Questions tagged [android-ble]

In contrast to Classic Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is designed to provide significantly lower power consumption. This allows Android apps to communicate with BLE devices that have low power requirements, such as proximity sensors, heart rate monitors, fitness devices, and so on.

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Android BLE iBeacon advertisement packet larger than expected

I'm attempting to get an estimated range to a BLE device, given the devices RSSI and calibrated transmission power. The calibrated txPower is supposedly emitted as the last byte in the peripherals ...
Orbit's user avatar
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BLE WRITE and Read Issue?

Please anyone help me, I already tried many ways. BluetoothGatt mBluetoothGatt mBluetoothGatt.writeCharacteristic(mWriteCharacteristic) return true but readCharacteristic(...
user2372490's user avatar
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BLE writeCharacteristic and readCharacteristic issue

I am a beginner of BLE in my case BLE write characteristic true but BLE readCharacteristic failed.I followed this working example but I changed the service UUID and getCharacteristic UUID.But till i ...
user2372490's user avatar
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Android BLE: Message Length issue

I am developing an android application with BLE. The requirement of this application is to update the voltage variation in a specific hardware with various inputs. So I am writing the characters to ...
Nithinjith's user avatar
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How to transmit beacon using altbeacon

I am working on Android app to transmit data by custom beacon, here is my code : public void transmitData() { mBeaconTransmitter = new BeaconTransmitter(this, new BeaconParser().setBeaconLayout("...
user's user avatar
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Losing BluetoothGatt objetct of BLE connection

I'm developing an APP that connect to a BLEDevice. This connection is managed by a Sticky Service that have a instance of a singleton that keep all the parameters of the BLE connection (...
SamuelPS's user avatar
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How to detect active connection from bluetooth device using Android SDK

I am working on an Android app that uses a bluetooth connection, and I want to read data from the device into the app, but need to know if I am connected to the device before reading data. Below is ...
user3316012's user avatar
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Save a list of discoverable bluetooth LE devices?

How can I save a list of discoverable BLE devices in Android? Follow my implementation of startDeviceScan() method: private String[][] mNearestDevices; // ... public String[][] startDeviceScan() { ...
eldivino87's user avatar
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Stop BLE scan started in runnable

I am developing an app in which I will be searching for available beacons in range continuously, when the user displays a certain fragment of the app. In order to do this I created a Runnable in which ...
fragon's user avatar
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Android BLE - Ring, Vibrate, and Write characteristic according to RSSI value

I am new to Android and Java and I don't want to give up yet. I am using the Android Studio sample for BLE for this project. If there is any ...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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How to use the Bluetooth Low Energy Services?

Want to build a chat app that can only communicate with BLE supported devices. How to initialize the BLE service and how to pair with a device so that it can receive messages.
Ryan's user avatar
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Android: BLE device is sending packet time is slow and get only max 20 byte at a time

I am developing health application so use BLE device(Hardware). From BLE Device send 25 byte at one packet but on mobile(Android) side we receive 20 byte. (I am refer this link) When receiving each ...
Amit's user avatar
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Gimbal "BeaconSighting" listener working erratically

I am trying to obtain the Gimbal beacon distance changes run-time in Android. I am able to connect to my beacon and same is reflected in the android app. But I am not able to obtain the changed RSSI ...
BlueSword's user avatar
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How to play from Byte[] in media player ? Byte[] consists of Heart Beat Sound data

How to play the Byte[] in media player where data is coming from Doppler(BLE device for Heart Beat Sound). Data is in this form: [85, -86, 9, -96, 53, 50, 24, -86, -103, -65, -72, 36, 67, 24, -102, -...
kiran guled's user avatar
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Android: How Do BLE Notifications Work?

On Android when you want to receive BLE notifications for characteristic changes you use something like the following: BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = ... gatt....
SuperDeclarative's user avatar
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BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) not able to find another BLE device

I am trying to scan another BLE device, but it is not finding another BLE device. Instead, it scanned a Bluetooth device with api <18. This is my code : package com.example.blescan; import java....
Harsh Parikh's user avatar
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How will i show values received from a ble device continuously on multiple textviews

I am developing an app for humidity sensor. the sensor will send data to the app continuously every second. I need to show it on multiple textviews with an update every second. Currently, My ...
Mr Robot's user avatar
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2 answers

Android BLE scanning with PendingIntent

A few days ago, I was able to successfully get Android to scan for BLE devices using PendingIntents. I'm having trouble today getting the PendingIntent to receive any callback data, and I'm pulling my ...
wheresmycookie's user avatar
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Perform an action on Knocking on the phone when the device is asleep?

Im trying to implement a feature that I've seen an few apps, I think for both Android and iOS.. They are calling a function to perform on double knock (tap on the phone) when the app is close and or ...
Adithya.K's user avatar
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It leaks when I startLeScan in onCreate and stopLeScan in onDestroy

I run my code and rotate the phone couple of times, then dump memory and analyze it. Below is my code: private BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback mLeScanCallback = new BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback() ...
tiny sunlight's user avatar
-1 votes
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Bluetooth BLE onCharacteristicRead() gives Status= 128

When i am trying to read characteristic using readCharacteristic() it giving me true but when i am getting response in onCharacteristicRead() it giving me status = 128 instead of status=0 (...
android_sh's user avatar
-2 votes
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Nearby scan in foreground service

My android app needs to find a beacon in background. To do so I'm using the google nearby messaging api with beaconId. To have a scan in foreground I'm subscribing the messages client in a foreground ...
imtoori's user avatar
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How to maintain more than 7 active BLE connections on android device

I am trying to get about 50 devices to connect to my android tablet and have them actively send notification to the android tablet anytime there is something to notify. To receive notifications I am ...
Naveen Sangeneni's user avatar
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Android : auto connect to heartrate sensor ble

I have developed an app that connect to a Polar heart monitor. I connect to it using : device.connectGatt(this, false, mGattCallback); and If I lost the connection I rescan the device and I reconnect ...
aeroxr1's user avatar
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I currently working on android app, i wan to add BLE application in to my app, that is , i wanna send data into nrf51822/8001. Please provide me a simple example. Thank you.
Nufail Achath's user avatar

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