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13 votes
2 answers

Terraform - How to attach SSL certificate stored in Azure KeyVault to an Application Gateway

I have a Terraform script that create an Azure Key Vault, imports my SSL certificate (3DES .pfx file with a password), and creates an Application Gateway with a HTTP listener. I'm trying to change ...
wertyq's user avatar
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How do you reference a certificate stored in a keyvault from an application gateway ARM Template?

This may be relatively new stuff, but I am looking for a way to reference a certificate already stored in the keyvault certificates. The application gateway needs a managed identity to do so. At the ...
user13696433's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

what is the Azure CLI command to add https listener in application gateway from key-vault (Cert)?

I am trying to add listener to application gateway using Azure CLI command (type as HTTPs) and cert is available in Key-vault. I tried from documentation but ended up with confusion. Can anyone let me ...
Pand005's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway and Key Vault - GW doesn't see renewed SSL Certificate

My understanding is that updating/renewing a certificate that is stored in Azure Keyvault would be automatically refreshed though it might take a couple days. As a learned today, that's not the case. ...
AndrewZ's user avatar
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2 answers

Azure Application gateway with lets encrypt

I have an AKS cluster running running Internal nginx ingress + cert-manager which generates lets encrypt for ssl terminations. I would like to include application gateway as an entry point, where I ...
Michele's user avatar
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Unable to update SSL cert while using multiple basic listener using WAFV2 Azure App Gateway

I am having trouble uploading a new SSL pfx certificate onto my WAF V2 application gateway. I currently have 3 basic wildcard listeners setup (* * and * for example)...
mjkoskinen's user avatar
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How to extract the root CA certificate from keyvault certificate using command?

I have a certificate in the azure key vault. I want to use the root certificate of this certificate in backend settings of application gateway. I already used the keyvault certificate in listener for ...
Saurav Likhar's user avatar
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Error Key Vault object_id is an invalid UUID - Terraform/Azure

I'm deploying an Azure Application Gateway in Terraform and I want to store my SSL private certificate for the https between Internet and my App-gtw in an Azure Key Vault. The code, omitting useless ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Is there anyway to import a PFX SSL Certificate file using Bicep or ARM to a Azure Key Vault as a Certificate

I am aware that I can Base64 encode a certificate and then import it as a txt file to an Azure KeyVault as a "Secret" of type "application/x-pkcs12" using Bicep or ARM templates. ...
Josh L's user avatar
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Azure Key Vault access policies and Managed Identities (ARM templates)

Looking for expertise to help. I have created ARM template, which deploys Azure Application Gateway and Key Vault instances. I want to give principalID (user assigned managed identity) of App Gateway ...
codeunit's user avatar
0 votes
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Error attaching trusted_root_certificate to terraform azurerm application gateway

I would like to have an Ingress in my k8s cluster point to a service and pod on my k8s cluster which will serve a tls cert signed from a CA which is not well-known. To do this, I am trying to add a ...
toddmacintyre's user avatar
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Terraform Apply Throws Error with Azure RM 3.0 and Trying to Provision an App Gateway with User Assigned Managed Identity

I am stuck here with a cyclical issue. I had an Application Gateway which i provisioned using Azure RM 2.0 provider in Terraform. But i wanted to upgrade to AzureRm Version 3.0 and Terraform ...
Pallab's user avatar
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Issue with User Assigned Identity with Azure Application Gateway while using with Terraform

I am trying to assign a "User Assigned Identity" to my Azure Application Gateway so that the App Gateway can read SSL certs from a particular Azure Key Vault. I am following the link --> ...
Pallab's user avatar
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Getting error only while executing terraform apply as resource cannot be found in application gateway

I have created a application gateway, WAF policy, public IP via terraform. From Azure GUI I have created a Key vault in which I have uploaded the pfx certificate also I have created managed identity ...
Ghost rider's user avatar
0 votes
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app gateway backend pool ip update fails with error "Operation returned an invalid status code 'NotFound'"

The application gateway is configured to route to backend pools based on IP. When changing the IP for one of the backend pools, the IP changes because when I go back into it the new IP is in the field,...
msaxbury's user avatar
0 votes
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Application Gateway integration with Azure Key Vault issue

Hopefully someone can help there. I am trying to integrate Azure Application Gateway with Key Vault using ARM template and getting an issue: SecretIdSpecifiedIsInvalid: SecretId '==' specified in '/...
codeunit's user avatar
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A more secure way to programmatically import TLS cert for Azure Application Gateway

We're automating the creation of Azure Application Gateways for new deployments of a web app's resource group. Unfortunately AppGW doesn't seem to support Key Vault certificates directly (ref) like ...
Matt Wanchap's user avatar
-1 votes
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Azure Application Gateway TLS encryption does not work with certificate from Key Vault

I have a Certificate from Lets Encrypt in PEM format with a private key. I used OpenSSL to convert it to PFX format and then imported it in Azure Key Vault along with the password I used during ...
MostafaBakr's user avatar