Questions tagged [android-ble-library]

Android BLE library that solves a lot of Android's Bluetooth Low Energy problems

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4 votes
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How to test BLE objects on Android?

I am learning to communicate over Bluetooth Low Energy on Android.. Here is an example app There in there source code are several Bluetooth related objects, which were final classes obviously: private ...
Ralf Wickum's user avatar
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How to read raw data from scanned BLE device?

I am using RxAndroidBle Library for my BLE application. Like nrfConnect application I want to read RAW data from BLE device. How to read RAW data from device?
Pallavi Tapkir's user avatar
3 votes
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Android: Why is BluetoothLeScanner sometimes not discovering any BLE device?

I'm using BluetoothLeScanner to scan for BLE devices, which I start using: startScan(null, settings.getScanSettings(), scanCallback); Every once in a while, a call to startScan() does not discover any ...
matdev's user avatar
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BluetoothGattCharacteristic > write crashes with Android 13

I have the following code that is working perfectly on Android 12 and below, but that is crashing on Android 13 for no apparent reason. I'm implementing ObservableBleManager and calling: ...
Filnik's user avatar
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Delay in Android BLE StartScan returning a match

We have developed an Android app that tracks vehicle journeys, where each vehicle has a BLE device installed that wakes up when the vehicle is started. To identify when the user is in the vehicle and ...
user2060819's user avatar
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Get any error code on connect failure due to max connections limit reached on Android BLE

I am connecting to a BLE device and want a specific error code that could help me determine the reason of connection failure. Scenario i want to cover is for maximum connections limit being reached. ...
Sameeksha Jain's user avatar
2 votes
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Bluetooth onCharacteristicWrite not invoked after Status=8 when writing to a characteristic on Android 9

I sometimes get connectionStatus=8 when writing to a characteristic Writing characteristic 03... (WRITE COMMAND) gatt.writeCharacteristic(03...) //6 seconds gap BluetoothGatt: ...
Maragues's user avatar
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1 vote
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BLE scan callback not invoked on missing permission

I am using Samsung Note 8 (Android 9) and Samsung A50(Android 10). I am doing BLE scan which needs Bluetooth as well as location permissions (Android >=23). I am NOT providing the Location ...
Sameeksha Jain's user avatar
1 vote
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Android OS 9.0 , BLE 5.0 specific issue fetching list of services from BluetoothGatt

Developed the following source code for sending message from one Android device to another Android device using BLE: public static String SERVICE_STRING = "6exxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxdcca9e&...
Chiranjib's user avatar
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Is the transmission power on Bluetooth Low Energy an Android configurable?

I have a Bluetooth Low Energy Android app project here which works fine so far for most of my android smartphones. I use my BLE weather thermometer in my app anywhere within my room, it works. Except ...
Pavel Pipovic's user avatar
0 votes
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Ble distance calculation using Time

Is it possible to calculate distance between BLE-BLE or Beacon-BLE device using Time(T) taken on packet received on receiver device with measured power or RSSI value? Is there any formula for that?
Shanmugapriyan's user avatar