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Bluetooth device not listing in android oreo

BLE devices like ESP 32 is not getting listed while using react-native-ble-manager on android applications with os version > 8 (oreo). The same code works fine with android OS versions < 8 (oreo)
Sanjeev S's user avatar
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React Native Android 12 Permission, Ble cannot scan

On Android 12 or higher Ble cannot scan. My android.manifest is below: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" android:maxSdkVersion="30" /> <uses-...
Furkan KARABABA's user avatar
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Can't read the value that comes with the GATT Service characteristic; Not sure if I setup the GATT server correctly

The BLE is advertising just fine. I can establish a connection with it but I can't read the characteristic value I set here on the initialization of GATT server. This is the GATT Server setup @...
Drix Lopez's user avatar