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6 votes
2 answers

Nearby Messages using an IntentService

Initially I setup a BroadcastReceiver to receive intents from the Nearby Messages API. class BeaconMessageReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() { override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent)...
Bryan's user avatar
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android maximum regions to ranging and monitoring

I want to track all nearby beacons using global region, then i create individual region for each ranged region from the global region, is there any regions limit for android phone ? i've read that in ...
Fathan Soeltoni's user avatar
0 votes
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How to search custom/manufacturer specific beacon using Altbeacon Android library

I am working on Android trying to search/find beacons nearby and I am using Altbeacon Android library. The beacon is custom and here is the manufacturer specific: //---------------flags data type----...
user's user avatar
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Ble distance calculation using Time

Is it possible to calculate distance between BLE-BLE or Beacon-BLE device using Time(T) taken on packet received on receiver device with measured power or RSSI value? Is there any formula for that?
Shanmugapriyan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Nearby scan in foreground service

My android app needs to find a beacon in background. To do so I'm using the google nearby messaging api with beaconId. To have a scan in foreground I'm subscribing the messages client in a foreground ...
imtoori's user avatar
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