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3 answers

How to correctly use UUID.fromString method?

I am trying to read/write these ble characteristics: Right now, I'm trying to read AA01* I am using this library to do it. Here's my code: private void connectToSensorTag(RxBleDevice rxBleDevice) {...
Guy's user avatar
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3 answers

BluetoothLescan() not finding any devices

I've been having some problems getting Bluetooth to scan for devices with my Samsung Galaxy s5. I'm on Android 6.0 and have set up permissions for my app to scan like so: if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT &...
joey's user avatar
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1 answer

BluetoothServiceJni: An exception was thrown by callback 'btgattc_notify_cb'

I am using Android ble to develop an application. The app will connect with the external device using ble. The external device has a sensor that records data and as soon as the android device comes in ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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How to connect with BLE device for first time (Android)

I was going through and found the method boolean connect(Boolean autoConnect, BluetoothGattCallback callback, Handler handler) The documentation just above this method ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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How to convert byte array data to float data type in android app

I am creating an app and have data coming in the function onCharacteristicChanged. The data I am getting is byte[]. I need to be able to take the data type and be able to have float numbers which are ...
Romko Smuk's user avatar
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bluetoothGatt.writeCharacteristic always return false with ble characteristic type is write_no_reponse

I am writing an Android app to talk with an BLE meter. I have been able to scan devices, connect to the target, discover services, get characteristics. However, when I try to write a write_no_reponse ...
syjsyj's user avatar
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How to check if a bluetooth response is received within a particular time limit?

I'm developing an app bluetooth to communicate with a device. I have to send to that device a certain packet and that device respond to me in notify mode after a certain time. All works well, but I ...
aeroxr1's user avatar
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Android BLE: GattCallback.onCharacteristicChanged is not triggered in response of a write operation on Android 12 and below

I am writing an Android app that can connect to a BLE device. There are multiple types of devices handled by my application and I have to know the type of device I am connecting on. The entire ...
TydraoXalys's user avatar
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BLE disconnected with status 8, interval 36

When trying to connect to Raspberry Pi BLE GATT server (using hardcoded BT address) from Android app, most of the times (not always) I'm getting: D/BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 ...
ihaqra's user avatar
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Android BLE devices not detecting each other

I am trying to use Google's Sample BLE library to send data between two LG Phoenix 4 phones, both running Android 7.1 and both BLE-compatible. I have successfully gotten the app onto both phones, but ...
David Ma's user avatar
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RxAndroidBle with java 7

I am trying to use RxAndroidBle to scan for devices. All the examples I found seem to use java lambda expression. Do I need java 8 with android studio to use the RxAndroidBle library? How can I run ...
amanda45's user avatar
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Android BLE: Message Length issue

I am developing an android application with BLE. The requirement of this application is to update the voltage variation in a specific hardware with various inputs. So I am writing the characters to ...
Nithinjith's user avatar
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Stop BLE scan started in runnable

I am developing an app in which I will be searching for available beacons in range continuously, when the user displays a certain fragment of the app. In order to do this I created a Runnable in which ...
fragon's user avatar
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Android BLE - Ring, Vibrate, and Write characteristic according to RSSI value

I am new to Android and Java and I don't want to give up yet. I am using the Android Studio sample for BLE for this project. If there is any ...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) not able to find another BLE device

I am trying to scan another BLE device, but it is not finding another BLE device. Instead, it scanned a Bluetooth device with api <18. This is my code : package com.example.blescan; import java....
Harsh Parikh's user avatar
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