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i want to know how i can get the UUID of BLE device which is needed to connect IOS app to BLE device in android, same as like vice-versa?

Actually, I'm new in BLE, and In Android, if I am searching for available devices, so i got some Address, which is like, "8A:WS:YV:23:D7", and if i'm searching for the same device in IOS, then it ...
Shubh's user avatar
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Is it possible to determine/identify when BLE device is about to disconnect

I have a BLE device (self made) that I pair with my app (iOS+Android). I want to notify the user when the bluetooth signal is weak or better - when the device is about to disconnect. Searching the ...
gioravered's user avatar
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Connect A-Frame to BLE devices on any smartphones

I have an application that uses A-Frame to display an animation in "VR". I say "VR" because there is not interaction from the user, I use VR-headset and VR-technologies to focus the user on an ...
ttben's user avatar
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