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Android Ble disconnect time delay

I wrote some code to connect my android phone to a ble device. When I power off the ble device my phone takes a few seconds (2-20s) to notify me that it has lost connection to the ble device. Is ...
jhon snow's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Logging scanResult in Polidea - RxAndroidBle Scanning

I am trying to use the RxAndroidBle lib ( I want the app the start and scan for BLE devices. I want to print the found devices in the LogCat. How can I do this?...
amanda45's user avatar
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2 answers

Queue Android Gatt operations

I made a app the connects to a ble device and receives data from it. I was following this link "" at the Hints and observation ...
amanda45's user avatar
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Android BLE connection disconnects

I am writing an app that scans for ble devices then displays the results in a listview so the user can click on a device to connect. Im having two problems. One is when I stop the Scan and connect to ...
jhon snow's user avatar
1 vote
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android ble stops working?

I have a android app that connects to a ble device. The device sends data to the app when a button is pushed on the device. Sometimes the app and the device show that they are connected but when I ...
amanda45's user avatar
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service and three activity, start service is the right way?

I developed a Ble Android App composed from three activity and one service: - the first one to scan the device - the second one to connect to device - the third one to write communication result on ...
aeroxr1's user avatar
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