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2 answers

Emit an item one at a time, interact with it until a condition is met, then continue for next item

I have a list of BLE devices, and am using RxJava to interact with them. I need to emit an item from the list, write a characteristic to it repeatedly until X happens, and then proceed to the next ...
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Determine Characteristic Notfication emission count by first emission

I am currently implementing a protocol for a Bluetooth device and i am using the RxAndroidBle Library (version 1.4.3). I have to request data from the device by writing to characteristic and then ...
tiqz's user avatar
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OnErrorNotImplementedException somehow still being called with included error handling

Im performing a write to a BLE characteristic, where with these specific devices certain characteristics are not writeable if the peripheral is still locked. I'd like to simply provide a visual ...
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