Questions tagged [avrdude]

AVRDUDE is used in development for Atmel AVR microcontrollers to access the contents of the ROM/EEPROM memories on the target platforms.

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24 votes
5 answers

AVRISP MKII doesn't work with AVRDUDE on Linux

The system sees something is plugged in when I plug and unplug it: bluehat@Matapan:/dev$ tail -f /var/log/syslog Mar 23 15:36:35 Matapan kernel: [156082.112874] usb 7-1: new full speed USB device ...
Katy Levinson's user avatar
16 votes
8 answers

Mac + Uno + avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding

I'm trying to upload .hex file to Arduino. I don't have any problems with uploading code through an IDE (like blink example or any other). The port and board are correct. So, the problem appears when ...
Mikhail Chuprynski's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

ATMega328P "AVRDude: Could not find USBTiny Device (0x1781/0xc9f)"

Good afternoon, I recently assembled an ATMega328P based micro-controller PCB of my own design. I feel good about the circuit itself as I managed to upload the Arduino Blink sketch via the Sparkfun ...
user3185748's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

AVRISPmkII connection status: Unknown status 0x00

Well.. I've been searching on the web in many corners.. but I could not find a solution to my problem. Last time I used my AVRISP2 it worked fine. Now I get the following message when I try to write ...
Stefan Falk's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Using Arduino Libraries with AVR-G++

Is there a simple way to use libraries intended for the Arduino IDE with the C and assembly code I write for AVR-G++/AVR-GCC? I'm trying to use the Adafruit Wave Shield library, but simply including ...
Anon's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

AVRDUDE command line can't connect to programmer for Leonardo

I am trying to connect to an Arduino Leonardo from the command line using: ./avrdude -patmega32u4 -C../etc/avrdude.conf -cavr109 -P/dev/cu.usbmodem1421 I get a series of the following errors: ...
Trevor Shaw's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to read the fuses with avrdude

I have ea new stk500v2 programmer (Pololu) and want to read the fuses of an atmega8. With my old programmer I uses the command avrdude -v -p atmega8 -P /dev/cu.usbmodem002938642 -c stk500v2 and got ...
heimi's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

AVR for Xcode 4?

Has anyone had success using xcode 4 as an IDE for AVR microcontrollers? Is it possible to have the same amount of integration as the plugin for eclipse?
Nathan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Arduino Programming Without Arduino Libraries - Atmel Studio

I would think this question has been asked thousands of times, I simply cannot find many resources on the subject. I would like to program my Arduino Uno (ATmega328P) using Atmel Studio and the C ...
Joshua Granger's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Uploading Arduino hex file using avrdude

I need to use avrdude from a terminal to upload the compiled Arduino sketch (.hex file) to my Arduino Pro Mini 5V. I am programming the Pro Mini board with an FTDI 5V. When I plug in the board into my ...
Darth.Vader's user avatar
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2 answers

how to make Mac detect AVR board using USBasp and burn program to it?

I am new to Embedded, starting with AVR programming using C. I am working on Mac OS 10.9.4, so far I am using avrdude and xCode as IDE. It works very well, for now I am testing my code using Proteus. ...
Ishan Dhingra's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

AVRDUDE Android Arduino ioctl error

My previous question, Android cannot talk to Arduino using AVRDUDE, has been resolved. I can now connect my Nexus 7 to my Arduino Uno. The full command I am running is this: /system/xbin/su (getting ...
HansStam's user avatar
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C executable to hex

I am using CLion as IDE. After building the output is an executable file example. What I would like to achieve is make .hex file from it and upload it to my AVR via avrdude. I read and tried some ...
etilge's user avatar
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1 answer

avrdude.exe: invalid file format ' ' in update specifier error after setting up AVR studio 6 external tools

I have set up avr studio 6 as an Arduino IDE with the help of the tutorial at: I added an external tool as described ...
user1243742's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

avrdude and atmega48pa

Can i programm the atmega48pa with avrdude? I have problems with the signature ... % avrdude -pm48 -cavrisp2 -Pusb -V -U flash:w:main.hex avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept ...
silvio's user avatar
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2 answers

Android cannot talk to Arduino using AVRDUDE

I am using AVRDUDE for Android ( I can compile the C code. I can run $ avr-gcc -Os -DF_CPU=16000000UL -mmcu=atmega328p -c -o led.o led.c $ avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega328p ...
HansStam's user avatar
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2 answers

ATtiny programming a function - appears to freeze

I am new to programming ATtiny chips. I ran the equivalent program to this on an Arduino and it worked, but when running it on an ATtiny2313, although no error message appears, the program appears to ...
Mr Slinkyfish's user avatar
3 votes
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How to Uninstall Git for Windows SDK?

