Questions tagged [awt]

The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is Java's original platform-independent windowing, graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit.

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249 votes
9 answers

What is the difference between Swing and AWT?

Can someone please explain me what's the difference between Swing and AWT? Are there any cases where AWT is more useful/advised to use than swing or vice-versa?
Samiksha's user avatar
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227 votes
9 answers

Java GUI frameworks. What to choose? Swing, SWT, AWT, SwingX, JGoodies, JavaFX, Apache Pivot? [closed]

There is quite a lot of gui frameworks out there for java, but what is recognized as today's framework of choice? The following is my understanding of the different frameworks, please correct me if ...
138 votes
21 answers

How to center a Window in Java?

What's the easiest way to centre a java.awt.Window, such as a JFrame or a JDialog?
Andrew Swan's user avatar
  • 13.6k
96 votes
3 answers

"Always on Top" Windows with Java

In Java, is there a way to have a window that is "Always on top" regardless if the user switches focus to another application? I've searched the web, and all of the solutions lean to some sort of JNI ...
Laplie Anderson's user avatar
96 votes
12 answers

How to bring a window to the front?

We have a Java application that needs to be brought to the foreground when a telecontrol mechanism activates something in the application. In order to get this, we have realized in the called method ...
boutta's user avatar
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88 votes
5 answers

Swing GUI listeners without AWT

I am a starting Java developer, learning just from internet tutorials. I am learning full-screen GUI applications. I was told yesterday that I shouldn't use AWT in my programs because it is outdated. ...
Hidde's user avatar
  • 11.7k
83 votes
5 answers

Copying to the clipboard in Java [duplicate]

I want to set the user's clipboard to a string in a Java console application. Any ideas?
clone1018's user avatar
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70 votes
10 answers

Setting background color for a JFrame

How do you set the background color for a JFrame?
user avatar
69 votes
2 answers

Java Event-Dispatching Thread explanation

I've recently started learning and exploring the basics of GUI programming in Java. Having been programming for a while I have only done backend work or work and as a result the closest I've gotten ...
linuscash's user avatar
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68 votes
3 answers

Loading resources like images while running project distributed as JAR archive

I am having a error for my GUI. Trying to set title bar icon then be included in a Runnable JAR. BufferedImage image = null; try { image ="...
exlux15's user avatar
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57 votes
9 answers

Java: using an image as a button

I would like to use an image as a button in Java, and I tried to do this: BufferedImage buttonIcon = File("buttonIconPath")); button = new JButton(new ImageIcon(buttonIcon)); But ...
3sdmx's user avatar
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56 votes
5 answers


My question is related to SwingUtilities.invokeLater. When should I use it? Do I have to use each time I need to update the GUI components? What does it exactly do? Is there an alternative to it since ...
FadelMS's user avatar
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55 votes
6 answers

How to simulate a real mouse click using java?

I'm attempting to perform a mouse click in Java, to click something in an external program. To do this, I'm using java.awt.robot, and the following code: Robot bot = new Robot(); int mask = ...
ali's user avatar
  • 551
55 votes
5 answers

What does SwingUtilities.invokeLater do? [duplicate]

What does SwingUtilities.invokeLater do? Is it just delaying the execution of a block of codes inside its run method? What is the difference between calling an action within the invokeLater function ...
user avatar
47 votes
5 answers

How to Change Font Size in drawString Java

How to make the font size bigger in g.drawString("Hello World",10,10); ?
zbz.lvlv's user avatar
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44 votes
4 answers

Is storing Graphics objects a good idea?

I'm currently in the process of writing a paint program in java, designed to have flexible and comprehensive functionalities. It stemmed from my final project, that I wrote overnight the day before. ...
Zizouz212's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

Calling awt Frame methods from subclass

This question is about Frames, Java and Processing. This questions sounds pretty convoluted but its really not. I'll try keep this to a simple minimum. I'm creating a small ball in a maze game to get ...
OVERTONE's user avatar
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37 votes
2 answers

Java - FontMetrics without Graphics

How to get FontMetrics without use Graphics ? I want to get FontMetrics in constructor, now I do this way: BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(5, 5, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); FontMetrics fm = bi....
piotrek's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

Convert text content to Image

Is there out any Java library that allows converting text content to image files? I only know of ImageMagick (JMagick in this case) but I wouldn't like to install any external binaries (my app will be ...
jarandaf's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

Border with rounded corners & transparency

The following screenshot shows a test of TextBubbleBorder1. I would like to make the corners of the component that are outside the rectangle to be entirely transparent & show whatever component ...
Andrew Thompson's user avatar
36 votes
5 answers

Setting java.awt.headless=true programmatically

I'm trying to set java.awt.headless=true during the application startup but it appears like I'm too late and the non-headless mode has already started: static { System.setProperty("java.awt....
reto's user avatar
  • 16.5k
35 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to construct Swing/AWT widgets NOT on the Event Dispatch Thread?

I've been integrating the Substance look and feel into my application and ran into several problems regarding it's internal EDT (Event Dispatch Thread) checking routines. Substance absolutely refuses ...
basszero's user avatar
  • 29.8k
34 votes
10 answers

Is Java Swing still in use? [closed]

I am planning on making a Java Swing application and was wondering if Swing is still used or if it has been replaced with something else. Thanks in advance!
Mark Szymanski's user avatar
34 votes
6 answers

Getting a HeadlessException: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set

Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it. at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment....
Ahsan's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

How can I convert an Icon to an Image

I'm trying to convert an Icon (javax.swing.Icon) to an Image (java.awt.Image) using this code: private Image iconToImage(Icon icon) { if(icon instanceof ImageIcon) { return ((...
3rgo's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Draw rectangle border thickness

Is it possible to do draw a rectangle with a given border thickness in an easy way?
JPC's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Get effective screen size from Java

I would like to get the effective screen size. That is: the size of the screen without the taskbar (or the equivalent on Linux/Mac). I am currently using... component.getGraphicsConfiguration()....
Rasmus Faber's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11FontManager

when we migrated from Oracle JDK-8 to Open JDK-11, Apache POI excel generation has issues tried already -Djava.awt.headless=true org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler dispatch ...
PCB's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

JFrame: get size without borders?

