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How to create alert for Azure Application Gateway Unhealthy Backend?

I have tried to use the following options Azure Monitor Alert Powershell Script Iam trying to test for a application gateway. I have tried to create alert using the Azure Monitor with the Signal - ...
CharismaticDevelop's user avatar
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How can I create multiple rewrite rules under one ruleset in Azure Application Gateway using PowerShell?

We are trying to create azure application gateway rewrite rule using PowerShell. The issue is couldn't create multiple rule under one ruleset. Can someone help this issue. #Get the AAG Config $appGW=...
utthira balaji's user avatar
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Create Application Gateway probe, backend pool, rules ecc.. with powershell New-AzResources

i'm trying to create with powershell and and command new-AzResources some object, like probe, rules etc.. inside an application gateway. I'm using following snippet: ### Get properties $get = Get-...
Emanuele's user avatar
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Building an Azure Application Gateway with SSL termination using PowerShell - Can anyone get this to work? Listener SSL resource reference error

Trying to build an Azure Application Gateway using the following instructions and cannot get it to build without an exception stating that the certificate referenced by the listener cannot be found ...
Mike Autry's user avatar
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Not able to delete the Rewrite Rule Set from Azure Application Gateway

I am trying to delete the Rewrite Rule Set using AZ CLI and PowerShell but getting the below error. I tried creating the Rewrite Rule Set again and tried removing all the rules but when I am trying to ...
Sisir Patnaik's user avatar
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Set-AzApplicationGatewaySku doesn't actually change settings?

I've a v1 standard application gateway in Azure, i'm trying to use Azure Runbook to scale it. This is achieved using an alert action, to run the book, which does work. However, the commands in the ...
user3012708's user avatar
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Toggle an Application Gateway WAF to Prevention/Detection mode

Goal: Toggle an application Gateway WAF between prevention and detection mode via code. Configuration Details: App GW SKU: WAFv2 Application Gateway WAF deployed Custom rules and managed policies are ...
ChiefSmo's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway - Add-AzureRmApplicationGatewayProbeConfig vs Add-AzureRmApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettings?

I am trying to setup the Azure Application Gateway as shown below $AppGW = Add-AzureRmApplicationGatewayProbeConfig -ApplicationGateway $AppGW -Name "webprobe" -Protocol "Http" -...
One Developer's user avatar
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Forwarding request to Azure Application Gateway Backend Pool depending upon Incoming request header

I have the following Setup: One Application Gateway with WAF V2. Two backend pools (say Backend1 and Backend2). Both backends have same Application but with different version (Say V1 and V2). I want ...
Fraxxx's user avatar
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A more secure way to programmatically import TLS cert for Azure Application Gateway

We're automating the creation of Azure Application Gateways for new deployments of a web app's resource group. Unfortunately AppGW doesn't seem to support Key Vault certificates directly (ref) like ...
Matt Wanchap's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a application gateway without backend address pool in azure?

While creation of azure application gateway using ARM template is it possible to create a application gateway without backend address pool, request routing rules, health probes and listeners. If so ...
Mohamed Meeran's user avatar
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Azure power shell command to remove IP restrictions on App service

I did my part of RnD and could not find Azure Powershell command remove IP restrictions on App service. Can someone help me out here plz.
ATMK4MSFT's user avatar