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15 votes
3 answers

BluetoothGattServer cancelConnection does not cancel the connection

I have Android application which exposes BLE Server. I connect with BluetoothGattServer#connect. It works - my app gets call to BluetoothGattServerCallback#onConnectionStateChange with STATE_CONNECTED....
Marian Paździoch's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

I want to identify the BLE wheel and crank sensor data from the 11-bytes data from a mobile application we have developed

I want to identify the wheel and crank sensor data from the 11-bytes data. I have tried to parse the 11-bytes hex data which i got in our mobile application as per the split ups in the link below. ...
Santosh Krishnan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Maximum no of device that can connect to BLE(BluetoothGattServer) server android

Does anybody knows the maximum number of device that can be connected to ble peripheral ? I tried with two devices and it connects well but the third device is not able to connect to Android BLE ...
DAMM108's user avatar
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Using BLE - Read GATT characteristics

I'm trying to read GATT characteristic values from a Bluetooth LE device (a Heart Rate bracelet). Its specs are: Services Characteristics I have not yet figured out how to "read" the specifications ...
eldivino87's user avatar
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4 answers

How to execute the BluetoothGatt read and write requests same time for all connected devices?

I want to connect multiple ble device and do read write operation parallely?
Parth's user avatar
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scanForPeripherals reports dozens of random peripherals (one physical device)

What Works: (prior to bonding scanForPeripherals reports 1x peripheral) What doesn't: (once bonded, scanForPeripherals reports 10-30x peripherals instantly) this happens instantly - the moment 'pair' ...
Pawel Klapuch's user avatar
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BLE iOS sending data to Android gattServer peripheral:writeValue:forCharacteristic:type not working

I am trying to use android as a BLE peripheral (gatt server). I was able to get it advertising, and I can have the iOS app reeive notifications when certain characteristics are changed, but I am ...
Chase Roberts's user avatar
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BLE Device disconnect event delay

I have a problem with BLEdevice - android BLE stack does not reports about its disconnect for about 15 seconds after device was disbled. Actual disconnect event appears on timeout, as I can see. Is ...
Raiv's user avatar
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BLE disconnected with status 8, interval 36

When trying to connect to Raspberry Pi BLE GATT server (using hardcoded BT address) from Android app, most of the times (not always) I'm getting: D/BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 ...
ihaqra's user avatar
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GATT_READ_NOT_PERMIT error when trying to use Android device as GATT server

I have an android application that has BLE GATT Server running so the android phone would be a peripheral device and other devices can connect to it. Sometimes the connections works fine, but very ...
Radoslav Ignatov's user avatar