to configure CNAME for Application Gateway and Traffic Manager

I have this setup: Traffic Manager Profile -> Application Gateway(piblic ip - xx.x.x.x) -> (based on host name redirect to backendpool) -> Redirect to webapp1 and webapp2. How would I define a CNAME ...
John's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Azure Multi region DR : Custom Routing Policies in APIM[Premium) Vs Traffic Manager behind APIM

We have APIM premium, which comes with internal Traffic Manager for performance base routing . If APIM is integrated externally with the vnet in which we have our fnapp integrated, for multiregional ...
Reshma's user avatar
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