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Android BLE: Is it possible to add Service Data and Manufacturer Data at the same time when advertising an iBeacon packet?

I'm currently doing an experiment in order to trigger a beacon detection device. Here is the sample of a detected beacon that can be used to trigger that device. In my experiment, I'm trying to ...
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Android BLE Scan - Cannot start unfiltered scan in screen-off

I am facing issue related to BLE advertisement scanning. After turning screen off my scanning is working for undefined time then stopping till I turn screen on. BtGatt.ScanManager is logging "...
drbear's user avatar
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Android BLE iBeacon advertisement packet larger than expected

I'm attempting to get an estimated range to a BLE device, given the devices RSSI and calibrated transmission power. The calibrated txPower is supposedly emitted as the last byte in the peripherals ...
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How to transmit beacon using altbeacon

I am working on Android app to transmit data by custom beacon, here is my code : public void transmitData() { mBeaconTransmitter = new BeaconTransmitter(this, new BeaconParser().setBeaconLayout("...
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