Questions tagged [android-tv]

Android TV is a smart TV platform running the Android operating system. It provides an interactive television experience by overlaying user interface on top of existing television programming. Use android-tv for questions specifically on the TV platform and not for general Android questions.

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369 votes
9 answers

How do I use tools:overrideLibrary in a build.gradle file?

I'm using the leanback libraries, which require Android 17 or later. However my app supports a minSDK of 16, so I get a build error from gradle saying Error:Execution failed for task ':Tasks:...
emmby's user avatar
  • 100k
49 votes
5 answers

getLaunchIntentForPackage is null for some apps

I'm building a service that sends a list of installed apps from an Android TV or a Fire TV to a mobile phone. The phone then sends back the package name of the app it wants to launch and the service ...
Jeremy Roberts's user avatar
46 votes
2 answers

Generated system.img not running on emulator

I wanted to build a custom ROM for Android TV. I have followed the steps given on the Android Source Code - AOSP website and downloaded the source using the commands below: repo init -u https://...
krupal.agile's user avatar
36 votes
3 answers

Android TV RecyclerView focus interaction

I'm currently using a regular RecyclerView with GridLayoutManagerwith different spanCount depeding on the viewType for an Android TV app. All is working decent but I have 2 issues: If you long press ...
Tepes Lucian's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

How to increase the size of a current focused item on a RecyclerView? [closed]

I'm trying to make an horizontal list with a RecyclerView, that when I put the focus on an item, increase the size of this. I want to make this effect: Do you have any ideas to accomplish this?
Skycorsarius's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

How can I check if an app is running on an Android TV

Is there a way to check if an app is running on an Android TV or Android Mobile? I know how to check the running build. I want to start a specific service if the app is running on an Android TV vs ...
leafartist's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

What protocol does Android TV Remote use?

What protocol does an Android TV Remote use? Seems like Anymote is no longer used. But there are still applications like Android TV Remote Control and Remote Android TV which work quite well with even ...
Ashwin's user avatar
  • 423
20 votes
1 answer

Detect if HDMI service is UP on android TV

We have a problem with HDMI service. Our Android TV app are set as default on STB. When you launch STB it doesnt show you launcher, it shows you out App immediately with playing HLS video stream. For ...
bene25's user avatar
  • 588
18 votes
5 answers

Scroll to given position in Android Leanback ListRow

I'm using the Google Leanback widgets in an Android TV application. It utilizes a RowsFragment with ListRows in it. What I'm trying to determine is if there is any way to programmatically scroll to a ...
ebr's user avatar
  • 333
17 votes
1 answer

Admob for Android TV app

Developing an application for Android TV, I have a question on the use of ads. The Android TV layout guide states that: Advertising on Android TV must always be full-screen. Ads must not appear ...
Jose Gómez's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Limit scrolling speed on ListRow

I was looking at Netflix app and their scrolling behaviour.I would like to do the same but don't know where to start. I know how to override LayoutManager for RecyclerView(though I don't to save that ...
harisk92's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Android TV emulator with Google APIs

I have an android game in Google Play. Now I'm trying to make it compatible with Android TV. I don't have any of the Android TV hardware. So I'm testing in emulator. I was able to start Android ...
Sreekanth's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Multiple horizontal RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView steal focus

Actually I'm currently working for a AndroidTV app. I have multiple horizontal RecyclerView right to left inside a NestedScrollView like that image. Problem is that when I scroll more towards left, ...
Puspak Ghosh's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How to implement paging in Leanback VerticalGridSupportFragment using Paging Library?