In Java, is it possible to get the Width and Height of the JFrame without the title and other borders? frame.getWidth() and frame.getHeight()1 seems to return the width including the border. Thanks.
Tom's user avatar
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28 votes
6 answers

Turn an array of pixels into an Image object with Java's ImageIO?

I'm currently turning an array of pixel values (originally created with a java.awt.image.PixelGrabber object) into an Image object using the following code: public Image getImageFromArray(int[] ...
Chris Carruthers's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

Copying to global clipboard does not work with Java in Ubuntu

The following code from a standalone application works in ubuntu: import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt....
Karussell's user avatar
  • 17.3k
27 votes
4 answers

jTable right-click popup menu

I have a SQL database and I am working on a program that will allow me to add/delete/modify records. I already managed to add records I am working on editing/deleting them. I want to display the ...
Garrett Innovations's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

How to use FileDialog?

I created an interface and I'd like to add a function that allows user to open a file. I'm using AWT. I don't understand how to use FileDialog. Can you please give me an example or a good link that ...
grb's user avatar
  • 261
26 votes
4 answers

Create GUI using Eclipse (Java) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Best GUI designer for eclipse? Is there any Eclipse Plugin tool(s) who can help to create Graphical User Interface for (swing, awt or swt), because I'm tired of writing ...
Wassim AZIRAR's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

How to rotate text with Graphics2D in Java?

I want to rotate text on a JPanel using Graphics2D.. My code is this: double paso=d.width/numeroBarras; double alto=datos[i].valor; Font fBarras=new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 15); ...
Rafael Carrillo's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Safe to use Component.repaint() outside EDT?

I cannot find any official documentation saying that it is safe to call Component.repaint from another thread than the Event Dispatch Thread, the EDT. Is this so? And where can I find some ...
dacwe's user avatar
  • 43.3k
25 votes
1 answer

Collision detection with complex shapes

I am wanting to make a game that has each level loaded from an image. I want to draw up the whole level in Photoshop, and then set it as the background and allow the player to walk over it. I want ...
calebmanley's user avatar
24 votes
9 answers

Cannot load font in JRE 8

I cannot load a font from an S3 Inputstream in JRE 8. I do not have issue if a system is installed with JRE 7, JDK 7, or even JDK 8. val fontInputStream = s3Client.getObject(bucketName, objectKey)....
Khanetor's user avatar
  • 11.9k
24 votes
4 answers

Apple Retina Display Support in Java JDK 1.7 for AWT / Swing

I just became aware that AWT / Swing under Java JDK 1.7 (as of JDK 7u15) does not support Retina displays on Apple Macbook Pros. Netbeans, for example, is nearly unbearable to use for more than a few ...
kalefranz's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Java and GUI - Where do ActionListeners belong according to MVC pattern?

I'm currently writing a template Java application and somehow, I'm not sure about where the ActionListeners belong if I wanted to cleanly follow the MVC pattern. The example is Swing based, but it's ...
jaySon's user avatar
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23 votes
8 answers

Making a JScrollPane automatically scroll all the way down

I am trying to implement a JScrollPane with a JTextArea. The JTextArea is being appended to, and I want the JScrollPane to keep scrolling down as more text is added. How can this be achieved?
Krigath's user avatar
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23 votes
9 answers

What is java.awt.Component.getName() and setName() used for?

What is java.awt.Component.getName() used for? It always seems to be null in the applications I build with NetBeans. I'm thinking of storing some help text per component in it -- I don't want to use ...
JohnnyLambada's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Using awt with android

I have a Java Swing application which draws diagrams. It uses Graphics2D calls and awt objects such as Rectangle etc. At some point I might want to port this to Android. I understand that I can't use ...
tomd's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

If Swing is deprecated, what is the alternative?

I heard that apparently Swing is being developed no longer. I like Swing and use it all the time. What should I now be using instead?
Dean's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

The import java.awt cannot be resolved

I have installed the Eclipse [Version: Photon Release (4.8.0)] and JDK 10 on a MacBookPro with macOS 10.13.5 When I write in my code: import java.awt.*; I get the error: The import java.awt ...
Livio's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between listeners and adapters?

I'm trying to differentiate between listeners and adapters. Are they pretty much the same but in listeners you have to implement all the methods in the interface, but with adapters you have an option ...
orange's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

AWT Window Close Listener/Event

I am sorry if this is a n00b question, but I have spent way too long for this once I create the Window listener, window event, and everything else, how do I specify what method to invoke? Here is my ...
alexmherrmann's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Add WebView control on Swing JFrame

I am working on Swing application mixed with JavaFX control. I have created a JavaFX control (WebView) to browse HTML files. But I want to know, how can I add this web view control on the ...
adesh's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

Is there a simple way to compare BufferedImage instances?

I am working on part of a Java application that takes an image as a byte array, reads it into a java.awt.image.BufferedImage instance and passes it to a third-party library for processing. For a unit ...
pharsicle's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Create an image from a non-visible AWT Component?

I'm trying to create an image (screen-shot) of a non-visible AWT component. I can't use the Robot classes' screen capture functionality because the component is not visible on the screen. Trying to ...
Isaac Waller's user avatar
  • 32.8k

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