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Get the supported Bluetooth Version in Android phones?(5 or 4.x)

Is there a way to know the Android Bluetooth Ver?( 5 or 4.x - 4.1 or 4.2?) Currently as per Feature like Advertisement packet ...
Raulp's user avatar
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BLE: Reconnect Android central to iOS peripheral

After days of research and trial and error my colleagues and I have to hope that the StackOverflow community has a working solution. We got an Android Smartwatch. We developed an app which acts as ...
RafaelKr's user avatar
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scanForPeripherals reports dozens of random peripherals (one physical device)

What Works: (prior to bonding scanForPeripherals reports 1x peripheral) What doesn't: (once bonded, scanForPeripherals reports 10-30x peripherals instantly) this happens instantly - the moment 'pair' ...
Pawel Klapuch's user avatar
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BLE iOS sending data to Android gattServer peripheral:writeValue:forCharacteristic:type not working

I am trying to use android as a BLE peripheral (gatt server). I was able to get it advertising, and I can have the iOS app reeive notifications when certain characteristics are changed, but I am ...
Chase Roberts's user avatar