Git for Windows SDK apparently uses over 5.25GB of disk space and I have no use for developer kit bloat. Now I want to uninstall but I could not find any instructions online or in documentation. On ...
SystemTheory's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Arduino IDE not able to Upload Sketch (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)

I've recently switched to a Linux Machine and tried to set up my Arduino IDE for a little project. Unfortunatly I get an error message when I try to upload my sketch to the Arduino (Uno R3). User ...
SF23's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to reference an USB port via avrdude?

avrdude has the option p which permits you to determine which port should be used. By checking the USB settings of my USBASP, it says it is connected through the port#0002.hub#0001. So I tried the ...
Bracketz's user avatar
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1 answer

Run avrdude on Android with Samsung devices

Hi members of! I try to build an app in Android that can upload HEX file generated by avr-gcc. I installed the AndAVR this chaintool to run avrdude ...
Miguel Tres Patines's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Avrdude config linux

I'm trying ubuntu 12.10. I want to use Eclipse IDE + avrdude. The problem is, that I have a custom ft232rl programmer, which is not included in standard avrdude configuration. In windows I would add #...
user1685095's user avatar
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1 answer

Running avrdude commands as SCons targets

I want to be able to call avrdude from SCons as a target. For example, running scons erase-device should run the avrdude command for doing so. I'm attempting to do this by creating Builder objects ...
Jesse DeGuire's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How do I upload an object file generated by LLVM to Arduino?

I'm making a simple language for Arduino, and want to compile this with LLVM. I tried to generate LLVM IR (to understand what LLVM IR is generated from the Arduino code). I used this command: > ...
Donghyeok Tak's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

AVR Dragon & Arduino (mega1280) Cannot enter programming mode

I recently purchased an Arduino with an atmega1280 on it. I did not get it to use the Arduino IDE but just as a handy board to use with AVR Studio and my Dragon. I purchased a new computer around the ...
uMinded's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to grab output of terminal when issuing commands to use in a program?

I am writing an avrdude helper program that facilitates calling a few command-line arguments. When issuing avrdude commands in the console a series of output results will be displayed on the screen. ...
sherrellbc's user avatar
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2 answers

AVR ISP MKII, avrdude, Ubuntu 11.10

So, I have had this working on Ubuntu before. But then I upgraded to 11.10. Now, no such luck. Note: if you are still messing with getting this to work on eclipse, you might want to try this command ...
SpiRail's user avatar
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1 answer

change Start address .hex in atmel studio7

I'm doing a bootloader for AVR in ATMELStudio7, when generating the .hex it is created from the address 0x00 but the bootloader has to go from the address 0x1e000, if anyone knows how to change this ...
José Vicente R's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to give Full Path name in avrdude command?

I thought of using fully qualified absolute path name in avrdude command. But I am getting error "Invalid File Format" I tried with following two options. But both of them does not work. Even I tried ...
Mahesha Padyana's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

AVR - Can't add Programmer on Eclipse

I want to use Eclipse to develop code I will be uploading to my Atmega 2560 microcontroller. I could easily use the Arduino IDE to do this, but in my opinion, developing on Eclipse is a whole lot ...
jmera's user avatar
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2 answers

Wrapper library for avrdude

The problem: Through an Android app, be able to programmatically verify arduino flash contents to ensure it has not been changed (maliciously) I am able to do that with avrdude using the command as ...
kev's user avatar
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2 answers

Perl system() EXE Permissions?

I'm kinda new to running Perl on windows, and I'm having some problems with the system command while trying to run avrdude.exe to upload a HEX file to a Atmel Microcontroller. These are the Perl ...
SuperTron's user avatar
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1 answer

How do i erase everything but EEPROM with avrdude?