We are trying to implement paging in Leanback VerticalGridSupportFragment with Architecture Components Paging Library. Leanback on it's own doesn't have any sort of out-of-box compatibility with ...
Wojciech Sadurski's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

DIAL protocol for launching android application

I'm trying to get an Android TV app to launch with DIAL. I have the application installed on my Android TV as "com.test.example" I also have that path registered to the DIAL site, here: http://www....
RyanInBinary's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Detect usage of Google Cast

How to detect if my AndroidTV is currently an Google Cast receiver from mobile/desktop ? How to detect who is currently an Google Cast sender from Google Cast Receiver perspective? How to detect if ...
Adam Styrc's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

I'm making an application for AndroidTV and get the error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/mytv.mytv-2/base.apk" on a NexusPlayer ...
Vlad.mir's user avatar
  • 695
13 votes
3 answers

android-tv Changing text color and font of browse fragment rows header

How to change text color and font of rows header in browse fragment?. The text not in menu but the text that appears above the rows.
prit's user avatar
  • 653
13 votes
5 answers

Set margins between items on BrowseFragment

Developing an application for Android TV, I faced a problem for the usage of BrowseFragment provided by Leanback support library. Can we change the margin between items of RowsFragment?
corochann's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Install certificate on AndroidTV

I was needing to view the backend https requests made by my androidTV's application, but, as the calls are "https" calls I am needing to install a charles certificate (on my androidTV) to allow ...
Sebastian Corradi's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Detecting 4K UHD screens on Android

I am trying to detect when a device is capable of outputting at 4K UHD (3840x2160) resolution. A number of devices such as the nVidia Shield TV and the Sony Xperia Z5 Premium will report that they are ...
Cobar's user avatar
  • 223
13 votes
1 answer

Android TV not starting LAUNCH_LEANBACK Activity

I want to create a single apk that will be compatible with mobile and TV. As I understand I should specify the launcher activity for both platforms in manifest, one for mobile with <category ...
Mickey Tin's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

AndroidTV Missing DPad functionality

My app is fully usable and navigatable on AndroidTV using the DPad. Well, it certainly is on MY AndroidTV, as well as AVD. However, Google keeps on rejecting my appeal to have it marked as AndroidTV ...
ausgeorge's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How do you install and automatically update application builds on Android TV for testers?

I'm looking to install and automatically/one button update very early development builds of an application to Android TV devices in my household. I've initially tried Google Play using an internal ...
dbrain's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Android link headphone volume to master volume

I have an android TV (Philips 49PUS6401) I want to connect a surround sound system to it which is much better quality than the built in speakers even when only being used in stereo. however this TV ...
James Kent's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to change the background color of the info area on a ImageCardView?

I am trying to change the background color of the infoArea on an ImageCardView in the Android Leanback Library when the card is selected. Currently what I have tried is changing the background in the ...
brwngrldev's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Android TV Leanback RowsFragment keep focused item at the start

I'm working on a Leanback app and I've implemented the rows and everything via RowsFragment and its all working great. As for now when I go left and right within the items in the row the focused ...
Itay Feldman's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How to support dpad controls for RecyclerView

I am currently trying to port Android mobile app to Android TV. I have a RecyclerView that seems to be displaying correctly in my Android TV app. I am using linearLayout for my RecyclerView. But I don'...
Vpd's user avatar
  • 235
11 votes
2 answers

AndroidStudio project that supports both Android and AndroidTV

I'm trying to create an AndroidStudio project that supports both Android (phone/tablet) and AndroidTV. The goal is to have similar functionality on the Phone/tablet and AndroidTV, while one not ...
Gerard's user avatar
  • 638
11 votes
3 answers

Android TV not starting correct activity

I have an app that should run on both phone and TV. In the manifest, I'm specifying the phone's launch activity with <activity android:name="" android:launchMode="...
Tim Mutton's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Use of Constraint Layout for developing TV android Apps

I want to know why android developer documentation is recommending to use view groups such as Relative Layout or Linear Layout to arrange views for developing TV Android Apps and not the current ...
Arpit J.'s user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Multiple ListRows for each Header on BrowseFragment - Leanback library

I'm getting started with Leanback support for our app. As per UI requirements I need to add multiple list rows corresponding to each header, it's exactly like what Youtube App does on Android TV. ...
CodeFury's user avatar
  • 1,540
10 votes
2 answers

AppCompat theme for Leanback

I opened my old Android TV app project and tried to update the dependencies. I then updated the appcompat libraries to 27.1.1. I opened the leanback fragments and Android Studio warned me the ...
Eric Li's user avatar
  • 153
10 votes
3 answers

Which resource qualifier should I use to support 1080p, 720p android TV? - Android

