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Bluetooth GATT onConnectionState Change does not work on Lollipop

I currently have a method which writes to the BLE devices to beep it. My Bluetooth Callback goes as follows : public class ReadWriteCharacteristic extends BluetoothGattCallback { public ...
Shashank Hebbale's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Android BLE characteristic read/Write failed in Lollipop but worked in Kitkat

As per title i am able to do read/write data successfully in below lollipop but in lollipop many times i am getting read/write fails. this is how i am doing read/write data: boolean isRead= ...
brandy embedded's user avatar
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New Lollipop BLE API does not detect all advertising packets

I have seen a few posts with the same question but I have no been able to get a solution for my problem. I see that the callback function (onScanResult) for the new BLE API detects advertising ...
Shashank Hebbale's user avatar