I have 2 main files. One writes to EEPROM, other reads from EEPROM. I want to do the following: Flash main.hex (the one which writes onto EEPROM) Erase everything but the contents of EEPROM Flash ...
ctrl-shift-esc's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Disabling interrupts on TX pin on Arduino Mega 2560

I'll start telling that the reference on the function serialEvent is not very well documented for Arduino. Due to the lack of information I've ...
Ruso_x's user avatar
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1 answer

AT32UC3B0512 project compiled as AT32UC3B0256 -> Consequences

I just figured out that I have compiled and programmed my AT32UC3B0512 project using the AT32UC3B0256 as target device. My application seams to work without problems. Is that possible? What are the ...
sharkscream's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Android USB Host API taking away ttyACM file

I have a custom build of AOSP (based on kitkat 4.4). I am controlling an arduino board via Android's USB Host API. I also am running a kernel that supports the CDC-ACM module. I want to be able to ...
scheibk's user avatar
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0 answers

Replacing arduino's default IDE with KDevelop

I find KDevelop a very good IDE overall and I already have a good experience using it for cross-compiling and debugging software for ARM9 CPUs running embedded Linux. Now that I got some Arduino ...
Claudio's user avatar
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"Not a typewriter" AVRDude error on Android

I have received a file descriptor for a USB device from an Android app (using getFileDescriptor()), sent it via JNI in native code and received it in a child process (AVRDude) via a Unix socket and ...
4ntoine's user avatar
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2 answers

Does process executed from android app have the same rights as android app?

I have granted access to UsbDevice, got his device name (/dev/bus/usb/002/002) and passed it to executed process to work with USB device (avrdude to be more detailed) Process process = Runtime....
4ntoine's user avatar
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1 answer

Failing to access AVR ATTiny13A with very slow clock (128kHz/128 or 128kHz/256) (avrdude: error: program enable: target doesn't answer)

I am trying to program an AVR ATTiny13A using a USBasp adapter (guloprog) and avrdude. Uploading the program and running it works fine the first time for a fresh ATTiny13A device, but re-uploading ...
Johannes Overmann's user avatar
1 vote
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Arduino Clone CH340g osx issue (driver installed and apparently working)

I'd like to mention that the device I'm talking about in this question works fine using avrdude on a linux machine, the issue appears to be with the OSX driver for the CH340g I've installed the ...
Ollie Hirst's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

My Interrupt is not updating my value to my main, how should i set up my Interrupt?

Im trying to build a program that has a scannerlight with at least 5 leds and one button connected to an external interrupt pin. A single button press (and release) to start the scanner light. ...
Guess's user avatar
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1 answer

Flash .Hex File To Arduino Via Terminal Without AVRDUDE

If I connect an Arduino board via USB and open the terminal (OS X/Unix) and type in echo something > /dev/tty.usbmodem1411, it would send something to the board through that port. That's pretty ...
crait's user avatar
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2 answers

Atmega @ 8MHZ delay 8 times to fast

im very new to Atmegas ant AVR Programming, so i hope you would forgive me this noob question: I have got this code, which runs perfectly at 1MHZ, but if i fuse the Atmega to internal 8 MHZ while ...
user3321030's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot talk to atmega328p over AVRisp mkII

I have similar issue as here(AVRISPmkII connection status: Unknown status 0x00) but different setup and changing bitcklock didn't help. The current setup is atmega328p with external oscillator 16MHz ...
mikedanylov's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Eclipse AVR Programming - ATMega2560

I am having some trouble uploading code to my Seeeduino ADK (essentially a Arduino Mega 2560) using Eclipse. Basically, this thread explains my problem. Sometimes I get a series of timeouts using ...
SuperTron's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I program an AVR Raven with Linux or a Mac?

This tutorial for programming these starts with programming the Ravens and Jackdaw with a Windows box. Can I do those initial steps with avrdude on a Linux or OS X machine instead? If so, how? Is ...
Andrew McGregor's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Problems setting up an AVR MCU programmer in Eclipse 2024-03

I installed Eclipse 2024-03 with the plugin to manage AVR MCUs. But when I try to indicate which MCU programmer I intend to use, using the Windows->Preference->AVR window, although I can see ...
SJB's user avatar
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1 answer

Beyond Linux From Scratch: avrdude was compiled without usb support

Out of interest and learning purposes I have built Linux from scratch (LFS+BLFS, both version 10.0) according to the descriptions on In general the OS can boot and I can ...
Manfred Hinter's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Qprocess and avrdude

i'm trying to create a simple QT program that allows me to launch avrdude without using command line operations. I saw that with Qprocess it's easy to launch any kind of program and I tried ...
Davide Ferrero's user avatar

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