In order to define different dimension values for 1080p and 720p android TV, I need to decide which qualifier I should use. When I'm trying to use something like values-sw1080p,values-sw720p, it doesn'...
Bagusflyer's user avatar
  • 12.8k
10 votes
2 answers

Play Store support for Android TV on Android Studio

I use Android Studio and I need an emulator with Play Store support to test the development. However, I could not see the emulator with Play Store support in the Device Manager section in Android ...
umtblbl's user avatar
  • 123
10 votes
3 answers

Implementing a File Dialog in Android TV Leanback

I have a dirPath String variable that I want to be able to change to a directory of my choice for an Android TV app. I find the Leanback framework's slideshow-like interface a little cumbersome for ...
biscuitstack's user avatar
  • 11.7k
10 votes
1 answer

Android TV: unfocused image contains black transparent background?

My Android TV app fetches images from a server and displays it on the home screen. The problem is, all the images that are not focused, i.e. not selected contains a black transparent background. The ...
Pangu's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Strange Android RecyclerView (GridLayoutManager) focus behavior

I have a RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager, with 2 columns per row. Because the develop is for Android TV so that I need focus to navigate. It's ok if I'm using down key to navigate to any visible ...
Bagusflyer's user avatar
  • 12.8k
9 votes
4 answers

How to keep the last item's focus of RecyclerView when navigating to the end of the list?

I used a RecyclerView with HORIZONTAL direction in my TV development which controlled by a D-pad to navigate the list from the left to right. the last item of the RecyclerView always lost focus when ...
Xiaozou's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Remove SearchOrbView Android TV

How can I remove the searchOrbView in the BrowseFragment of Android TV? I see a way to set the colors (setSearchAffordanceColors), but no way to actually remove the SearchOrbView Since the TitleView ...
MobileMon's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to implement scrolling in RecyclerView on Android TV?

I have an application which I need adapt for Android TV. This application contains horizontal RecyclerView and it doesn't scroll when I press D-pad buttons on remote control. I found this solution, ...
BArtWell's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to make Android TV app work on Amazon Fire TV?

Since the Android TV leanback library is apparently compatible with SDK level 17, which is what the Amazon Fire TV uses, I set the minimum SDK level on my Android TV app and installed it using ADB on ...
atariguy's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Android TV app can't be installed on Android TV devices

I have already published app on Google Play Store. It can't be found in Google Play Store app on any device running Android TV which I tried. I can find it on Google Play by using its name, but there ...
Marek Skóra's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How to remove headers from BrowseFragment?

I am working on an android TV app and I am using the leanback library. I want to customize the app layout "BrowseFragment". I want to remove the header view and only display the card list "rows". Is ...
Billel Boumessaidia's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Resource not found : Theme.Leanback

I'm building android app for Tv and I'm setting theme as a Theme.Leanback is defined in android-support-v17-leanback.jar support library. But when I build my app getting error saying that "Error: No ...
Narrator's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Automated Installation of an .apk from the Google Play Store

I'm writing some end-to-end tests of an Android-TV-App using Python and my own implementation of the ADB-Protocol. This works fine so far, I can send commands, get ui-dumps ect. However, since the ...
Tobias von Falkenhayn's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

android tv -Reloading adapter data

I want to re-load some of the rows data in a browse fragment. Basically I want to reset the adapter data without causing a flash like effect in the browse fragment. Any idea how it can be done? ...
prit's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Android Studio / Win8 / ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

Using Android Studio on Windows 8 x64 (latest stable build). I have an extremely simple project with nothing but a WebView pointed to but everytime I launch the app in the emulator, I get ...
znelson's user avatar
  • 918
8 votes
2 answers

Android TV Preferences Standard

When viewing the Android TV preferences and the built in apps such as YouTube, they appear to use a standard layout as shown here: I cannot find any examples of implementing preferences on Android TV ...
Kuffs's user avatar
  • 35.6k
8 votes
2 answers

Android: Key Event from Android Box remote controller

I was interested to know how can i catch key/button events from Android TV Box remote controller? For example, i want a popup menu to show when i click the OK button from remote controller. And i ...
strategos's user avatar
  • 119

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