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How to correctly use UUID.fromString method?

I am trying to read/write these ble characteristics: Right now, I'm trying to read AA01* I am using this library to do it. Here's my code: private void connectToSensorTag(RxBleDevice rxBleDevice) {...
Guy's user avatar
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How do I effectively read temperature from two BLE devices at the same time?

First of all, I am using RxAndroidBLE library to manage my BLE connections. I have two SensorTag devices and I want to read temperature from both at the same time. For example, I'd like to read the ...
Guy's user avatar
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I was wondering which strategy the RxAndroidBle library uses regarding write acknowledgements: WRITE_TYPE_DEFAULT or WRITE_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE? Furthermore, should I wish to set (or query) this setting, ...
Steve Yohanan's user avatar
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Logging scanResult in Polidea - RxAndroidBle Scanning

I am trying to use the RxAndroidBle lib ( I want the app the start and scan for BLE devices. I want to print the found devices in the LogCat. How can I do this?...
amanda45's user avatar
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BLE different MTU for different implementations

I have tried different implementations of BLE connection on Android. One with RxAndroidBle and another one with simple Android API. I used RxAndroidBle example app for testing. I connect to the same ...
Nataliya Le Loup's user avatar
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BLE Device dissonect after receive Notifications (BLEGattException Status = 0x8)

My BLE server permanently measures a sensor value and sends a notification with 20 byte user data after each measurement. The goal is to generate as much throughput as possible. On the client side, ...
Chris 123's user avatar
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BleGattException when writing to a particular characteristic

Writing to a specific characteristic crashes the application and throws the following exception: Caused by: BleGattException{status=8, bleGattOperation=BleGattOperation{description='...
Orbit's user avatar
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How do I format a byte array to be sent to a characteristic on a BLE device?

I connect to my device and attempt to write to its characteristic: scanSubscription = rxBleClient.scanBleDevices( ScanSettings.Builder() // .setScanMode(ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY) // ...
Martin Erlic's user avatar
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RxAndroidBle - How to disconnect all connected devices?

I am using awesome rxandroidble library for BLE control. I keep connection between activities. Before I start scanning, I want to disconnect all connected devices first. Sometimes It is not working ...
mudin's user avatar
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How to disable a notification with rxandroidble?

I'm currently trying to use rxandroidble in order to replace the native BLE API of Android of one of our app. How to disable a notification? I'm able to enable it with the sample code, this one: ...
Myx's user avatar
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Emit an item one at a time, interact with it until a condition is met, then continue for next item

I have a list of BLE devices, and am using RxJava to interact with them. I need to emit an item from the list, write a characteristic to it repeatedly until X happens, and then proceed to the next ...
Orbit's user avatar
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Determine Characteristic Notfication emission count by first emission

I am currently implementing a protocol for a Bluetooth device and i am using the RxAndroidBle Library (version 1.4.3). I have to request data from the device by writing to characteristic and then ...
tiqz's user avatar
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OnErrorNotImplementedException somehow still being called with included error handling

Im performing a write to a BLE characteristic, where with these specific devices certain characteristics are not writeable if the peripheral is still locked. I'd like to simply provide a visual ...
Orbit's user avatar
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How can I write to a BLE GATT characteristic using RxAndroidBle in Kotlin?

I am unable to use the sample code to write to a GATT characteristic over BLE. I'm using the following code from Polidea's examples available here: Code: ...
Martin Erlic's user avatar
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Application is not able to capture each and every scan responses from the ble device

I am developing a BLE android application where I have used RxAndroidBLe for BLE communication. Everything working fine except one issue that the application is not receiving every scan response ...
sanjay's user avatar
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Android BLE callback OnWriteCallback stops after few seconds

I am trying to write next packet synchronously based on the OnCharacteristicWrite call back condition to achieve a maximum throughput. But for some reason it stops triggering OnCharacteristicWrite ...
Nikhil Shinde's user avatar
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Android BLE is NOT connecting again after BLE device timeout [Using RxAndroidBle ]

I am working on Android BLE using RxAndroidBle library. The BLE device has a timeout of 5 min if there is no interaction. i.e. The device will disconnect automatically if there is no read/write ...
VishnuSP's user avatar
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Write BLE gatt characteristic on Android — error status 255

Experimenting with sample kotlin program, trying to read/write BLE device with channels from 0-7 When reading it gives me value like this: (0x06) onCharacteristicRead(), status=0, value=[uuid='...
Jānis Grīnvalds's user avatar
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Background Service Android Using RxAndroidBle

When I connect, write, and notify using backgorund service, connection running well but when I closed the application connection between service and BLE device lost. Can I still connect to device ...
Chandra Abdul Fattah's user avatar
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Write to device characteristic in order to "authenticate", Kotlin

I'm very new to RxAndroidBle and RxJava or RxKotlin. I have a task somehow similar to this one, How to receive all notifications in RxAndroidBle I need to wirte to a characteristic in order to "...
UncleShell's user avatar
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RxAndroidBle with java 7

I am trying to use RxAndroidBle to scan for devices. All the examples I found seem to use java lambda expression. Do I need java 8 with android studio to use the RxAndroidBle library? How can I run ...
amanda45's user avatar
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Android BLE iBeacon advertisement packet larger than expected

I'm attempting to get an estimated range to a BLE device, given the devices RSSI and calibrated transmission power. The calibrated txPower is supposedly emitted as the last byte in the peripherals ...
Orbit's user avatar
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